Get Real! wrote:When you see two similar looking men or women, do you automatically assume that they used to be one person and they split like an amoeba?
What makes so many of you so accepting of a Victorian fool’s dumb ideas?

Let me give you another example. The population is so vast now that Each one of us have at least two other people tat look just like us.
For instance I have seen the double of Rowan Atkinson and also the double of Gorbachev the birthmark an all.
Lets get back to substence. For a very long time there were very few wild dogs about. There was a wolf, African Wild dog and Asiatic Red dog. Then suddenly humans decided to play an evolutionary game and created hundreds of different breeds of dog. And they still continue to do so to this day.
Lets get back to tiger and a lion. Are they the same animal family or not?
Because according to you they are not.
The Victorian fool actually came to his good conclusions not knowing anything about DNA.
We live in a world where Boris Becker was accused of fathering a child. He was certain he was not the father as he never penetrated the woman. DNA tests were done and he was found to be the father. He was then asked to think again how this woman could have had his child. He then realised he had a blowjob from her and whalla. She took the sperm and the rest is history.
You denying Evolution for a man that has been to uni twice is beyond belief. But that again I have heard a biologist believe in creationism too. My friends father was was one such person and used to do a second job working as an Imam for mevlit performances.