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Life on Earth

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Re: Life on Earth

Postby Lordo » Sun Jul 04, 2021 4:12 pm

Maximus wrote:basically, you, like them, know shit about the evolution of humans.

Unlike shiheads like, people who study remains of skeletons are not covered withing one field. We need specialists in their field to make any sense of it.
Now here is a list of subjects and degree level education required to study fossilsed remains and place them not only when they lived, but which of the species they are related to.

Biological or physical anthropology

So you think these people with highest level of education are full of shit. Your problem is you are brain dead.

Fuck off you stupid cunt.
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Re: Life on Earth

Postby Londonrake » Sun Jul 04, 2021 4:19 pm

Lordo wrote:Don't you start. There is no unicorns on this earth. Nor half horse how human, but what I have heard GR may well be half horse half man but rather han his head and neck being humand and the rest horse, in his case it is reversed. His head and neck is horse and the rest of his body is subhuman. :lol: :lol:

In that respect I must bow to your long experience.
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Re: Life on Earth

Postby Lordo » Sun Jul 04, 2021 4:20 pm

Here is the report on finding the oldest fossil on earth about 3,500 million years ago. The Neanderthals do not ned to read this. Of all places it was found in Australia, can you believe it? ... on%20Earth.
Last edited by Lordo on Sun Jul 04, 2021 4:22 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Life on Earth

Postby Paphitis » Sun Jul 04, 2021 4:21 pm

Lordo wrote:
Paphitis wrote:
Maximus wrote:Yes some of our early ancestors, What did they evolve from.

There must be some pictures, something.

Did we evolve from apes, chimpanzees and monkeys?

You are probably asking the wrong person. my knowledge of this subject is limited Maximus, so I'm not even going to try and look for evidence on the net. There would be people on this forum who know a lot about it - like Oracle who has not posted for a long time.

But, from my layman terms, I think we all evolved from bacteria millions of years ago.

But what is easier to grasp is that we did evolve from early ancetsors lkike neanderthals, and other hominids. Plus, apes, chimps, gorillas are extremely close relatives of ours.So if you go back far enough, we have the same ancestor as them.

You are clearly clueless, normally in these circumstances if one does not know one must not post.

We all evolved from a single cell living form which started in the oceans. This is beyond doubt becasue if you look at the fossil records, they were the first living things on the earth going back 4200 million years.

When it comes to Humans, we all came from Africa in waves. Neanderthals were in Europe and Cyprus before us modern humans. There were other waves before the Neanderthals. So, no we did not originate from Neanderthals. We co-existed on earth for up to approx.. 30,000 years ago and then we made them go extinct. However as there was contact clearly there was mixing of the two people which is why we all have about 5% Neanderthal DNA to this day.

I have a theory which I am working on and as yet evidence to be collected but the GC community may well be the last location Neanderthals still exist purely judging by their understanding of life and evolution. When I finish my research, I shall publish it here.

So far I have identified 5 Neanderthals on this forum alone. There may well be a lot more but are remaining silent.

I just said the same thing dingbat, that the theory is we all evolved from the same bacteria.
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Re: Life on Earth

Postby Lordo » Sun Jul 04, 2021 5:01 pm

Top be fair to my biblical friends this is hwo man was created.
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Re: Life on Earth

Postby Maximus » Sun Jul 04, 2021 6:05 pm

Lordo wrote:
Maximus wrote:basically, you, like them know shit.

Stop repeating what you are you stupid idiot. It is because of science that we live the way we do today. If it was let to religion we would be riding horse and cart like 2000 years ago. But I guess that would make GR very happy watching the horses ars from behind.

You know absolutely knothing about these people, their education and knowledge and you are saying they know shit. The real issue is you are biggot who refuses to beleive thatthere is anything other than what is in the bible.

Have you any idea how far forensics have been advance because of the knowledge these people have gained. They can convict a rapist 30 years after an incident so long as they have samples. They can also convict him if they have a sample from his family too because the DNA markers are the same, all they havve to establish who was at the scene at the time.

You are a prize idiot.

Stop smoking bleach re garvoune.

we are not talking about the bible, we are talking about the evolution of man,

You posted diagrams of life on earth and man appears out of thin air after the dinosaurs.

So where are the fossils to show this evolution of man from some other species to prove the theory of evolution?

You dont know, we dont know, they dont know. You admitted this.

You know shit.

