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Life on Earth

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Re: Life on Earth

Postby Get Real! » Wed Dec 22, 2021 12:17 pm

miltiades wrote:I see !! Who ...designed your mythological designer?
I know, some old geezer who kept seeing burning bushes :D :lol:

For something to be referred to a “God” it would have to be everlasting, so it cannot possibly be designed as it has no beginning and no end… no birth and no death.
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Re: Life on Earth

Postby Get Real! » Wed Dec 22, 2021 12:39 pm

This one’s for Pyro…

This time I’ll fill your palm with a dozen marbles and change the shoe box into a much larger box with a nice even bottom.

What are the chances that tossing those marbles in the box will form a galaxy-like formation?

Well, you can keep trying for a millennium and you’ll never get a galaxy-like formation from those marbles, because randomness can only produce CHAOS.

When we look at a galaxy formation from a distance we can see rules… lots of rules!

Look at the beauty of galaxies…

Do they look like something tossed those planets randomly?
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Re: Life on Earth

Postby Lordo » Wed Dec 22, 2021 1:22 pm

Get Real! wrote:
miltiades wrote:Moses, you know the one, was wondering in the dessert for 40 years, might not be true since he , Moses, might just be a mythological figure, however we are told that he wrote Genesis as well as 4 more books of the OT.
All 5 books are full of utter crap starting from the creation of man out of dust. Was this created man white, black or yellow? Not wanting to get his hands dirty, the ...creator, pull out a ...Swiss knife and chopped off a rib off Adam :lol: He made a blonde with big tits, gave her a pussy a pair of tits and a ....big mouth. !! What absolute rubbish :x :lol:

That’s the biblical God… the oldest theory which is plagued with countless problems.

You then have the Victorian evolution theory which is also very old-school now and plagued with countless other problems.

The non-personal super-being that I've been talking about, is a new age theory that makes perfect sense.

You are very very wrong about Evolution being old school. Quite the oposite actually. Everything he has said can be proven by DNA testing.

FFS attend a uni and this time finish it. Oh by the way make that a Biology degree.
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Re: Life on Earth

Postby Lordo » Wed Dec 22, 2021 1:26 pm

Get Real! wrote:This one’s for Pyro…

This time I’ll fill your palm with a dozen marbles and change the shoe box into a much larger box with a nice even bottom.

What are the chances that tossing those marbles in the box will form a galaxy-like formation?

Well, you can keep trying for a millennium and you’ll never get a galaxy-like formation from those marbles, because randomness can only produce CHAOS.

When we look at a galaxy formation from a distance we can see rules… lots of rules!

Look at the beauty of galaxies…

Do they look like something tossed those planets randomly?

Gavole, galaxy was not formed in than way. Far from it. It was gas, Hydrogen and Helium. The rest was done by Gravity.

I cannot believe what you are posting. A two yearold would do a better job.

Take two tavla dice and throw them and see what you get. Then Plot each throw on a graph for about 1000 times and you will see how randomness works. FFS man wake up.
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Re: Life on Earth

Postby Lordo » Wed Dec 22, 2021 1:33 pm

Pyrpolizer wrote:This series explains quite well the history of Earth and life. It's 12 episodes about 4 minutes each.

One may turn it down as just another unproven theory, but imo it's closer to what we scientifically know than the theory of "a designer" who just waited for everything to settle to throw his little creatures on earth.
All based on total randomness.

Milti at the same time would cry "cockroaches too my God, why cockroaches???" :lol: :lol:

What I am posting is mostly proven fossil recordsinterlaced with a bit of guess work as to how they fit. What is being written is solid and in the ground, found and identified in every sense of when it existed and where it belongs in the family of life on earth.
I will watch them though to compare.
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Re: Life on Earth

Postby Lordo » Wed Dec 22, 2021 1:36 pm

Anyway back to subject in hand.

440 million years ago - The bony fish split into their two major groups: the lobe-finned fish with bones in their fleshy fins, and the ray-finned fish.

425 million years ago - The coelacanth, one of the most famous “living fossils” – species that have not changed for millions of years – splits from the rest of the lobe-finned fish.

417 million years ago - Lungfish, another legendary living fossil, follow the coelacanth by splitting from the other lobe-finned fish. Although they are unambiguously fish, complete with gills, lungfish have a pair of relatively sophisticated lungs.

400 million years ago - The oldest known insect lives around this time. Some plants evolve woody stems.

397 million years ago - The first four-legged animals, or tetrapods, evolve from intermediate species such as Tiktaalik, probably in shallow freshwater habitats. The tetrapods go on to conquer the land, and give rise to all amphibians, reptiles, birds and mammals.

385 million years ago - The oldest fossilised tree dates from this period.

375 million years ago - Tiktaalik, an intermediate between fish and four-legged land animals, lives around this time. The fleshy fins of its lungfish ancestors are evolving into limbs.

340 million years ago - The first major split occurs in the tetrapods, with the amphibians branching off from the others.

320 to 250 million years ago - The pelycosaurs, the first major group of synapsid animals, dominate the land. The most famous example is Dimetrodon, a large predatory “reptile” with a sail on its back. Despite appearances, Dimetrodon is not a dinosaur.

