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Is there god

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Re: Is there god

Postby Pyrpolizer » Sun Oct 03, 2021 5:24 pm

Lordo wrote:More bullshit. Laws of physics are always reviewed as and when they are found to not explain somthing fully. And they will continue to be revied and modified.

And no RW I am not confusing religion and god you two are. You refused to accept that god was created to explain the things people did not understand thousands of years ago and organised religion was built around that to keep people subserviant to the masters and still do to this day.

When you feed bullshit to living things especially in the dark you get mushrooms.

If you have something else in mind it is best not to call it god. You cannot define god as you please when ever you feel like it.

Jesus!!! What Laws of Physics are you talking about??? Gravity has no effect at quantum level. If it had the electron would eventually fall onto the nucleus. There exists electromagnetism keeping the electrons away from the protons in the nucleus. Problem is it never gets exhausted. Which law of physics says a force can be applied for ever without getting exhausted?? There are also other forces the strong and the weak force -where in the macrocosm do we have such forces?? The electron orbits
around the nucleus like a satelite for ever. Satelites also orbit around planets in the macrocosm, but they do so because they had an initial speed, that wasn't enough to escape the gravitational pull of the planet. At quantum level there is no such thing.
Electrons in the atom once appear as particles and once appear as waves. And many many other phenomena, making most of the fundamental laws of Physics inapplicable. Therefore scientists decided to make a special sets of laws of Physics that apply only at atomic level. These laws are called Quantum Mechanics. And most of them are in full contradiction with the Laws of Classic Physics.

Secondly the only one in here who dfines God is you. You did that repeatedly defining it as the God of one or another religion. I never defined it. For me God could be the whole Universe itself. Could be a separate logic setting the laws in governing the Universe. Could be the infinity. Could be anything. Whatever God is, it must exist.

Now that you learned that indeed God exists, please don't go to the mosque bending your ass to the sky praying 5 times a day. :lol: :lol: :lol:
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Re: Is there god

Postby Lordo » Sun Oct 03, 2021 6:19 pm

Pyrpolizer wrote:
Lordo wrote:More bullshit. Laws of physics are always reviewed as and when they are found to not explain somthing fully. And they will continue to be revied and modified.

And no RW I am not confusing religion and god you two are. You refused to accept that god was created to explain the things people did not understand thousands of years ago and organised religion was built around that to keep people subserviant to the masters and still do to this day.

When you feed bullshit to living things especially in the dark you get mushrooms.

If you have something else in mind it is best not to call it god. You cannot define god as you please when ever you feel like it.

Jesus!!! What Laws of Physics are you talking about??? Gravity has no effect at quantum level. If it had the electron would eventually fall onto the nucleus. There exists electromagnetism keeping the electrons away from the protons in the nucleus. Problem is it never gets exhausted. Which law of physics says a force can be applied for ever without getting exhausted?? There are also other forces the strong and the weak force -where in the macrocosm do we have such forces?? The electron orbits
around the nucleus like a satelite for ever. Satelites also orbit around planets in the macrocosm, but they do so because they had an initial speed, that wasn't enough to escape the gravitational pull of the planet. At quantum level there is no such thing.
Electrons in the atom once appear as particles and once appear as waves. And many many other phenomena, making most of the fundamental laws of Physics inapplicable. Therefore scientists decided to make a special sets of laws of Physics that apply only at atomic level. These laws are called Quantum Mechanics. And most of them are in full contradiction with the Laws of Classic Physics.

Secondly the only one in here who dfines God is you. You did that repeatedly defining it as the God of one or another religion. I never defined it. For me God could be the whole Universe itself. Could be a separate logic setting the laws in governing the Universe. Could be the infinity. Could be anything. Whatever God is, it must exist.

Now that you learned that indeed God exists, please don't go to the mosque bending your ass to the sky praying 5 times a day. :lol: :lol: :lol:

I have never heard worst shite in my life. If what you are describing is not god make up a new name and quit calling it god.

As Quantum level Physics laws, the electron and Proton relationship has been known for a long time. Nothing new there.

Stop talking bullshit.
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Re: Is there god

Postby repulsewarrior » Mon Oct 04, 2021 4:14 am

Do you have a "god"? Do you have a religion? You seem quite sure of yourself Lordo, telling someone else, what or who God is; don't you find that unreasonable?

...clearly you are not prepared to find an answer to your question; your denial, is no answer terse as it is, it is no help to the readership either, but to goad us on our own journey toward understanding this notion, for ourselves, that such an existence may be defined by its/some Creator.

I have a God, very personal to me; and i believe that God is a very personal experience quite distinct and unique that's found in all of 'us'; (such as it is: that i believe rocks too, and birds and trees each find joy in their existence with Hope in a better existence as well). for religion, i know that by coincidence or not, all of them are based on a Loving nature toward being as beings a part of its/such Harmony (and Grace).

