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Is there god

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Re: Is there god

Postby Pyrpolizer » Tue Oct 05, 2021 5:23 pm

Lordo wrote:How hard can it be. You do not have a single piece of evidence that shows god exists.

I remember having this discussion with GR and he claimed that the universe could not be produced with a big bang because it is too ordered and had to be desinged by a divine force.

Well we soon knocked that one on the head as this picture shows what a big bang can do.

Have you got any evidence that god exists? anything? a single thing? even describe what god is? I don't mind.

Well you proved beyond any reasonable doubt that God created you, so that humanity would have a bunch of idiots, with whom we may have a measure of human IQ.
You do not have the mental ability to even describe a hypothetical event that would convince you beyond any reasonable doubt that God exists.
Off to the apes where you belong. No ape would ever recognise God no matter how clear it would be. He would always think it's a banana. Eat your banana Lordo Ape :lol: :lol: :lol:
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Re: Is there god

Postby repulsewarrior » Tue Oct 05, 2021 6:03 pm

Lordo wrote:Ok ok lets start from the begining. Since you believe in god. Describe it to me so that if I should come across the swine I will recognise it as being god.

...i get my inspiration from Marx and Engels (speaking of God's existence).

Taking their study of civilizations as far back as they could, they discovered that as original thought, very early on Man had determined that the everlasting existed, that on this planet what is living or in an inert form was not everlasting; and that given there is death here, in life it is, as they looked to the sky, what is beyond. In effect a cycle of life and death; returning to one from the other.

Such logic astounds me, the universe in all its forms defined, simply put, and as a self-sustaining entity itself; thinking from so long in the past, before religion, i think makes it all the more profound. Science offers us God in much the same way today. Always, it seems, God's existence cannot be proven, (because we have not developed this capacity to do so, yet). But even in scientific terms the evidence indicates that there cannot be, no God.
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Re: Is there god

Postby Lordo » Tue Oct 05, 2021 6:54 pm

Pyrpolizer wrote:
Lordo wrote:How hard can it be. You do not have a single piece of evidence that shows god exists.

I remember having this discussion with GR and he claimed that the universe could not be produced with a big bang because it is too ordered and had to be desinged by a divine force.

Well we soon knocked that one on the head as this picture shows what a big bang can do.

Have you got any evidence that god exists? anything? a single thing? even describe what god is? I don't mind.

Well you proved beyond any reasonable doubt that God created you, so that humanity would have a bunch of idiots, with whom we may have a measure of human IQ.
You do not have the mental ability to even describe a hypothetical event that would convince you beyond any reasonable doubt that God exists.
Off to the apes where you belong. No ape would ever recognise God no matter how clear it would be. He would always think it's a banana. Eat your banana Lordo Ape :lol: :lol: :lol:

So clear that you cannot say what it is or how it created us. Now that is clear. Crystall clear I would say.
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Re: Is there god

Postby Lordo » Tue Oct 05, 2021 7:00 pm

repulsewarrior wrote:
Lordo wrote:Ok ok lets start from the begining. Since you believe in god. Describe it to me so that if I should come across the swine I will recognise it as being god.

...i get my inspiration from Marx and Engels (speaking of God's existence).

Taking their study of civilizations as far back as they could, they discovered that as original thought, very early on Man had determined that the everlasting existed, that on this planet what is living or in an inert form was not everlasting; and that given there is death here, in life it is, as they looked to the sky, what is beyond. In effect a cycle of life and death; returning to one from the other.

Such logic astounds me, the universe in all its forms defined, simply put, and as a self-sustaining entity itself; thinking from so long in the past, before religion, i think makes it all the more profound. Science offers us God in much the same way today. Always, it seems, God's existence cannot be proven, (because we have not developed this capacity to do so, yet). But even in scientific terms the evidence indicates that there cannot be, no God.

How many times must I say it, you cannot prove something does not exist.

