yes, Bordospouro is right, a single GC could return
but the information that he is not volunteering is that not many GC's would be eligible to return or could return for various reasons, including quotas on the number of GC's that could reside in the TC constituent state.
For the rest, like 95% of them, some 190k people;
A dispossessed owner of immovable property would be able to claim for compensation if restitution is not possible but the constituent state from which they hail from would be compensating them.
In other words, the vast majority of GC refugees wouldnt get their property back and the GC constituent state would pay for their loss. As if it could without bankrupting the constituent state...
Doesn't sound right, fair of just to me.
That appalling plan was a disaster, for instances, it stated that the united Cyprus republic would be a full member state of the EU, and have respect for human rights and fundamental freedoms. As, they would be enshrined in the Constitution.
Then in the next paragraph, there would be text that would violate someones human rights and not respect their fundamental freedoms. It was full of contradictions like that. As an example, all GC's could live work and travel across the whole of the EU, without restriction. but not in the TC constituent state, which is supposed to be a part of their country that would join the union as well.
Then, simpletons like golobordo, harp on at every turn that the GC's dont want a solution because they voted no to reunification in 2004 and missed their chance to live under Turkish apartheid.