Get Real! wrote:Paphitis wrote:Get Real! wrote:Lordo wrote:The secret of how life begins and what we understand to be the big bang must be related to the Black Holes. The scientists have not figured out yet, but they will. Eventually they will be renamed as Recycling Holes, and everybody will understand how big bang happened and continues to happen.
Hey IDIOT... one day when your scientists understand it and
GIVE IT A LABEL, we can just call it
GOD for short!
What will it take for you to wake up to the fact that no matter what scientists end up with it'll be
OUR GOD!Do you not see how foolish you are when you are waiting for a scientist… to one day give you a LABEL when you can already call it GOD?
Oh I see. You call The Big Bang God.
Making it up much?
There are 2 camps. One is God, the other is Big Bang. First I’ve heard is that the Big Bang is God.

If there was a bang then our God has one hell of a magic wand!
But the truth of the matter is... NOBODY can say with any certainty if there were any audible noises or if it was the quietest event ever!
It's all fantasy...
Mankind likes to fantasize and fill in the missing bits to manufacture tall tales.
They call it a “BIG BANG” because it sounds ever so impressive!

It’s not fantasy. Science has actually gone beyond Big Bang and hypothesised what lays beyond our ever expanding universe as the Big Bang is still in motion - including black holes and the like. The blanks are being filled in year by year. It’s an evolving space.
They have also gone beyond a single universe now and believe there are actually billions of multiverses. All being sucked into billions of black holes and extinguished. And that there are constantly new universes being born trillions of light years away. Now comprehend that one!
It’s like an a golem ono soup, with each rice grain being a universe.