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Is there god

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Re: Is there god

Postby Maximus » Tue Jul 06, 2021 10:06 am

miltiades wrote:Science exists and almost all Humans use it daily. It needs no prayers no sacrifices , it's visible , audible and tangible.

Until it starts going wrong, then we can be heard shouting out "OHhhh MY GOD".

Or whenever there is a brush with death, you will hear "Jesus Christ".

Often, together


its funny how a plane can get you up, you can jump out and a parachute can bring you safely back down, but God is still usually in mind.
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Re: Is there god

Postby Lordo » Tue Jul 06, 2021 10:20 am

Maximus wrote:
miltiades wrote:Science exists and almost all Humans use it daily. It needs no prayers no sacrifices , it's visible , audible and tangible.

Until it starts going wrong, then we can be heard shouting out "OHhhh MY GOD".

Or whenever there is a brush with death, you hear will hear "Jesus Christ".


Funny how a plane can get you up, a parachute can bring you safely back down, but God is always in mind.

Thats what 2000 years of brainwashing does to humanity.

All can be easily explained.

Plane takes off because its engin generates enough power to fly using the wings against the atmosphere to lift off despite gravity.

Parachute uses the atmosphere to reduce the gravitational pull of the body and slow descend.

And guess what the Atmosphere is here because of gravity too.

If anything it is Gravity which is all around us but it has no other powers than pull and a very weak one at that. Each and every one of us is more powerful that Gravity as Iwe can throw any object up despite it and yet eventually it wins and brings the object back down again.

Fancy that ai?

To add a personal context, an unfortunate situation 37 years ago convinced me there cannot be god. Far from calling for him or Muhammed, I realised how false they were. My point of elightenment.

I was never one for believing in god ever since my 5th year in primary school when I was forced to go to the mosque to pray every Friday for an entire year. I naturally rebelled and did not do "abdesd", the ritual of washing even though I had a shower in the morning, before going to the mosque. I had no choice of not attending as the consequence was heavy corporal punishment. That was one lunatic head teacher.

Now what about this.

I was having a conversation with a director from De Beers just before the pandemic hit and I thought I would ask him if he knew where does the gold on earth come from and he was totally unaware. No wonder people believe god made it.

Does anybody know how it is made and how come we have so little of it?
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Re: Is there god

Postby Maximus » Tue Jul 06, 2021 11:36 am

God and religion are mutually exclusive.

You dont have to be religious to believe in God.

Although those that are religious always believe in God.

You can believe in Science as well as God.

Science did not invent gravity, energy, pressure and force etc....

Science didnt invent the maths and physics to enable planes to fly and parachutes to work.

Something else is responsible for that.

Scientists just discovered and explained it.
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Re: Is there god

Postby Lordo » Tue Jul 06, 2021 12:05 pm

Maximus wrote:God and religion are mutually exclusive.

You dont have to be religious to believe in God.

Although those that are religious always believe in God.

You can believe in Science as well as God.

Science did not invent gravity, energy, pressure and force etc....

Science didnt invent the maths and physics to enable planes to fly and parachutes to work.

Something else is responsible for that.

Scientists just discovered and explained it.

Back to square one I am afraid. Gravity was not invented for a start it was discovered by Newton. Which is why Force is measured in Newtons.

As to planes and their flight it was indeed scientists that discovered how a plane can fly. After all things were flying in the air long before mankind existed on this earth. Interestingly even before humanity was able to build them they were actually designed as to what would work.

Isn't science great? It helps us understand the world.

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Re: Is there god

Postby Get Real! » Tue Jul 06, 2021 1:34 pm

Gravity, is one of many natural phenomena that form part of the many components and rules of the cosmos, but there’s no need for us to go overboard and start worshiping it! :lol:
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Re: Is there god

Postby Get Real! » Tue Jul 06, 2021 1:58 pm

Lordo wrote:And here is the difference. Having seen the mazda in the car park we can then get to the factury and check it to see if indeed the car is being made there. Having seen the universe does exist we cannot check to see god.

Just because it is physically impossible for a mere mortal to check out the universe-making factory, doesn’t mean it doesn’t exist.

