Get Real! wrote:"...a Chinese military affairs expert and TV commentator, told the Global Times on Wednesday."Australia's military is too weak to be a worthy opponent of China, and if it dares to interfere in a military conflict for example in the Taiwan Straits, its forces will be among the first to be hit, Song said. "Australia must not think it can hide from China if it provokes."
Australia is within range of China's conventional warhead-equipped DF-26 intermediate-range ballistic missile, observers pointed out.
A reality check for Australia, Paphitis...
IMHO, Australia is not even a worthy opponent for Turkey let alone a superpower like China!
I want to discuss this a little further.
Those are statements as Aussies we have heard before. Adolf Hitler, the mnost notable.
And yet you seem to forget, that if there is a confrontation between Australia and China, Australia won't be alone. And it would be a confrontation involving one of our subs, AWD or other warships, F35s, EW-18G, Poseidons and so on and so on.
It won't be a war between infantry troops unless they invade Australia one day.
A ship here, a plane there. Yes Australia can and will hold its own. An example, they will only know about one of our subs, after its too late and 2 of their ships are becoming reefs. Our subs have a habit of sneaking under entire US Battlegroups and taking happy snaps of their prized carrier in the middle.

Today, I went to a wreath laying memorial service for The Battle of Crete. Australia has always encountered very difficult odds, in WW1, and in WW2 and many other wars, and yet we always manage to deliver massive casualties to all our enemies.
7000 Australian Troops were in Crete. 274 were KIA, and 3000 captured by Nazis. The entire defence of Crete was led by a New Zealand Brig General. The NAZIS almost lost the battle after 13 days of fierce battle.
Thousands of German paratroopers landed on the island, most of them already dead. But their sheer numbers, and constant Stuka attacks took their toll on the Australians, and also Kiwis, Brits and Greek Army. They kept hitting us with a sledehammer. Eventually we were overcome.
The Australians, Kiwis, and Brits had to be evacuated. The Greek villagers played a crucial role as Allied troops were going from bar to barn to Sfakia on the South Coast where Allied Ships and Submarines were waiting for them. Thousands were evacuated. Defeated.
Some Australians didn't make it and went for the mountains and joined the Greek Guerillas (yes ttrue story). They spent the rest of the war fighting with the Greek Guerrilas, helping them blow up bridges.
Very big bonds were developed. And Australian and Greek soldiers always managed to get along very well. United through booze, meze and gambling and playing games of cards, and 2 up. It was like the were so much alike.
The Australians that were evacuated ended up in Egypt and Tobruk, and fought their next campaign against Rommel. A campaign they eventually won with the successful defence of Tobruk.
In WW!, Australia was leading the Allies on the Western Front under Field Marshal McIntosh. At Galipoli, he was 2 IC to aother Britisg General at the time, who botched the landing at ANZAC Cove. Yet, we inflicted massive casualties.
These troops went to the Western Front after that, under his command. Also under his command were hundreds of thousands Americans, Brits, French, Kiwis, Canadians and so on. And we know what happened there. The AXIS was defeated.
So we always end up on the right side of history, and our military heritage is a very proud one. So many battles fought, won and loss, many of our troops killed or tken prisoner. What our country has been through and done on the battlefield is nothing short of amazing.
So China can say what it wants. They will never see our soldiers in battle. It's not how its done. Australia will not declare war on China. China will not declare war on Australia. Might as well declare war on the US and NATO. They won't do that either, because they might end up in the shit.
So they better think carefully about inmvading Taiwan. It could spark a lot of things, but I'm sure they are aware of that.
If there is an encounter, it will be a ship there, a sub here, and so on. And if they come against our ships, planes, or submarines, it's more likely it is they who will come out second best. Australia has gold plated everything.

Australia has a very compact, well trained military, that is fully professional, with the latest equipment available and which can cause a lot of damage. Better equiped than the israelis with the exception of Dome (which is amazing)

The only Australian Soldier the Chinese may encounter will be our SAS. And they better be careful, because those boys are not very nice and don't know how to read the Geneva Convention.