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Re: 1974

Postby Oceanside50 » Wed Jul 21, 2021 7:50 pm

KoLordo doesn’t want to admit that he is in denial and knows that he wants turkey out of Cyprus as much as the Greek Cypriots ..he also knows that turkey has done more damage to the Turk Cypriots then either Greece or the Greek Cypriots
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Re: 1974

Postby Lordo » Thu Jul 22, 2021 4:29 pm

This is very interesting. How have we got to here when:

The 10-Point Agreement of 19 May 1979

Following is the text of the agreement between the then President of the
Republic, Mr. Kyprianou, and the Turkish Cypriot leader, Mr. Denktash,
concluded on 19 May during a meeting under the auspices of the U.N.
Secretary-General, Dr. Waldheim:

1. It was agreed to resume the intercommunal talks on 15 June 1979.

2. The basis for the talks will be the Makarios-Denktash guidelines of 12
February 1977 and the U.N. resolutions relevant to the Cyprus question.

3. There should be respect for human rights and fundamental freedoms of all
citizens of the Republic.

4. The talks will deal with all territorial and constitutional aspects.

5. Priority will be given to reaching agreement of the resettlement of Varosha
under U.N. auspices simultaneously with the beginning of the consideration
by the interlocutors of the constitutional and territorial aspects of a
comprehensive settlement. After agreement on Varosha has been reached it
will be implemented without awaiting the outcome of the discussion on other
aspects of the Cyprus problem.

6. It was agreed to abstain from any action which might jeopardize the
outcome of the talks, and special importance will be given to initial practical
measures by both sides to promote goodwill, mutual confidence and the
return to normal conditions.

7. The demilitarization of the Republic of Cyprus is envisaged, and matters
relating thereto will be discussed.

8. The independence, sovereignty, territorial integrity and non-alignment of
the Republic should be adequately guaranteed against union in whole or in
part with any other country and against any form of partition or secession.

9. The intercommunal talks will be carried out in a continuing and sustained
manner, avoiding any delay.

10. The intercommunal talks will take place in Nicosia.
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Re: 1974

Postby Lordo » Thu Jul 22, 2021 4:32 pm

Oceanside50 wrote:KoLordo doesn’t want to admit that he is in denial and knows that he wants turkey out of Cyprus as much as the Greek Cypriots ..he also knows that turkey has done more damage to the Turk Cypriots then either Greece or the Greek Cypriots

En o noussou dje ksigollisenreh hierozmeno or in your case hiyarizmeno would be more apptopriate.

You clearly were not there between 1963 and 74. Asshole
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Re: 1974

Postby Lordo » Sat Jul 24, 2021 1:00 pm

There seems to be a distinct lack of knowledge about the Cyprus problem, particularly 1963, The narative is different for each side. GCs narative is the TCs rebelled and had to be put down and the TCs narative is GCs attacked and would not stop till either they accepted the minority status or they were dead.

It is not hard to see that the problem was created by the GCs by either not implementing the constitution or wanting to change it saying it has not worked when they had not yet implemented it yet. There are some obvious incidences that can be flagged.

For instance Turks and TCs knew that GCs will start trouble sooner or later just by the behaviour of the GC establishment.

It is good to bring these out so our ignorant GC friends can be educated at least a little bit.

First point is why did Makarios have a meeting in 26 of May 1960 with the old EOKA leaders. Is there a transcript of what was said at this meeting?
Surely the impelementation of the constitution had priority at this point.

More to follow.
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Re: 1974

Postby Lordo » Sun Jul 25, 2021 1:52 pm

1st of January 1961 is an important date in the build up to the starting of the Cyprus Problem.

Yorgadjis was in London for health reasons. On his way back he went to Athens to talkd to Avreof. After the second meeting Avreof had the his guards come intothe room, and if he was not out of there in 2 minutes he will be thrown out. Yorgadjis then turned to Georgios Papadobullos who was then in Greek Secret Serviece for help in arms which he supplied..