310 million years ago - Within the remaining tetrapods, the sauropsids and synapsids split from one another. The sauropsids include all the modern reptiles, plus the dinosaurs and birds. The first synapsids are also reptiles, but have distinctive jaws. They are sometimes called “mammal-like reptiles”, and eventually evolve into the mammals.
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Re: Life on Earth

Postby Lordo » Wed Dec 22, 2021 1:37 pm

275 to 100 million years ago - The therapsids, close cousins of the pelycosaurs, evolve alongside them and eventually replace them. The therapsids survive until the early Cretaceous, 100 million years ago. Well before that, a group of them called the cynodonts develops dog-like teeth and eventually evolves into the first mammals.

250 million years ago - The Permian period ends with the greatest mass extinction in Earth’s history, wiping out great swathes of species, including the last of the trilobites.
As the ecosystem recovers, it undergoes a fundamental shift. Whereas before the synapsids dominated, the sauropsids now take over – most famously, in the form of dinosaurs. The ancestors of mammals survive as small, nocturnal creatures.

210 million years ago - Bird-like footprints and a badly-preserved fossil called Protoavis suggest that some early dinosaurs are already evolving into birds at this time. This claim remains controversial.

200 million years ago - As the Triassic period comes to an end, another mass extinction strikes, paving the way for the dinosaurs to take over from their sauropsid cousins.
Around the same time, proto-mammals evolve warm-bloodedness – the ability to maintain their internal temperature, regardless of the external conditions.

180 million years ago - The first split occurs in the early mammal population. The monotremes, a group of mammals that lay eggs rather than giving birth to live young.

168 million years ago - A half-feathered, flightless dinosaur called Epidexipteryx, which was an early step on the road to birds, lives in China.

150 million years ago - Archaeopteryx, the famous “first bird”, lives in Europe.
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Re: Life on Earth

Postby Lordo » Wed Dec 22, 2021 1:39 pm

140 million years ago - Around this time, placental mammals split from their cousins the marsupials. These mammals, like the modern kangaroo, that give birth when their young are still very small, but nourish them in a pouch for the first few weeks or months of their lives.

131 million years ago - Eoconfuciusornis, a bird rather more advanced than Archaeopteryx, lives in China.

130 million years ago - The first flowering plants emerge, following a period of rapid evolution.

105-85 million years ago - The placental mammals split into their four major groups: the laurasiatheres (a hugely diverse group including all the hoofed mammals, whales, bats, and dogs), euarchontoglires (primates, rodents and others), Xenarthra (including anteaters and armadillos) and afrotheres (elephants, aardvarks and others). Quite how these splits occurred is unclear at present.

100 million years ago - The Cretaceous dinosaurs reach their peak in size. The giant sauropod Argentinosaurus, believed to be the largest land animal in Earth’s history, lives around this time.

93 million years ago - The oceans become starved of oxygen. Twenty-seven per cent of marine invertebrates are wiped out.

75 million years ago - The ancestors of modern primates split from the ancestors of modern rodents and lagomorphs (rabbits, hares and pikas). The rodents go on to be astonishingly successful, eventually making up around 40 per cent of modern mammal species.

70 million years ago - Grasses evolve – though it will be several million years before the vast open grasslands appear.

65 million years ago - The Cretaceous-Tertiary (K/T) extinction wipes out a swathe of species, including all the giant reptiles: the dinosaurs, pterosaurs, ichthyosaurs and plesiosaurs. The ammonites are also wiped out. The extinction clears the way for the mammals, which go on to dominate the planet.

63 million years ago - The primates split into two groups, known as the haplorrhines (dry-nosed primates) and the strepsirrhines (wet-nosed primates). The strepsirrhines eventually become the modern lemurs and aye-ayes, while the haplorrhines develop into monkeys and apes – and humans.

58 million years ago - The tarsier, a primate with enormous eyes to help it see at night, splits from the rest of the haplorrhines: the first to do so.

55 million years ago - The Palaeocene/Eocene extinction. A sudden rise in greenhouse gases sends temperatures soaring and transforms the planet, wiping out many species in the depths of the sea – though sparing species in shallow seas and on land.

50 million years ago - Artiodactyls, which look like a cross between a wolf and a tapir, begin evolving into whales.
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Re: Life on Earth

Postby Lordo » Wed Dec 22, 2021 1:41 pm

48 million years ago - Indohyus, another possible ancestor of whales and dolphins, lives in India.

47 million years ago - The famous fossilised primate known as “Ida” lives in northern Europe. Early whales called protocetids live in shallow seas, returning to land to give birth.

40 million years ago - New World monkeys become the first simians (higher primates) to diverge from the rest of the group, colonising South America.

25 million years ago - Apes split from the Old World monkeys.

18 million years ago - Gibbons become the first ape to split from the others.

14 million years ago - Orang-utans branch off from the other great apes, spreading across southern Asia while their cousins remain in Africa.

7 million years ago - Gorillas branch off from the other great apes.

6 million years ago - Humans diverge from their closest relatives; the chimpanzees and bonobos. Shortly afterwards, hominins begin walking on two legs.
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Re: Life on Earth

Postby miltiades » Wed Dec 22, 2021 2:44 pm

No-one has ever presented one iota of persuasive evidence that there is a God.

All the tales of miracles, with which the Old and New Testament are filled as well as ....Facebook, , are fit only for impostors to preach and fools to believe. You want a laugh ? See FB posts from Agion Oros. A bloody miracle a minute !!!
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