Get Real! wrote:miltiades wrote:I believe that the Crypto markets are the future and that they will increase substantially
The future of something that is out of the control of the government is... ZERO!
I can’t think of anything from the past that acted outside of government control and managed to survive.
If and when crypto becomes significant enough it’ll either be taken over by the government or squashed altogether.
For now it’s a "wait and see" for most countries...
There is already national regulation re crypto and especially the profits from it, it is this evolving regulatory frame work that is bringing in institutional money and driving the price upwards. Regulation, carefully thought out and implemented is good for crypto.
Paphitis wrote:I totally agree. It will eventually be reigned in with tax laws and regulation.
It is already. In almost all countries capital gains tax is due any time you turn crypto into fiat and the centralised exchanges like coinbase report to national tax authorities. Coinbase has more secure kyc systems than revolut does.
As ever paphitis as far as I am concerned you speak from a place of almost total ignorance, not from having put any effort in to actually studying and learning with an open mind. You read a headline or two and your guts says something and that's it for you, conclusion reached, nothing more to be done. This is why you so often come across here to me as a total twat. Do you know anything about 'consensus' and how it relates to crypto. Anything about the difference between 'proof of stake' and 'proof of work' ? Which coins are centralised and which are not ? Which are inflation capped and which are not ? Anything about DeFi, what it is , how it works ? Of course you do not nor do you need to know any of this stuff or bother learning about it before you 'pontificate'. Same old same old.
Paphitis wrote:I suspect that when the balloon does burst, it won’t recover to present levels
I would happily stake 50-75% of my current crypto holdings on an evens bet that bitcoin will reach new all times high in the next 5 years. Hell if they do not in the next 12 months it would be a surprise. There is a reason no one in the world would offer a bet like that but as ever you know better, even from almost total ignorance than everyone else.
Paphitis wrote:I’ve never seen a managed fund in my lifetime not be incrementally much higher over a 5 year period. And records have shown that to be the case since records were recorded.
Show me one that has made anywhere near the returns I have made over the last 3.5 years. You can always invest in safer assets and the returns are lower because of that. That is how it works. Risk reward ratios. Comparing investing in crypto with investing in a manged fund whilst ignoring the relative returns of each is about as dumb a thing as you can do - and yep there you are doing it. Same old same old.
Paphitis wrote:I’d be interested in learning about BTC mining.
cyprus46283.html#p868532 (and yes you are way way too late)
Maximus wrote:but what I do know is the cost to mine bitcoin varies from country to country because it is partly dependent on electricity rates.
Mining is just a decentralised way of verifying transactions. All mining requires some 'jeopardy' but not all forms of mining require large amounts of electricity. Read up about difference between proof of work and proof of stake to get started. Ether will move from proof of worth to proof of stake , was always designed from day one to make such a transition. There is no reason why bitcoin could not change as well - though if you want to understand how that happens in a decentralised system then you need to read up about consensus and chain forks, hard and soft.
Paphitis wrote:I can’t even conceive that leaving a computer on 24/7 will cost 10000 in electricity. But in any case, haven’t really studied what the energy cost of computers really are.
But you are Paphitis, you do not need to study anything to know you know all the answers anyway.
Paphitis wrote:Just found out FaceBook has launched its new crypto. It's called DIEM.
Currently 1 Diem = 1.50 USD
I'm trying to buy some. You just never know.

Buy in ignorance and lose your money in ignorance. Wise people have said you should only invest to the degree you understand , which in your case would probably limit you to 1.50 usd dollars worth of any crypto.