Lordo wrote:In fact we are now able to observe the formation of stars and planets in the dust clouds of space and the praing force creating them is gravitational pull. You really are convusing Gravity with God. God was invented by the Encient peopke because garavity was not understood ubtill one day an apple fell on Newton's head and thet was it. it knocked some sense into Humanity.

So we "observed" (read: saw a bunch of fuzzy pictures posted by NASA who assumed what they were seeing!) some insignificant shitty little event like a star being born and you now think you've got it it all figured out?

When it is God that laid out all the rules of all things forming, dying, moving, living... ? :)

Lordo wrote:Thanks to most powerful telescope in the world...

Yeah, upon seeing your "powerful" telescope, I'm sure God spat his coffee out from a sudden burst of laughter! :lol:

You seem to have no concept of how small, insignificant, and vane you are... and your so-called "science" is nothing but a pitiful joke to the God of our universe.

I'd understand if you were some fresh 20 year old just starting out his life... but a man your age should be wiser by now! :)
Last edited by Get Real! on Tue Jul 06, 2021 1:59 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Is there god

Postby Lordo » Tue Jul 06, 2021 1:58 pm

Get Real! wrote:Gravity, is one of many natural phenomena that form part of the many components and rules of the cosmos, but there’s no need for us to go overboard and start worshiping it! :lol:

Wht I do not understand is your need to worship anything.
As well as garavity, at a molecular level there are Protons and Electron operating with their own pull to each other. The reason why they pull is because they are oppostie in their charge.

What else is there to think about. Now you will tell me god created protons netron and electrons.

You do not need to worship anything. Worship your environment and stop the bastards destroying it and we will be fine. Life itsels is all powerfull and very hard to destroy. It will survive anything including space travel. It will get a foothold where it is possible.
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Re: Is there god

Postby Get Real! » Tue Jul 06, 2021 2:28 pm

I’ve noticed that those of you who have this overwhelming fascination with “science” also happen to be those who never went to uni!

It basically stems from a profound respect you seem to have for those who academically achieved what you never got the chance to for whatever reason, and you now seem to think that uni-graduates are some kind of demi-Gods who have the potential to solve all problems!

Well as one of those “demi-Gods” you so admire, I have some news for you:

In my experience at two different universities, I witnessed mass-cheating during semester exams, and I had people who paid me cash to do their assignments so they could get through to the next unit.

My biggest challenge was changing the assignments (there were times when I had 3-4 to do) so that the lecturer wouldn’t recognize they all came from the same source!

I was poor, had a young wife and a toddler and I needed the cash... while they were young men from wealthy families who thought nothing of paying $50..75 bucks to buy a solution.

These are some of the “great scientists” you so admire today; who are no doubt enjoying great careers by now after 35+ years in some industry.

So this is where we basically differ… you look at them with admiration and I look at them and want to puke!

And here is Lordo today waiting for these “scientists” to give him the answers to the cosmos and lead him to God! :roll: :lol:
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Re: Is there god

Postby miltiades » Tue Jul 06, 2021 3:19 pm

Well mate, did Moses , you know the one that told us about the " creation" go to ...University ??
Look, just try and understand that LOGIC is not gained by going to Uni or by educating your self. It is activated by using your brain and understanding reality from mythology.
By the way did YOUR CREATOR also created rats and mice ?? :lol:
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Re: Is there god

Postby Get Real! » Tue Jul 06, 2021 3:48 pm

miltiades wrote:Well mate, did Moses , you know the one that told us about the " creation" go to ...University ??
Look, just try and understand that LOGIC is not gained by going to Uni or by educating your self. It is activated by using your brain and understanding reality from mythology.
By the way did YOUR CREATOR also created rats and mice ?? :lol:

Going back to your favorite biblical phrase…

"Dust thou art and unto dust thou shall return" (or something like that)

By now we’ve established that you don’t believe the first part but I trust you believe the second part, right?

If Man doesn’t originate from dust how come we end up as dust? You *have* seen those disintegrating mummies on TV, right?

With the exception of some space debris, everything on this Earth is of this Earth, and given that the Earth is mostly composed of dust or soil at the surface, well I wouldn’t be surprised if Man originates from dust!

All things on this planet turn to dust eventually… our houses, our cars, our appliances, ourselves.

Maybe the idea is not so far-fetched after all...
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