Lordo wrote:More bullshit. Laws of physics are always reviewed as and when they are found to not explain somthing fully. And they will continue to be revied and modified.
And no RW I am not confusing religion and god you two are. You refused to accept that god was created to explain the things people did not understand thousands of years ago and organised religion was built around that to keep people subserviant to the masters and still do to this day.
When you feed bullshit to living things especially in the dark you get mushrooms.
If you have something else in mind it is best not to call it god. You cannot define god as you please when ever you feel like it.
Jesus!!! What Laws of Physics are you talking about??? Gravity has no effect at quantum level. If it had the electron would eventually fall onto the nucleus. There exists electromagnetism keeping the electrons away from the protons in the nucleus. Problem is it never gets exhausted. Which law of physics says a force can be applied for ever without getting exhausted?? There are also other forces the strong and the weak force -where in the macrocosm do we have such forces?? The electron orbits
around the nucleus like a satelite for ever. Satelites also orbit around planets in the macrocosm, but they do so because they had an initial speed, that wasn't enough to escape the gravitational pull of the planet. At quantum level there is no such thing.
Electrons in the atom once appear as particles and once appear as waves. And many many other phenomena, making most of the fundamental laws of Physics inapplicable. Therefore scientists decided to make a special sets of laws of Physics that apply only at atomic level. These laws are called Quantum Mechanics. And most of them are in full contradiction with the Laws of Classic Physics.
Secondly the only one in here who dfines God is you. You did that repeatedly defining it as the God of one or another religion. I never defined it. For me God could be the whole Universe itself. Could be a separate logic setting the laws in governing the Universe. Could be the infinity. Could be anything. Whatever God is, it must exist.
Now that you learned that indeed God exists, please don't go to the mosque bending your ass to the sky praying 5 times a day.