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Property and Violence.

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Re: Property and Violence.

Postby Lordo » Sun May 16, 2021 10:39 pm

Jery wrote:
Lordo wrote:
Jery wrote:
Lordo wrote:

This item clearly is in the center of it.

This is what Israeli law causes.

Settler groups say the land was owned by Jews prior to the 1948 war surrounding Israel’s creation.Israeli law allows Jews to reclaim such lands but bars Palestinians from recovering property they lost in the same war, even if they still reside in areas controlled by Israel.

We than have the Mayor of Jerusalem claiming that this case is a legal case and it has been going on for 50 years. How can a person not connected in any way with the properties lay claim to their ownership simply because they are Jewish. Only in Israel right.

This is a similar law also applied in the RoC regarding GCs and TCs. TCs living in Cyprus are also not allowed to claim their properties in the south whilst GCs are allowed to claim their properties in the North.

What is worse is the fact that TCs who left Cyprus before 1974 and are allowed to claim their properties in the south by law are also blocked from claiming their properties. So it seems RoC cannot even adhere to the laws it passes if they apply to the TCs.

But we are not really worried as the properties are only being protected for our own interests because if we get them back there is no knowing what we may do with them is what they are thinking. Right?

"whilst GCs are allowed to claim their properties in the North". You are joking, whilst GCs may be able to claimtheir property in the north they have zero chance of getting it back and wait for ever for compensation because the IPC has effectively ceased to function. How many TCs now live in the south of the ROC, how many GCs now live in the pirate state? Turkey is creating facts on the ground by colonising the "trnc" and now we are told we have to face the "new realities" in future negotiations. Steal somebody's land, breed on it for a generation or two and it becomes yours - that has been Turkeys plan since 1974. Bloody hypocrites!

Clearly Risk Management is not a subject my friend as zero chance means nobody would be allowed to return. As the report above clearly sows there are those who have been allowed to return, But this fills me with joy because I understand what it means to be kicked out of your home and have no chance of returning to it which is the situation in the south. Now that is zero chance.


And of course needless to say, you are obviously not aware of the GC policy of dring TCs from Cyprus through fear and economic starvation as well as the 100 Cyprus Lira they were paying TCs to sign a confirmation that if they return they will have no right to return. Of course not. Why would you be aware of this.

I really pity the average GC, I really do. I visualise them as that lost kid, sitting in the middle of the war zone, looking lost, unable to comprehend what is happening all around.

A handful out of 6000 applicants is very close to zero you ignoramus. I note you forgot to say how many TCs there are in the ROC. The GCs are being offered a fraction of what their property is worth but don't take my word for it. Old news but still valid today.

BARÇIN YİNANÇ September 14 2017 By BARÇIN YİNANÇ [email protected]
Turkey needs to do some serious talking with Turkish Cypriots

Mustafa Akıncı, the president of Turkish Cyprus, is scheduled to speak today at a conference organized by the Economic Development Foundation (IKV).

Following the collapse of peace talks, it must be difficult for someone like Akıncı, who built his whole political career on the reunification of the island, to keep optimism high. His task was already complicated as he was sharing power with a government unenthusiastic about the peace talks and in favor of the continuation of the status quo.

The Turkish government probably is facing, on the one hand, a president who would prefer not to think about an alternative strategy and wait for the aftermath of the elections in Greek Cyprus with the hope of resuming talks, and on the other, a government that would see no problem continuing the status quo as the benefits of the system suits perfectly those at the ruling positions.

But the status quo is untenable, as Turkish Cypriots continue residing on legally controversial lands and properties.

For years the Turkish side was labelled as the one obstructing reunification talks. With the policies of the ruling Justice and Development Party (AK Party), this image was reversed and in the course of the last decade, the Turkish side has shown its good will for a permanent settlement.

In the absence of a settlement, now say some, it is time to take steps that will legitimize the situation with the help of Greek Cypriots who are willing to solve the problem of their remaining properties in the north on a unilateral basis. For there are many Greek Cypriots who are willing to turn their properties in the north into cash through the immovable property commission that was defined by the European Court of Human Rights (ECHR) as an acceptable domestic remedy.

Yet the commission stopped working effectively as the flow of cash from Ankara stopped with the expectation that intercommunal talks would end with a settlement. Following the collapse of the talks, the immovable property commission needs to be reactivated as its term is due to expire by the yearend. The issue, however, is not simply extending the term of the commission which requires a new law. The commission needs to work efficiently; its work should not be obstructed by the Turkish Cypriot government.

