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Dengtash Makarios interview

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Dengtash Makarios interview

Postby Lordo » Sat Apr 10, 2021 11:40 pm

Very inteseting indeed. Was this recorded in 1972?

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Re: Dengtash Makarios interview

Postby Maximus » Sun Apr 11, 2021 3:06 pm

Your community would have been better off (more freedom, more prosperity and opportunity) if they supported leaders that advocated for democracy and lived within a western sphere of influence.

Your community would have been better off today living in a democratic Cypriot society..

After fcking it up, most of your community left Cyprus and went to live in European democratic societies and let Turkey to move in instead.

You never learn.

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Re: Dengtash Makarios interview

Postby Lordo » Mon Apr 12, 2021 10:41 pm

Maximus wrote:Your community would have been better off (more freedom, more prosperity and opportunity) if they supported leaders that advocated for democracy and lived within a western sphere of influence.

Your community would have been better off today living in a democratic Cypriot society..

After fcking it up, most of your community left Cyprus and went to live in European democratic societies and let Turkey to move in instead.

You never learn.


Boy if I told you one I told you a million times.

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and be thought a fool
than to speak and
remove all doubt
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Re: Dengtash Makarios interview

Postby Maximus » Mon Apr 12, 2021 11:40 pm

Why do you hate me cuz?
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Re: Dengtash Makarios interview

Postby repulsewarrior » Tue Apr 13, 2021 12:26 am

"Independence is the best formula", says Denktash. Turkish Cypriots represent a community, not just a minority, because as a community they represent a founding partner, of a Cypriot state, he says as well.

...interestingly, listening to Makarios, even more subtly avoiding the word, Cypriot, without further distinction or discrimination, he still manged to say the same thing: "that the solution must be founded on a democratic basis...without outside influence (namely, at the time, Greece).

Let's also remember that Greece at the time was led by the JUNTA, and not its People. And let's remember the coup in Cyprus may have brought down the Government, but it failed because Greek Cypriots were unwilling to represent themselves as "Greeks". Indeed, let's remember that the JUNTA failed shortly afterwards because it became clear that even Greece's citizens as Greeks, did not see themselves as "Greeks".

Such as it is "Turkishness" remains, for Cypriots, (and the Turkish People), to contend with.

...good find Lordo, very interesting.
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Re: Dengtash Makarios interview

Postby Lordo » Tue Apr 13, 2021 7:18 pm

Maximus wrote:Why do you hate me cuz?

You is no cuz of mine reh shillosporom nearest reladive you have is xerodjehalo who is part dog and part karpazian donkey.

As to hatred, that aint no hatred boy, that is just good sound advice from somebody who very much cares for your well-being. :wink:
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Re: Dengtash Makarios interview

Postby Lordo » Tue Apr 13, 2021 8:31 pm

GCs tell me TTCs were not forced out of their homes abd left of their own free will.

Indeed they did, did they not or did they?

explain to these TCs why they chose the wrong side.

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Re: Dengtash Makarios interview

Postby Lordo » Tue Apr 13, 2021 8:38 pm

While we are at it, explain it to these Magusali TCs why they chose the wrond side when they did not choose to side with the GCs who were sending 68 mortars in a half an hour near the hospital. Another fellow counted 125 mortars at 5 oclock being shelled into the civilian sections.

Explain to them how wrong they were.

Boy you were not even an embryo when this was going on, that is the real problem.

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Re: Dengtash Makarios interview

Postby Nikitas » Tue May 04, 2021 1:47 pm

While TCs like Lordo are seeking the protection of Turkey, thousands of mainland Turks are flocking to Greece to escape it. The suburb of Faliron in Athens now houses more Turks than Kyrenia has TCs. You take a walk along the seafront and you hear more Turkish being spoken than Greek.

The Turks have convinced the naive TCs of the need to preserve "Turkishness" while they are actively recruiting Greeks in vital jobs, like pilots for Turkish airlines, doctors in major hospitals and in all kinds of engineering positions.

It is really funny to hear the announcement on a TA plane "this is your captain Yannis Papadopoulos welcoming you on board".
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Re: Dengtash Makarios interview

Postby repulsewarrior » Tue May 04, 2021 6:04 pm

...well said, Nikitas.
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