Get Real! wrote:Paphitis wrote:Get Real! wrote:Paphitis wrote:the Americans have launched their investigation on the origins of COVID.
Can I help in refreshing their memories?
They already know about the American Scientist. No need to let them know as they already know.
They also know about the Australian Scientist from University of melbourne.
They could have been doing their research, in collaboration with China. But unaware of China's possible weaponization of COVID, if that is what the Chinese were attempting to do.
What we do know is that the Chinese research was State backed. The American and Australian reseachers were NOT State backed. It was privstely backed by 2 universities - one in America andone in Australia.
Are you seriously *that* stupid?
If true, we may have to call the Guinness World Records to add a new entry!

The question is, are you that stupid?
The Americans had no involvement with COVID other than an Academic visiting and publishing a paper. Similarly, with an Australian academic. In both cases, these were biologists, studying nasty pathogens.
What we do know for a fact is that China tried to cover up their COVID crisis as much as possible and defelct any scrutiny.
They are now under scrutiny.
The first country to jump up and down was Australia, hence our current fallout. But France too.
China, is very much on the nose right now.
America doesn't need China's involvement to make BIO WMD. If they wanted to, they can create something that is a lot more devastating. Same with Chemical weapons. It doesn't though because it adheres to the Chemical and BIO anti proliferation treaties. But they can if they wanted to, snub their noses if they wish to do so, but that sends the wrong messaging and gives others the green light to do so.
They have 3500 Nuclear warheads. Far more devastating.
When the Americans were playing with this stuff under the manhatten project with leading NAZI collaborators, the Chinese were still in the third world and ploughing their fields with Bulls.
Back to sleep Get Real.