Let me explain. When a Greek Cypriot applies to the commission, he or she asks for a certain amount of money for compensation. This offer goes to the interior ministry, which makes a counter proposal that is usually much less than what the applicant originally asks for his/her property. What happens is that an agreement is reached on an amount that is usually much lower than the current value of that property.

In dire straits due to the economic crisis in the south as well as with no hope left for reunification of the island, the applicant accepts it probably thinking “it is better than having nothing.”

But instead of letting the commission do its work and solve the property issue on a case by case basis, the government in Turkish Cyprus started giving signs of reviving the “global exchange” option, which is the exchange of abandoned Turkish Cypriot property in the south with abandoned Greek Cypriot property in the north. But this is not a realistic option and it remains a mystery that makes the government in Turkish Cyprus believe that Greek Cypriots will accept such an option.

Nevertheless, the interior ministry has lately been offering such low amounts for compensation that the Greek Cypriot applicants find it impossible to accept. This is seen as a sign of the unwillingness displayed by the Turkish Cypriot government for the efficient functioning of the property commission.

But the continuation of this trend will jeopardize the recognition of the commission by the ECHR.

Apparently, some Greek Cypriots have already applied to the Strasbourg court, saying the commission no longer functions as an effective remedy. If the ECHR were to decide against the commission, this would be catastrophic because it will take a very important mechanism from the Turkish Cypriots’ hands to legitimize the current property situation in the island. This is a mechanism that is not only recognized by European law; it so far proved to be a rather “inexpensive” solution to the decades-old Cyprus problem. The Turkish Cypriot government so far paid 255 million pounds in compensation. When you do the maths and add together with the amount of the estate that has been subject to that compensation, sources familiar with the issue suggest that this amounts to only 15 percent of the real current value of these lands.

Ankara, which has been paying the compensation money, needs to do some serious talking with the Turkish Cypriot administration in order not to jeopardize this mechanism. But obviously such a conversation might turn one to be nasty since the government is expected to tell Turkish Cypriots to chip in too.

Jerry you are a serious man who was educated in the UK to a good standard I presume. You are taking the words of an ass who has not even been to Cyprus. The valuations are TRNC standard and the prices change according to where the land is.

Here is a real example of an exchange. Tell me this is unfair.
Lets look at the facts.

Greek Cypriot refugee Dr Mike Tymvios was offered 27 donums of land which included a school and an industrial unit in Larnaca. Now than RoC refused to hand over the properties in question and offered him 13 Million Euros in exchange instead. If the 27 donums in Larnca was less than 13 Million worth, surely they would have offered him the land but they did not. So as they offered him, 13 million that makes 22,666 Euros per donum in the north which is farm land by the way. Do you suppose what he got in Laranca was just worth 13 Million, like hell it was. Unless of course you do not believe in what RoC is doing either.

I don't need to read what some gaco wrote in Turkey. I look at the facts.
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Re: Property and Violence.

Postby Lordo » Sun May 16, 2021 10:45 pm

Maximus wrote:
Lordo wrote:
DT. wrote:
Lordo wrote:The issue here is about a family who were made refugees in 1948 by the formation of Israel.

These six families found themselves as refugees and their homes were destroyed by Israel so they would not be able to return. They lived a refugee life till 1956 by which time they were offered properties in East Jerusalem. In 1967 Israel occupied East Jerusalem and they found themselves under threat once again. This year there were about to be evicted from their homes, not to return the homes to the original property owners but some settlers who have no connection with the properties what so ever and are are about to be given them on account that they are simply Jewish. To compound the injustice they are suffering, they have properties in Israel but are forbidden by law to claim them, not that they are standing but at least they can rebuild their homes.

Now somebody who is serious and wants to debate, tell me a single GC which has these circumstances and I will hand over to each one, one of my properties that the RoC is refusing to give back to me. However I must warn you that RoC does not give up TC properties that easy not even to a GC.

Let us now return to the notion of GCs able to claim their properties back, when I say claim I did not say return, and some have returned but claim and if necessary either accept alternative arrangement or compensation.

Let us look at the facts.

IPC Commission consists of
Mr. Ayfer Erkmen, President,
Mr. Güngör Günkan, Vice-President,
Mrs. Sümer Erkmen, Member
Mr. Erhan Berksel, Member
Mr. Hans C. Kruger, Member
Mr. Daniel Tarschys, Member
Mrs. Saskia Yorucu. Member

Add to that:

The Immovable Property Commission examines claims for restitution, compensation and exchange according to the provisions of the law no 67/2005. Its considerations are based on the principles of bi-zonality and bi-communality which have been common elements of the 1977-1979 High Level Agreements as well as plans for a settlement of the Cyprus Issue prepared by the United Nations. It seeks to satisfy the legitimate claims of property owners without prejudice to the rights of the Turkish Cypriot Community.

