Kikapu wrote:I don’t believe China wants to invade any country by force. They will get what they want economically and not militarily, just like what they have done in Hong Kong, by using economic persuasion. They will do the same with Taiwan. Time is on China’s side with their 5,000+ years of history is a testament to their success at present.
Australia for China is too far and too big a land mass to even think about wanting to take it. Maybe the sheep, the wine and minerals.

I think the game is well and truly up for Chy-na.
Right now, the west is very much United against them. US, France, Japan, Australia, Korea, and many more.
And in our case, we have just passed laws preventing Chinese investment into Australian concept - rail, sea, resources, telecommunications, electricity grid.
The feds just forced Victoria to tear up its yellow road treaty with China.
So it has become extremely difficult for China lately.