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Life on Earth

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Re: Life on Earth

Postby Get Real! » Tue Dec 21, 2021 8:54 pm

When you see two similar looking men or women, do you automatically assume that they used to be one person and they split like an amoeba?

What makes so many of you so accepting of a Victorian fool’s dumb ideas? :?

Btw, a never-ending process of species splitting (in accordance with evolution) should lead to an ever-increasing number of species all the way up to infinity (logarithmically), so what’s the purpose of that?

And earlier you said that the number of species was waning! Go figure! :roll: :)
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Re: Life on Earth

Postby Lordo » Tue Dec 21, 2021 9:25 pm

Get Real! wrote:When you see two similar looking men or women, do you automatically assume that they used to be one person and they split like an amoeba?

What makes so many of you so accepting of a Victorian fool’s dumb ideas? :?

Let me give you another example. The population is so vast now that Each one of us have at least two other people tat look just like us.

For instance I have seen the double of Rowan Atkinson and also the double of Gorbachev the birthmark an all.

Lets get back to substence. For a very long time there were very few wild dogs about. There was a wolf, African Wild dog and Asiatic Red dog. Then suddenly humans decided to play an evolutionary game and created hundreds of different breeds of dog. And they still continue to do so to this day.

Lets get back to tiger and a lion. Are they the same animal family or not?
Because according to you they are not.

The Victorian fool actually came to his good conclusions not knowing anything about DNA.

We live in a world where Boris Becker was accused of fathering a child. He was certain he was not the father as he never penetrated the woman. DNA tests were done and he was found to be the father. He was then asked to think again how this woman could have had his child. He then realised he had a blowjob from her and whalla. She took the sperm and the rest is history.

You denying Evolution for a man that has been to uni twice is beyond belief. But that again I have heard a biologist believe in creationism too. My friends father was was one such person and used to do a second job working as an Imam for mevlit performances.
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Re: Life on Earth

Postby Get Real! » Tue Dec 21, 2021 9:35 pm

Here’s a little arithmetic puzzle for you Lordo…

1. On this line type the age of the Earth ___________

2. On this line insert how long it took for the very first microorganism to split into something else ___________.

3. On this line type how long it took for the next split to take place… ___________

4. Keep adding thousands of such splits and the time period it took, until you get to the modern looking animals.

OK, now subtract from the age of the Earth everything else on every line below it!

Oops... we have a little problem don’t we Lordo?

The age of the Earth is way smaller than the time it took for all these evolutionary splits to take place!


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Re: Life on Earth

Postby Lordo » Tue Dec 21, 2021 11:33 pm

Here is some info for you.

4.5 Billion years ago Earth is formed

3.8 billion years ago - the beginning of life on Earth.

3.5 billion years ago - The oldest fossils of single-celled organisms date from this time.

3.4 billion years ago - Rock formations in Western Australia, date from this period.

3 billion years ago - Viruses are present by this time.

2.4 billion years ago - The “great oxidation event”. Supposedly, the poisonous waste produced by photosynthetic cyanobacteria – oxygen – starts to build up in the atmosphere. Dissolved oxygen makes the iron in the oceans “rust” and sink to the seafloor, forming striking banded iron formations.
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Re: Life on Earth

Postby Lordo » Tue Dec 21, 2021 11:35 pm

2.3 billion years ago - Earth freezes over in what may have been the first “snowball Earth”

2.15 billion years ago - First undisputed fossil evidence of cyanobacteria, and of photosynthesis: the ability to take in sunlight and carbon dioxide, and obtain energy, releasing oxygen as a by-product.

2 billion years ago - Eukaryotic cells – cells with internal “organs” (known as organelles) – come into being. One key organelle is the nucleus: the control centre of the cell, in which the genes are stored in the form of DNA.

Eukaryotic cells evolved when one simple cell engulfed another, and the two lived together, more or less amicably – an example of “endosymbiosis”. The engulfed bacteria eventually become mitochondria, which provide eukaryotic cells with energy. The last common ancestor of all eukaryotic cells had mitochondria – and had also developed sexual reproduction.

Later, eukaryotic cells engulfed photosynthetic bacteria and formed a symbiotic relationship with them. The engulfed bacteria evolved into chloroplasts: the organelles that give green plants their colour and allow them to extract energy from sunlight.