As of 10 May 2021, 6,837 applications have been lodged with the Commission and 1,227 of them have been concluded through friendly settlements and 34 through formal hearing.

The Commission has awarded GBP 318,197,662.- to the applicants as compensation. Moreover, it has ruled for
1. exchange and compensation in two cases
2. for restitution in three cases
3. For restitution and compensation in seven cases.
4. In one case it has delivered a decision for restitution after the settlement of Cyprus Issue
5. In one case it has ruled for partial restitution.

The question you need to ask your self is very simple. Why has only 6,837 applications have been made when there are 160,000 refugees from 1974.

Further more one more questions. Where the fuck were you you bastards in 1958 and again in 1963 and 67 and finally again in 1974 when 60,000 TCs were driven from their homes for the 3rd time in one generation, to ask about the properties of the TCs that were taken from and were reduced to an arwa of 2.5% of Cyprus. Too busy fakin moucchoing I reckon.

Now normally I am calm and very nice person if I may say so myself. But there is limit to my patience and the average stupidity of a GC who refuses to see logic.

As to the old man shish kebab, I am afraid you have to wait till we have kosher pork meat. And there you are making use the word pork during Ramazan and making me sin so I will go to hell. But than again I will have you bastards there too and we can discuss the Cyprus Problem to infinitum.

What a way to go.

Now for Maximoui there is an answer he will understand. If you finished your bottle, just but your head down and sleep boy. Aghou aghou boullaruimmu yaonoman do bethimou dje na messe biarzoun o bello-tourgous

Every time some drunk Turk gets some Dutch courage he rocks up here reciting the same old lies. Start with this famous bullshit 2.5% area that the tc’s were reduced to.

This looks very interesting. The Brits have 3%. This map makes it clear by just looking at it how much land TCs had in 1963. Get the old stencil out if you wish?

In the meantime how about what these families are suffering, any sympathy for their pain?

Yeah its bad what is happening to them.

The GC's can relate because Turkey and the TC's did the same thing to them in Cyprus.

When is Turkey and the TC's going to atone for their crimes and return what they stole from the GC's?

or do you just expect to keep what you stole while trying to reclaim the property you left behind as well?

Nothing would give me more pleasure to see everybody to go back to their homes. But it is impossible and the offer of exchange restitution or compensation or any combination of all three is as good as it gets.

My only wish in life is the RoC does exactly the same for those of us who accepted NO GC properties in the north and lost substantial properties in the south.
I will not attack you this time but if you take no notice of what I say and accuse me of being a thief or taking other people's properties , do not expect any respect from me.
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Re: Property and Violence.

Postby Maximus » Sun May 16, 2021 11:00 pm

It is not impossible, it is just your excuse.

Furthermore, you dont have any respect for me.

You have accused me of of all sorts of things,

So dont complain when you get the same treatment back and respect for you is not due.
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Re: Property and Violence.

Postby Lordo » Sun May 16, 2021 11:49 pm

Maximus wrote:It is not impossible, it is just your excuse.

Furthermore, you dont have any respect for me.

You have accused me of of all sorts of things,

So dont complain when you get the same treatment back and respect for you is not due.

Let me tell you this. I attended a meeting with Anastasiades after he won the first election when he came to London to the LSE building. I even managed to ask him a question and of course he ignored it completely and went of a tangent about some idiot TMT supporter who asked after me about giving medals to EOKA men.

One of the GCs asked him whether his is position is all the refugees to return to their homes. His reply was shocking, you could see the GCs present and there mouths were on the floor. He said no. Not because he does not want it to happen but because it is an impossible proposition.

Perhaps you can explain to me the plan.
1. What will happen to the RoC government for instance, Will we return to 1960 constitution or do you expect the TCs to accept a role as a minority - a bit like the Kurds in Turkey.
2. What will you do about people who left homes since 1963 and set up their lives elsewhere either in the Republic or somewhere else in the world? Will you take their property and give it to a citizen from their community?
3. What will you give the TCs for not being allowed to use their properties from since 1963? I am one of those TC citizens who lost several properties in 1963. But I am thankful I lost no family members.
4. Who will pay the GCs same compensation?

