Lordo did you get that from the Youtube series?
it looks very similar...
Pyrpolizer wrote:Lordo did you get that from the Youtube series?
it looks very similar...
miltiades wrote:Did this ... Designer have a Designer ?
What a load of scatological medeival rubbish.
There is ONLY one God and it is HUMANITY.
Wake up !!
miltiades wrote:Moses, you know the one, was wondering in the dessert for 40 years, might not be true since he , Moses, might just be a mythological figure, however we are told that he wrote Genesis as well as 4 more books of the OT.
All 5 books are full of utter crap starting from the creation of man out of dust. Was this created man white, black or yellow? Not wanting to get his hands dirty, the ...creator, pull out a ...Swiss knife and chopped off a rib off AdamHe made a blonde with big tits, gave her a pussy a pair of tits and a ....big mouth. !! What absolute rubbish
miltiades wrote:There is NO Designer. If there was one then he ? The Designer, was fucking useless !! Volcanos, tsunamis, fucking malaria spreading mosquitos and not forgetting ....brainless humans. How about Cyprus ? Emerged from the oceans just a mere 1.8 million years ago. Was he or she, maybe a ..trans blind or pissed out of his ...designer head when he designed poisonous snakes. Well I suppose they too had a purpose.
What a load of primitive bullshit.!!
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