When it comes to your consciousness Lordo, in conversation with you i ask, what motivates you (as you would have me believe without "god")? Money, how does money fit into all of this? And without God, what is money, when it has a value beyond a medium of exchange? Indeed, the words, good, or bad, have meanings that are universal; with or without God: aren't they?
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Re: Is there god

Postby Lordo » Mon Oct 04, 2021 10:05 am

RW I get motivated by my strength and my control of my life. it is only the weak who look for support from something that does not exist. This is despite the words in the bible that says god only helps those who help themselves, But that's another story. I also get it from my father too. He never relied on anybody else, if something needed fixing he fixed it himself and he never needed anbody elses help either.

Today finally I have found a small bit of evidence that god may exist after all despite the fact that it is circumstancial and that this god of yours is so fackin slow to act.

Now this is what I call natural justice.

I mean, fancy drawing muhammed on a body of a dog. Perhaps he can explain to his god why it made sense. He may get away with it. But I suspect not, he is heading for your hell where his nether regions will burn through eternity.

I am not goading you RW, all I am asking for is one single minute evidence that it does indeed exist and it can be at the quantum level. I don't mind how insignificant it may be. Rahther than just faih. I believe or we believe is not good enough no matter how many people believe, In anycase most people are like Sheepriots.
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Re: Is there god

Postby repulsewarrior » Mon Oct 04, 2021 6:09 pm

...hell. who said something about hell?

Hard enough to define (identify) the heaven(s).
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Re: Is there god

Postby Pyrpolizer » Mon Oct 04, 2021 9:14 pm

Lordo wrote: all I am asking for is one single minute evidence that it does indeed exist and it can be at the quantum level.

Describe us an evidence that would convince you that God does exist.
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Re: Is there god

Postby Lordo » Tue Oct 05, 2021 11:26 am

Pyrpolizer wrote:
Lordo wrote: all I am asking for is one single minute evidence that it does indeed exist and it can be at the quantum level.

Describe us an evidence that would convince you that God does exist.

Normally anything that shows the existance of something would suffice. If you are asking what you need to show that means you got jack shit. What ever evidence you have post it. You cannot post evidence you do not have. And if you do not have evidence at this moment perhaps you should question your mental state. How the hell can you believe anything exists without a single piece of evidence.

More to the point, it has been measured that the moon is gradually moving away in orbit from earth and at some point it will suddenly leave which will cause chaos on earth. The balance provided by the two planets for each other will be gone.
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Re: Is there god

Postby Pyrpolizer » Tue Oct 05, 2021 3:37 pm

Lordo wrote:
Pyrpolizer wrote:
Lordo wrote: all I am asking for is one single minute evidence that it does indeed exist and it can be at the quantum level.

Describe us an evidence that would convince you that God does exist.

Normally anything that shows the existance of something would suffice. If you are asking what you need to show that means you got jack shit. What ever evidence you have post it. You cannot post evidence you do not have. And if you do not have evidence at this moment perhaps you should question your mental state. How the hell can you believe anything exists without a single piece of evidence.

More to the point, it has been measured that the moon is gradually moving away in orbit from earth and at some point it will suddenly leave which will cause chaos on earth. The balance provided by the two planets for each other will be gone.

Demonstrates the extent of your idiocity. You cannot even describe an event/a procedure/anything that would happen in front of your eyes to convince you that God exists. Come on describe it to us. Prove you are not an idiot.
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Re: Is there god

Postby Lordo » Tue Oct 05, 2021 4:43 pm

Pyrpolizer wrote:
Lordo wrote:
Pyrpolizer wrote:
Lordo wrote: all I am asking for is one single minute evidence that it does indeed exist and it can be at the quantum level.

Describe us an evidence that would convince you that God does exist.

Normally anything that shows the existance of something would suffice. If you are asking what you need to show that means you got jack shit. What ever evidence you have post it. You cannot post evidence you do not have. And if you do not have evidence at this moment perhaps you should question your mental state. How the hell can you believe anything exists without a single piece of evidence.

More to the point, it has been measured that the moon is gradually moving away in orbit from earth and at some point it will suddenly leave which will cause chaos on earth. The balance provided by the two planets for each other will be gone.

Demonstrates the extent of your idiocity. You cannot even describe an event/a procedure/anything that would happen in front of your eyes to convince you that God exists. Come on describe it to us. Prove you are not an idiot.

How hard can it be. You do not have a single piece of evidence that shows god exists.

I remember having this discussion with GR and he claimed that the universe could not be produced with a big bang because it is too ordered and had to be desinged by a divine force.

Well we soon knocked that one on the head as this picture shows what a big bang can do.

Have you got any evidence that god exists? anything? a single thing? even describe what god is? I don't mind.
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Re: Is there god

Postby Lordo » Tue Oct 05, 2021 4:45 pm

Ok ok lets start from the begining. Since you believe in god. Describe it to me so that if I should come across the swine I will recognise it as being god.
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