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Life on Earth

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Re: Life on Earth

Postby miltiades » Sat Jul 03, 2021 7:30 am

Can anyone explain the following?
When this mythological creator created heaven and EARTH, why the fuck did he place Cyprus under the sea ??
Apparently Cyprus emerged from the sea 1.85 million years ago. That's puts the creator mythology whete it belongs !!!
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Re: Life on Earth

Postby repulsewarrior » Sat Jul 03, 2021 8:08 am

"Life on Earth"

...North Korea; there are a lot of places that come to mind where i would like to see the result from your searches GR: a YouTube Channel wot?
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Re: Life on Earth

Postby Paphitis » Sat Jul 03, 2021 11:24 am

repulsewarrior wrote:"Life on Earth"

...North Korea; there are a lot of places that come to mind where i would like to see the result from your searches GR: a YouTube Channel wot?

When it comes to North Korea, plenty of comic relief no doubt.
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Re: Life on Earth

Postby Lordo » Sat Jul 03, 2021 11:53 am

Get Real! wrote:My Life on Earth

During my programming breaks I do a wide range of crazy things such as…

Mentally rearranging Lordo’s pea, abusing Paphitis, probing to access darknets through a backdoor, or searching the N.Korean Internet network for stupid things for a laugh!

Naenara, is the official web portal of the N.Korean government and today I put it to the test again this time searching for “the classic browser” on the N.Korean network.

The translated result was...

“The material does not exist”

I then thought I’d try something more popular... “google”

“The material does not exist”

I then typed “socialism” and lo and behold 10 articles appeared including the song “Socialism, We Love You”!

I listened to it with interest... catchy tune! :D

OK... back to programming again. :?


Why are you wasting your time with regards to North Korea dear boy. Look at something useful for your god's sake.
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Re: Life on Earth

Postby Lordo » Sat Jul 03, 2021 12:02 pm

miltiades wrote:Can anyone explain the following?
When this mythological creator created heaven and EARTH, why the fuck did he place Cyprus under the sea ??
Apparently Cyprus emerged from the sea 1.85 million years ago. That's puts the creator mythology whete it belongs !!!
Hang on a moment Milti.

Facts on earth.

Islands are made when the continetal shelves move against eacc other or due to volvanic activity. There are sea shells 3000 feet up on Everest which means millions of years ago that part was under the sea. Talking of sea shells on hills, there are aslo sea shells on the hills of Aysozomeno in Cyprus, Mythocuntologists can say what they like, islands are made all the time and occasionally because of the nature of the way they are made, they explode too.

Krakatoa in Indonesian is a caldera in the Sunda Strait between the islands of Java and Sumatra in the Indonesian province of Lampung. The caldera is part of a volcanic island group (Krakatoa Archipelago) comprising four islands: two of which, Lang and Verlaten, are remnants of a previous volcanic edifice destroyed in eruptions long before the famous 1883 eruption; another, Rakata, is the remnant of a much larger island destroyed in the 1883 eruption.

Lucky for little old Cyprus it was not created by volvanic activity but the movement of the continental shelves of Africa and Europe. To put it another way, things can only get higher. be boom. :lol:
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Re: Life on Earth

Postby Lordo » Sat Jul 03, 2021 12:32 pm

Our solar system was created 4,560 million years ago.
Oceans and atmosphere were formed by 4,200 million years ago and life begun to form.
So, what was your god doing for 360 million years?
Clearly not creating life on other star systems as it can be seen from lack of life elsewhere around us.

Mass extinction 4,100 million years ago.

So, we can conclude that if indeed your god does exists he is a megalomaniac.

Oh I forgot your god told you earth was only 5000 years old back 2000 years ago and what looked like remains of animals millions of years ago were put there by the devil to confuse you.

Oh shit you see when you make an attempt to understand it all. it all makes sense. World could only be created by god.

But why is there no evidence of mankind on earth more than 10 million years. Earliest found was Lucy which was 3.18 million years old.

Now is the time for a song.

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Re: Life on Earth

Postby miltiades » Sat Jul 03, 2021 12:41 pm

Another question. Since this mythological creator created Adam from dust, subsequently not wishing to dirty his hands again, simply chopped off a rib from Adam and created Eve :lol: :lol: He gave her a pair of tits, a pussy and a ....big mouth :lol:
Apparently he, the ...creator, created ....donkeys out of dust :lol: What a load of mythological CRAP :lol:
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Re: Life on Earth

Postby Lordo » Sat Jul 03, 2021 12:50 pm

miltiades wrote:Another question. Since this mythological creator created Adam from dust, subsequently not wishing to dirty his hands again, simply chopped off a rib from Adam and created Eve :lol: :lol: He gave her a pair of tits, a pussy and a ....big mouth :lol:
Apparently he, the ...creator, created ....donkeys out of dust :lol: What a load of mythological CRAP :lol:

GR will explain that just as soon as he stops palying with his little joystick. :lol:
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Re: Life on Earth

Postby Get Real! » Sat Jul 03, 2021 2:26 pm

Lordo wrote:
miltiades wrote:Another question. Since this mythological creator created Adam from dust, subsequently not wishing to dirty his hands again, simply chopped off a rib from Adam and created Eve :lol: :lol: He gave her a pair of tits, a pussy and a ....big mouth :lol:
Apparently he, the ...creator, created ....donkeys out of dust :lol: What a load of mythological CRAP :lol:

GR will explain that just as soon as he stops palying with his little joystick. :lol:

So why are you lot reading it then?

Perhaps the fact that Man’s ancient flawed interpretations and fantasies (scripture) intoxicate and empower fools, is what makes them popular!

Take up your grandstanding with places of worship that adhere to and promote them.
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Re: Life on Earth

Postby Lordo » Sat Jul 03, 2021 3:26 pm

Now look here young man you are not paying attention. Lets get to the root of the situation.

So what you want answered is what created to life on earth and you claim you believe that it was yourgod. I think we agree on the fact that something created life on earth, and you choose to call it god.

Funny enough what started the process of life on earth is the formation of the Sun followed by our Earth. We shall stick to what is local to us. Even the Egyptians recognised this which is why they had a sun god.

The force that started us on the path of life on earth was Gravity. See it also begins with G. It is also the weakest force in the universe. Bigger the mass of star or planet greater Gravity it has to pull other objects in the solar system. And yet a small rocket can escape from Earth quite easily. Even a butterfly can resist the pull of the earth. That is how weak it is. Of course, the strongest force in the universe is the Black hole. Nothing can escape its pull. Which is why yoi is stack there tight.

Now what is miracle is not that life started on earth, that part is easy, it’s just that we do not fully understand it so we cannot recreate it ourselves as yet, but we will. What is really amazing is that it has survived billions of years, despite all the mass extinctions that have occurred on our earth. Now that we owe to the two planets Jupiter and Saturn, near the planet you are from. And I guess you know what planet is right? Uranus.

The building blocks of life is Proteins and Amino Acids. Once we figure out how they transform from being just that to a life form we wil lhave the answer to exactly how life was formed.

So there you have it. Start up your own church with the Gravity God and least you will be sound in terms of the science. Science and religion meet. Get it?
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