End of. :roll:
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Re: Life on Earth

Postby miltiades » Sun Jul 04, 2021 11:21 pm

Fear is what makes humans religious. The evolution of man is a FACT. Insects evolved, each single life on earth evolved. To belive that some super powerful god created life is not only absurd it is fucking stupid. Did this mythological man created god also created Donkeys and ....parrots ? Perhaps he also created ....heav3ns !!× What absolute crap !! Read, research and above all use your fucking logic. There again those believing the creator nonsense also belive that a plank of wood depicting some man made deity.on occasions ....sheds tears :lol: :lol: Wake up.!!!
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Re: Life on Earth

Postby Lordo » Sun Jul 04, 2021 11:45 pm

Maximus wrote:
Lordo wrote:
Maximus wrote:basically, you, like them know shit.

Stop repeating what you are you stupid idiot. It is because of science that we live the way we do today. If it was let to religion we would be riding horse and cart like 2000 years ago. But I guess that would make GR very happy watching the horses ars from behind.

You know absolutely knothing about these people, their education and knowledge and you are saying they know shit. The real issue is you are biggot who refuses to beleive thatthere is anything other than what is in the bible.

Have you any idea how far forensics have been advance because of the knowledge these people have gained. They can convict a rapist 30 years after an incident so long as they have samples. They can also convict him if they have a sample from his family too because the DNA markers are the same, all they havve to establish who was at the scene at the time.

You are a prize idiot.

Stop smoking bleach re garvoune.

we are not talking about the bible, we are talking about the evolution of man,

You posted diagrams of life on earth and man appears out of thin air after the dinosaurs.

So where are the fossils to show this evolution of man from some other species to prove the theory of evolution?

You dont know, we dont know, they dont know. You admitted this.

You know shit.

End of. :roll:

Mavro laoman can you not fuckin see.

Fact - We belong to the Mammalian Family.

Between 250 to 200 million years - first mammals and Dinosaurs appear. Dinosaurs diversify but humans hide as they are part of the food chain. Fact is we are from mammal family.
Between 200 to 150 million years – Dinosaurs diversify to many species, and Some evolve into birds.
Between 150 to 60 million years Plants evolve to produce flowers, first primates appear, and Dinosaurs go extinct.
Between 60 to 2.6 Million years – mammals evolve to many species
Since 2.6 Million years we now have Humans on the planet

Lucy’s skeleton was calculated to be 3.2 million years old so she had human characteristic as well as ape.

BBC - Earth - The 'Lucy' fossil rewrote the story of humanity
Who is Lucy the Australopithecus: How related are you to the 3.2 million-year-old hominid? | The Independent | The Independent
Last edited by Lordo on Sun Jul 04, 2021 11:52 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Life on Earth

Postby Lordo » Sun Jul 04, 2021 11:48 pm

Here is another one 3.6 million years ago. So no Human did not just appear 2.6 million years ago. ... uth-africa
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Re: Life on Earth

Postby Lordo » Mon Jul 05, 2021 9:39 am

Looking for natural evolution we can find it all over the world.

Take the cat family otherwise knowns as Felidae family, Cats, Cheetahs, Lions, Tigers, Leopards and Ocelot are just a few.

There are 36 species of cats in this family. They are found naturally in all areas of the world, except for Australia and Antarctica. They vary in size from the domestic cat to the lion.

They are built for hunting. They stalk, chase, and pounce on their prey. Unlike the claws found in most carnivores, the claws of species in the cat family are retractable and can be drawn into their paws. This protects their sharp claws from wearing down.

They have sharp canine teeth that help them kill their prey. Most species in this family sever the spinal cord of their prey with their canines. Species in this family have rounded heads and short muzzles. They have excellent eyesight and hearing and a good sense of smell.

The big cats in this family, like the lion, tiger, jaguar and leopard, can roar, but they can't purr. The small cats in this family, along with the pumas and the cheetah, can purr, but they can't roar! Most species in this order are solitary and hunt at night except the lion.

Species in this family include the cheetah, the caracal, the Chinese desert cat, the jaguarundi, the ocelot, the serval, the Eurasian lynx, the fishing cat, the lion, the tiger, and the snow leopard.

Now that is natural evolution at work.

The reason why we do not have as many Human species on earth is to do withthe nasty habit of humans killing any human they see and taking their territory and their wives too.

Of course there is also unnatural evolution controlled by man which was applied to domesticated animals from cats to horses and everything inbetween.

Evolution is very visible in the Elephant world too. Those living in thick forests do not have tasks. As the ivory is valuable, the taskers will go exticnt eventually and the forests ones will remain. Of course once the taskers are gone, the ground they use will become available so the chances are the forest dwellers will move out into the open and start producing tasks again as it is vital for their survival in the open and it goes on.

EVOLUTION. Infront of your eyes my neanderthal friends but you refuse to see it.
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