However if you believe god exists than all you have to do is prove it. Surely not that hard. After all, to your way of think it does exist. It is does, Ir must be somewhere, it must have done something.

Where, what, who, how, why and when.
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Re: Is there god

Postby Maximus » Tue Oct 05, 2021 7:31 pm

Do you believe in dark matter re Bordokefale?

That is a material that cannot be seen directly, but we know it exists because of the affect it has on things we can observe.

That is scientifically, accepted and this completely contradicts what you are saying,

That you can not prove that something can exist without existing within our ability to see it.

So, science seems to have proven that you can prove the existence of something that doesnt exist,

Now continue,

Tell us what your bordokefale would accept as proof that God exists and what would that look like to you.?
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Re: Is there god

Postby repulsewarrior » Tue Oct 05, 2021 7:40 pm

You may ask 3 Billion people, still less than the number of people who believe in God, the same question, and you are not likely to get the same answer twice, except from dogmatists. Even Darwin, a man vilified by Christians, and an admitted atheist, came to understand that the notions of no God are absurd. one can tell you that God exists, it is personal.

Seeking to make ourselves better persons, as loving individuals, is not un-God-ly. Such is the way demanded from each other as much as it is from God. The journey counts say the Buddhists...
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Re: Is there god

Postby Lordo » Tue Oct 05, 2021 8:02 pm

repulsewarrior wrote:You may ask 3 Billion people, still less than the number of people who believe in God, the same question, and you are not likely to get the same answer twice, except from dogmatists. Even Darwin, a man vilified by Christians, and an admitted atheist, came to understand that the notions of no God are absurd. one can tell you that God exists, it is personal.

Seeking to make ourselves better persons, as loving individuals, is not un-God-ly. Such is the way demanded from each other as much as it is from God. The journey counts say the Buddhists...

I do not give a shit how many people believe it, it still does not in any way cintribute to god's existance.
Darwin lived when he lived, we have come along way since his time. Even he had no oway of knowing to what degree he got it right because at the time they could not prove biologically what he was saying. But now science have moved so far there is no more doubt.
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Re: Is there god

Postby Lordo » Tue Oct 05, 2021 8:05 pm

Maximus wrote:Do you believe in dark matter re Bordokefale?

That is a material that cannot be seen directly, but we know it exists because of the affect it has on things we can observe.

That is scientifically, accepted and this completely contradicts what you are saying,

That you can not prove that something can exist without existing within our ability to see it.

So, science seems to have proven that you can prove the existence of something that doesnt exist,

Now continue,

Tell us what your bordokefale would accept as proof that God exists and what would that look like to you.?

Who said anything about seeing something to prove it's existance? Scientists can now tell if a star has a planet revolving around it without seeing the planet

People who do not understand the natter should not join the conversation. What would you know about dark matter or what it means other than the shit that should excrete through your arse excreting through your mouth. now feck off.
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Re: Is there god

Postby Maximus » Tue Oct 05, 2021 9:51 pm

You cant prove something that doesnt exist. This is your mantra.

To (try) and prove that God doesnt exist.

So in your mind, if it doesnt exist, then you can not see it, smell it, taste it or touch it.

Like dark matter,

But scientist have proven that something that doesnt exist, does exist, only through its ability to affect the things we can observe,

If that is true and scientifically accepted, then it is absolutely possible to prove that God does exist by Gods ability to affect the things that we can observe.

If all that you see, smell, taste and touch is not a form of proof of the existence of God, then I dont know what is.

But what would you know about god, or what that means other than the bordous that come out of your mouth.
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Re: Is there god

Postby Lordo » Tue Oct 05, 2021 11:22 pm

Listen you stupid idiotic cant.

Which bit of this did you not understand?

Scientists can now tell if a distnat star has a planet revolving around it without seeing the planet

You cannot see it feel it touch it or smell or touch it but there is a way of proving it exists.

Now fack off back to your mother's tit and suck some milk before you go to sleep boy.
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