DT. wrote:Maximus wrote:DT. wrote:Get Real! wrote:DT. wrote:Get Real! wrote:Good post but...
For as long as the CY ministry of education remains hijacked by Greece, Cypriot nationalism cannot survive.
Greece holds our country by the balls by pushing its propaganda on our youngsters throughout primary and secondary schooling.
They ensure that all pupils evolve into “faithful little Greeks” who see Cyprus as nothing but a small extension of Greece.
The treason in Cyprus is complete with CY politicians happily betraying their country in this way… they too being the products of past Greek-propaganda schooling.
There is no cure from this disease other than the dissolution of the sickly RoC and for a new system to be established; one that is free of any Greek or Turkish interferences, via international law.
Now look what you've done....you've awoken the homo erectus garos. Still, at least the Australopithecus should provide good entertainment in response.

Well you know me... I tell it like it is!

The only reason you and I evaded the Greek propaganda machine is because we had private schooling in the English language where Greece wasn’t even mentioned let alone have any influence on us.
We evolved into free thinkers who prefer to research from multiple sources as opposed to being fed and accepting of one-sided fairy-tales.

I know...
But we need these plebs to keep the factories running. Personally I don't care if they think they're related to Daffy Duck.
Did you stop and think yet that you are just the product of the British education system?

Probably am, British primary school, British secondary, British university, British business school...but then so did Lord Byron who was the biggest Philhellene in the world....go figure.
Yes. there are so many who are Philhellenes. Also from a British or even an Australian or German institution.
They do have an identity based education approach, like anywhere else. That doesn't mean other cultures aren't respected. You will find that at these schools, there is no place for disrespect.
that's why Boris Johnston is probably the only person I know who can fully recite the Iliad in Ancient Greek without reading from a paper or tele prompt. That makes him highly sophisticated