Different lineages of eukaryotic cells acquired chloroplasts in this way on at least three separate occasions, and one of the resulting cell lines went on to evolve into all green algae and green plants.
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Re: Life on Earth

Postby Lordo » Tue Dec 21, 2021 11:37 pm

1.5 billion years ago - The eukaryotes divide into three groups: the ancestors of modern plants, fungi and animals split into separate lineages, and evolve separately. We do not know in what order the three groups broke with each other. At this time they were probably all still single-celled organisms.

900 million years ago? - The first multicellular life develops around this time.

800 million years ago - The early multicellular animals undergo their first splits. First they divide into, essentially, the sponges and everything else – the latter being more formally known as the Eumetazoa.

780 million years ago - small group called the placozoa breaks away from the rest of the Eumetazoa. Placozoa are thin plate-like creatures about 1 millimetre across, and consist of only three layers of cells. It has been suggested that they may actually be the last common ancestor of all the animals.

770 million years ago - The planet freezes over again in another “snowball Earth“.
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Re: Life on Earth

Postby Lordo » Tue Dec 21, 2021 11:39 pm

770 million years ago - The planet freezes over again in another “snowball Earth“.

730 million years ago - The comb jellies (ctenophores) split from the other multicellular animals. Like the cnidarians that will soon follow, they rely on water flowing through their body cavities to acquire oxygen and food.

680 million years ago - The ancestor of cnidarians (jellyfish and their relatives) breaks away from the other animals – though there is as yet no fossil evidence of what it looks like.

630 million years ago - Around this time, some animals evolve bilateral symmetry for the first time: that is, they now have a defined top and bottom, as well as a front and back.

590 million years ago - The Bilateria, those animals with bilateral symmetry, undergo a profound evolutionary split. They divide into the protostomes and deuterostomes.
The deuterostomes eventually include all the vertebrates, plus an outlier group called the Ambulacraria. The protostomes become all the arthropods (insects, spiders, crabs, shrimp and so forth), various types of worm, and the microscopic rotifers.
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Re: Life on Earth

Postby Lordo » Tue Dec 21, 2021 11:52 pm

580 million years ago - The earliest known fossils of cnidarians, the group that includes jellyfish, sea anemones and corals, date to around this time

575 million years ago- Strange life forms known as the Ediacarans appear around this time and persist for about 33 million years.

570 million years ago - A small group breaks away from the main group of deuterostomes, known as the Ambulacraria. This group eventually becomes the echinoderms (starfish, brittle stars and their relatives) and two worm-like families called the hemichordates and Xenoturbellida.
Another echinoderm, the sea lily, is thought to be the “missing link” between vertebrates (animals with backbones) and invertebrates (animals without backbones), a split that occurred around this time.

565 million years ago - Fossilised animal trails suggest that some animals are moving under their own power.

540 million years ago - As the first chordates – animals that have a backbone, or at least a primitive version of it – emerge among the deuterostomes

535 million years ago - The Cambrian explosion begins, with many new body layouts appearing on the scene – though the seeming rapidity of the appearance of new life forms may simply be an illusion caused by a lack of older fossils.
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Re: Life on Earth

Postby Lordo » Tue Dec 21, 2021 11:54 pm

530 million years ago - The first true vertebrate – an animal with a backbone. Around the same time, the first clear fossils of trilobites appear. These invertebrates, which look like oversized woodlice and grow to 70 centimetres in length, proliferate in the oceans for the next 200 million years.

520 million years ago - Conodonts, another contender for the title of “earliest vertebrate“, appear. They look like eels.

500 million years ago - Fossil evidence shows that animals were exploring the land at this time. The first animals to do so were euthycarcinoids – thought to be the missing link between insects and crustaceans.

489 million years ago - The Great Ordovician Biodiversification Event begins, leading to a great increase in diversity.

465 million years ago - Plants begin colonising the land.

460 million years ago - Fish split into two major groups: the bony fish and cartilaginous fish.
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Re: Life on Earth

Postby Pyrpolizer » Wed Dec 22, 2021 12:13 am

This series explains quite well the history of Earth and life. It's 12 episodes about 4 minutes each.

One may turn it down as just another unproven theory, but imo it's closer to what we scientifically know than the theory of "a designer" who just waited for everything to settle to throw his little creatures on earth.
All based on total randomness.

Milti at the same time would cry "cockroaches too my God, why cockroaches???" :lol: :lol:
Last edited by Pyrpolizer on Wed Dec 22, 2021 12:20 am, edited 1 time in total.
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