Here is an extract from Makarios's own book

Makarios speech to Orthodox Christian Youth Union in Nicosia: ( From Archbishop Makarios III Complete works vol 5 page 20)

The agreements had been a milestone along the course of our struggle, but that they were simultaneously the starting point and the bulwork for furhter strugles with the aim of exploiting what has been achieved and to further gains. Not for a moment do I regret or doubt that I acted well and I was naive to suggest that there had been a better option under the circumstances.

With the agreement Turkish Cypriots have secured certain rights beyond what was fair, the sole purpose being their protection as minority, and because they abused these constitutional rights and created obstacles in the smooth running of the sate, I am compelled to request the revision of those constitutional provisions which obstruct the functioning of the state machienery and the progress of the country of which used badly endanger the very existance of the state.

Now this statement was made 4th January 1962. The cause of the TCs were putting obstacles in his way was becasue he was using the Tax laws to change the constitution unconstitutionally without proper discussions to step by step to reduce the TCs rights to one of minority. And why because he thought TCs got more than they deserved in terms of employment in the civil service. So he brought us to this point for this reason.

And there are assholes who still do not see what went on and blame the TCs for 1963.
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Re: 1974

Postby Lordo » Sun Jul 25, 2021 4:26 pm

What about this little incident from Big Mak himself.

Archbishop was reported to have made a speech at his native village of Panayia on 4 September 1962, and which was the subject of a formal protest from the Turkish side, was bound to be read by them as a virtual declaration of war.

“Until this small Turkish community that forms part of the Turkish race which has been the terrible enemy of Hellenism is expelled, the duty to the heroes of EOKA cannot be considered as terminated”
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Re: 1974

Postby Lordo » Sun Jul 25, 2021 4:29 pm

What about this one on 1 of April 1963.

Bombs exploded and gun fire to commemorate EOKA day. Makarios at one meeting said:

" As we bow before their graves, we hear the commanding voices of our martyrs "Beyond the Graves, march forward"

Dengtash responded by asking for his resignation and commenting:

" If that's what he is hearing, he will be sending thousands more to their graves"
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Re: 1974

Postby Lordo » Sun Jul 25, 2021 4:33 pm

Here is another beauty. On the 16th of July 1963 Makarios had a meeting with Clerides.

Clerdies since shed some light in his memoirs regarding what the meeting was al about:

Makarios intention was to remove the Turkish Cypriot rights step by step.
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Re: 1974

Postby Lordo » Sun Jul 25, 2021 4:37 pm

But this is the cream of the lot. Just before the first attack on the TCs, Markos Drakos statue was blown up - by Yorgadjis's men. I take my hat to yout heros, they knew exactly how to make hate TCs so when the attack started, you would not feel any sumpathy for them and it worked. So much so that they even got you to believe to this day that it was their fault for wanting to destroy the Republic when it was their wish. How elese were they going to achieve Enosis.

These are the facts which have been conclusively supported by documents and testimonies by members of the organisation. One of the members, former officer Takis Chrysafis, had the guts to tell the truth about the Akritas organisation, revealing that he had personally heard then government minister Polycarpos Yiorkadjis giving instructions for the bomb to be placed at the Marcos Drakos monument on December 3, 1963.

Its a funny old world.
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Re: 1974

Postby repulsewarrior » Mon Jul 26, 2021 4:42 am

..."fear", once "they" get a hold of it, it sets the Agenda. Who is its victims Lordo, but "us", that is to say those not "them".

As a Cypriot it is easy for me to say this. There is no definitive moment i think, where one can point and say, it started here; just a burning desire from "those" unwilling to look into the hatred that they breed being "one" themselves.

1974 is a case in point where Turkey for Cypriots could have been a Hero much to International esteem, but like the "Greeks" those in '63 they show us the same motives, a "Turkishness" that excludes "others".

...Cyprus free of "this" as i said before gives hope to all Turks not "Turkish", Turkey today divided as it is.
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