However, I can’t help but notice the stupidity of some humans. Take for instance Australian Greeks.
They seem to be crying like they have lost some patriot of Greece. Even calling him their own.
Despite most Greeks hating the Royal Institution and vanishing it from their country. Greek Australians seem to be a product of their Australian environment and their brainwashed brains have predisposed them to being Royal watchers. It’s actually sickening.
This despite Philip actually having some deep hatred for Greece, he isn’t even Greek like some claim, but a mix of Danish and Kraut.
The same Greeks who think Constantine of Greece is actually really a Greek. When he visits Australia, it’s actually Australia’s very large German Community and people with German heritage who receive and honour him, not even Orthodox since he cut the ribbon to one of Adelaide’s most exclusive Lutheran Private Schools, on par to Eaton and Geelong Grammar. So expensive it is out of reach to most Greeks in Australia. And very exclusive.
Constantine has more political power in Australia than Greece. He has official status here as part of the Australian Monarchy whereas Greece stripped him of EVERYTHING.
It’s amazing how the royal institution works,
But my advice to Greek Australians. Please wake up!

I just had a go at my wife for watching the funeral of the Royal imposter. And my kids! Geez! What are they teaching them at school?