And finally will the TcC have a chance to vote for your plan, or will you get a vote in the whole of Cyprus and allow the GCs to dictate the terms?

If you can make it work, I will support your plan.

I am listening.
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Re: Property and Violence.

Postby Get Real! » Mon May 17, 2021 12:14 am

Lordo wrote:I am listening.

Native Cypriots have been losing their homes, their livelihoods, and their lives since 1570 to Ottoman/Turkish dirt!

That’s 450 year’s worth of losses of all sorts!

Did any of them get anything back? Huh?

So guess what you’ll be getting now...

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Re: Property and Violence.

Postby Maximus » Mon May 17, 2021 12:55 am

Lordo wrote:

Perhaps you can explain to me the plan.
1. What will happen to the RoC government for instance, Will we return to 1960 constitution or do you expect the TCs to accept a role as a minority - a bit like the Kurds in Turkey.
2. What will you do about people who left homes since 1963 and set up their lives elsewhere either in the Republic or somewhere else in the world? Will you take their property and give it to a citizen from their community?
3. What will you give the TCs for not being allowed to use their properties from since 1963? I am one of those TC citizens who lost several properties in 1963. But I am thankful I lost no family members.
4. Who will pay the GCs same compensation?

And finally will the TcC have a chance to vote for your plan, or will you get a vote in the whole of Cyprus and allow the GCs to dictate the terms?

If you can make it work, I will support your plan.

I am listening.

You dont listen.

Did the GC's vote for the Turkish ottoman plans on Cyprus since 1570?

No, they didnt,

I know whats coming if I answer those questions, excuses why you or your community find it unacceptable.

Democracy unacceptable...blah, blah, blah. return of peoples property and removal of settlers is impossible...blah blah blah.

So what is the end result Bordo? Theft of peoples property and an illegal occupation or apartheid state to suit you and your minority community? looks like it, going by your track record and history.

If the RoC starts firing rockets in to the occupied area, will you support a coalition of christian nations to protect the GC's like Turkey is trying to muster from Muslim states, for the Palestinians?

How about if they come and fight the GC's battles like Turkey is trying to do for the Palestinians?

If Turkey can steal land, religious sites to convert them to mosques as well as other peoples homes, why cant Israel do the same? If Israel has to be held to account by the international community for crimes against the Palestinians, why cant the TC and Turkey be held to account for crimes against Cyprus and the GC's?

See how everything comes back like a boomerang because Turkey, mainly and the TC are guilty of all of it.

Be careful what you wish for because the Tc and Turkey are mighty fine in hypocrisy and lawlessness which will be paid for in full, some day.

You reap what you sow.
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Re: Property and Violence.

Postby DT. » Mon May 17, 2021 8:53 am

Lordo wrote:
DT. wrote:
Lordo wrote:The issue here is about a family who were made refugees in 1948 by the formation of Israel.

These six families found themselves as refugees and their homes were destroyed by Israel so they would not be able to return. They lived a refugee life till 1956 by which time they were offered properties in East Jerusalem. In 1967 Israel occupied East Jerusalem and they found themselves under threat once again. This year there were about to be evicted from their homes, not to return the homes to the original property owners but some settlers who have no connection with the properties what so ever and are are about to be given them on account that they are simply Jewish. To compound the injustice they are suffering, they have properties in Israel but are forbidden by law to claim them, not that they are standing but at least they can rebuild their homes.

Now somebody who is serious and wants to debate, tell me a single GC which has these circumstances and I will hand over to each one, one of my properties that the RoC is refusing to give back to me. However I must warn you that RoC does not give up TC properties that easy not even to a GC.

Let us now return to the notion of GCs able to claim their properties back, when I say claim I did not say return, and some have returned but claim and if necessary either accept alternative arrangement or compensation.

Let us look at the facts.

IPC Commission consists of
Mr. Ayfer Erkmen, President,
Mr. Güngör Günkan, Vice-President,
Mrs. Sümer Erkmen, Member
Mr. Erhan Berksel, Member
Mr. Hans C. Kruger, Member
Mr. Daniel Tarschys, Member
Mrs. Saskia Yorucu. Member

Add to that:

The Immovable Property Commission examines claims for restitution, compensation and exchange according to the provisions of the law no 67/2005. Its considerations are based on the principles of bi-zonality and bi-communality which have been common elements of the 1977-1979 High Level Agreements as well as plans for a settlement of the Cyprus Issue prepared by the United Nations. It seeks to satisfy the legitimate claims of property owners without prejudice to the rights of the Turkish Cypriot Community.

