... e-stopped/"...indeed, "Greekness" is raising its head to the "Turkishness" that is daring to go even further; such is the way, of "Greekness" and "Turkishness". Fear driving fear in an endless game, and a mythic reality; almost real life
And yet, despite the decades of having their identity as Cypriots usurped from them, they remain; as voters about half the population any way it is counted. It is only a matter of time, in my mind, for Cypriots to realise that, "They", are the same; that by standing together as Cypriots they expose "their" corruption, and the intentions against them.
...indeed, i ask who treats the Flag of Cyprus as a rag?
Who would be against Cypriots enjoying a good souvla on the beach under the one Flag, as a People, they have a right to peacefully enjoy, anywhere in Cyprus? Worth thinking about.
Who cannot imagine that such events can occur?
...only those who would like to believe Cypriots are few."