It’s a symbol of excess and high Anglo society here but only 30% of Australia has Anglo heritage. We have 30% who are Irish.
and another 20 percent who are German. The rest from all kinds of countries around the globe. In fact, the Irish outnumber the Anglos, just. And most of them are more connected to the IRA than the Royals.

This reverence is creepy. No disrespect at all to the actual Windsor family though as they have lost a family member. On a human level, RIP.
But on a political level, this reverence could be better spent on our troops serving Australia or people who have contributed to medical science or charitable things or society. The true heroes who dedicate their time for little or even no reward.
Time to move on.
I’m getting sick and tired to all the Greeks making posts of admiration to someone who appears to be anti Greek. It’s frightening and sick. How stupid can people be?
I post this photo when I see Greeks post threads of admiration.