As of 10 May 2021, 6,837 applications have been lodged with the Commission and 1,227 of them have been concluded through friendly settlements and 34 through formal hearing.

The Commission has awarded GBP 318,197,662.- to the applicants as compensation. Moreover, it has ruled for
1. exchange and compensation in two cases
2. for restitution in three cases
3. For restitution and compensation in seven cases.
4. In one case it has delivered a decision for restitution after the settlement of Cyprus Issue
5. In one case it has ruled for partial restitution.

The question you need to ask your self is very simple. Why has only 6,837 applications have been made when there are 160,000 refugees from 1974.

Further more one more questions. Where the fuck were you you bastards in 1958 and again in 1963 and 67 and finally again in 1974 when 60,000 TCs were driven from their homes for the 3rd time in one generation, to ask about the properties of the TCs that were taken from and were reduced to an arwa of 2.5% of Cyprus. Too busy fakin moucchoing I reckon.

Now normally I am calm and very nice person if I may say so myself. But there is limit to my patience and the average stupidity of a GC who refuses to see logic.

As to the old man shish kebab, I am afraid you have to wait till we have kosher pork meat. And there you are making use the word pork during Ramazan and making me sin so I will go to hell. But than again I will have you bastards there too and we can discuss the Cyprus Problem to infinitum.

What a way to go.

Now for Maximoui there is an answer he will understand. If you finished your bottle, just but your head down and sleep boy. Aghou aghou boullaruimmu yaonoman do bethimou dje na messe biarzoun o bello-tourgous

Every time some drunk Turk gets some Dutch courage he rocks up here reciting the same old lies. Start with this famous bullshit 2.5% area that the tc’s were reduced to.

This looks very interesting. The Brits have 3%. This map makes it clear by just looking at it how much land TCs had in 1963. Get the old stencil out if you wish?

In the meantime how about what these families are suffering, any sympathy for their pain?

Want you to take a good look at that map. You still going with your 2.5%? I’m seeing 10% minimum if you compare to the British bases
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Re: Property and Violence.

Postby Lordo » Mon May 17, 2021 9:41 am

DT. wrote:
Lordo wrote:
DT. wrote:
Lordo wrote:The issue here is about a family who were made refugees in 1948 by the formation of Israel.

These six families found themselves as refugees and their homes were destroyed by Israel so they would not be able to return. They lived a refugee life till 1956 by which time they were offered properties in East Jerusalem. In 1967 Israel occupied East Jerusalem and they found themselves under threat once again. This year there were about to be evicted from their homes, not to return the homes to the original property owners but some settlers who have no connection with the properties what so ever and are are about to be given them on account that they are simply Jewish. To compound the injustice they are suffering, they have properties in Israel but are forbidden by law to claim them, not that they are standing but at least they can rebuild their homes.

Now somebody who is serious and wants to debate, tell me a single GC which has these circumstances and I will hand over to each one, one of my properties that the RoC is refusing to give back to me. However I must warn you that RoC does not give up TC properties that easy not even to a GC.

Let us now return to the notion of GCs able to claim their properties back, when I say claim I did not say return, and some have returned but claim and if necessary either accept alternative arrangement or compensation.

Let us look at the facts.

IPC Commission consists of
Mr. Ayfer Erkmen, President,
Mr. Güngör Günkan, Vice-President,
Mrs. Sümer Erkmen, Member
Mr. Erhan Berksel, Member
Mr. Hans C. Kruger, Member
Mr. Daniel Tarschys, Member
Mrs. Saskia Yorucu. Member

Add to that:

The Immovable Property Commission examines claims for restitution, compensation and exchange according to the provisions of the law no 67/2005. Its considerations are based on the principles of bi-zonality and bi-communality which have been common elements of the 1977-1979 High Level Agreements as well as plans for a settlement of the Cyprus Issue prepared by the United Nations. It seeks to satisfy the legitimate claims of property owners without prejudice to the rights of the Turkish Cypriot Community.

As of 10 May 2021, 6,837 applications have been lodged with the Commission and 1,227 of them have been concluded through friendly settlements and 34 through formal hearing.

The Commission has awarded GBP 318,197,662.- to the applicants as compensation. Moreover, it has ruled for
1. exchange and compensation in two cases
2. for restitution in three cases
3. For restitution and compensation in seven cases.
4. In one case it has delivered a decision for restitution after the settlement of Cyprus Issue
5. In one case it has ruled for partial restitution.

The question you need to ask your self is very simple. Why has only 6,837 applications have been made when there are 160,000 refugees from 1974.

Further more one more questions. Where the fuck were you you bastards in 1958 and again in 1963 and 67 and finally again in 1974 when 60,000 TCs were driven from their homes for the 3rd time in one generation, to ask about the properties of the TCs that were taken from and were reduced to an arwa of 2.5% of Cyprus. Too busy fakin moucchoing I reckon.

Now normally I am calm and very nice person if I may say so myself. But there is limit to my patience and the average stupidity of a GC who refuses to see logic.

As to the old man shish kebab, I am afraid you have to wait till we have kosher pork meat. And there you are making use the word pork during Ramazan and making me sin so I will go to hell. But than again I will have you bastards there too and we can discuss the Cyprus Problem to infinitum.

What a way to go.

Now for Maximoui there is an answer he will understand. If you finished your bottle, just but your head down and sleep boy. Aghou aghou boullaruimmu yaonoman do bethimou dje na messe biarzoun o bello-tourgous

Every time some drunk Turk gets some Dutch courage he rocks up here reciting the same old lies. Start with this famous bullshit 2.5% area that the tc’s were reduced to.

This looks very interesting. The Brits have 3%. This map makes it clear by just looking at it how much land TCs had in 1963. Get the old stencil out if you wish?

In the meantime how about what these families are suffering, any sympathy for their pain?

Want you to take a good look at that map. You still going with your 2.5%? I’m seeing 10% minimum if you compare to the British bases

Naaaa at best 5%. But I will look at it in detail and find out the exact figure. It will take a few months but I will do it. If you do a rough calculation, it is the village folks who have most land.

Just so there is clarity, what are you using as the TC private land ownership in 1960? so we can use the same figure?

But anyway we shall arrive at a figure.
Last edited by Lordo on Mon May 17, 2021 10:02 am, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Property and Violence.

Postby Lordo » Mon May 17, 2021 9:42 am

Get Real! wrote:
Lordo wrote:I am listening.

Native Cypriots have been losing their homes, their livelihoods, and their lives since 1570 to Ottoman/Turkish dirt!

That’s 450 year’s worth of losses of all sorts!

Did any of them get anything back? Huh?

So guess what you’ll be getting now...


Naaaaa i normally leave that to you.
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Re: Property and Violence.

Postby Lordo » Mon May 17, 2021 9:50 am

Maximus wrote:
Lordo wrote:

Perhaps you can explain to me the plan.
1. What will happen to the RoC government for instance, Will we return to 1960 constitution or do you expect the TCs to accept a role as a minority - a bit like the Kurds in Turkey.
2. What will you do about people who left homes since 1963 and set up their lives elsewhere either in the Republic or somewhere else in the world? Will you take their property and give it to a citizen from their community?
3. What will you give the TCs for not being allowed to use their properties from since 1963? I am one of those TC citizens who lost several properties in 1963. But I am thankful I lost no family members.
4. Who will pay the GCs same compensation?

And finally will the TcC have a chance to vote for your plan, or will you get a vote in the whole of Cyprus and allow the GCs to dictate the terms?

If you can make it work, I will support your plan.

I am listening.

You dont listen.

Did the GC's vote for the Turkish ottoman plans on Cyprus since 1570?

No, they didnt,

I know whats coming if I answer those questions, excuses why you or your community find it unacceptable.

Democracy unacceptable...blah, blah, blah. return of peoples property and removal of settlers is impossible...blah blah blah.

So what is the end result Bordo? Theft of peoples property and an illegal occupation or apartheid state to suit you and your minority community? looks like it, going by your track record and history.

If the RoC starts firing rockets in to the occupied area, will you support a coalition of christian nations to protect the GC's like Turkey is trying to muster from Muslim states, for the Palestinians?

How about if they come and fight the GC's battles like Turkey is trying to do for the Palestinians?

If Turkey can steal land, religious sites to convert them to mosques as well as other peoples homes, why cant Israel do the same? If Israel has to be held to account by the international community for crimes against the Palestinians, why cant the TC and Turkey be held to account for crimes against Cyprus and the GC's?

See how everything comes back like a boomerang because Turkey, mainly and the TC are guilty of all of it.

Be careful what you wish for because the Tc and Turkey are mighty fine in hypocrisy and lawlessness which will be paid for in full, some day.

You reap what you sow.

Ohh thats fine. And there was me thinking you will act like an adult but I am afraid back to the biberoni little boy.
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