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Did you hold on to your XRP Milti ?

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Re: Did you hold on to your XRP Milti ?

Postby erolz66 » Wed Apr 21, 2021 5:18 am

Maximus wrote:I dont know about that, but what I do know is the Brits are the best at identity politics.

Is there actually any politics that is not about identity to major and significant degrees and on so many levels and scales ?
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Re: Did you hold on to your XRP Milti ?

Postby DT. » Wed Apr 21, 2021 10:29 am

Maximus wrote:
DT. wrote:
Get Real! wrote:
DT. wrote:
Get Real! wrote:Good post but...

For as long as the CY ministry of education remains hijacked by Greece, Cypriot nationalism cannot survive.

Greece holds our country by the balls by pushing its propaganda on our youngsters throughout primary and secondary schooling.

They ensure that all pupils evolve into “faithful little Greeks” who see Cyprus as nothing but a small extension of Greece.

The treason in Cyprus is complete with CY politicians happily betraying their country in this way… they too being the products of past Greek-propaganda schooling.

There is no cure from this disease other than the dissolution of the sickly RoC and for a new system to be established; one that is free of any Greek or Turkish interferences, via international law.

Now look what you've've awoken the homo erectus garos. Still, at least the Australopithecus should provide good entertainment in response. :roll:

Well you know me... I tell it like it is! :)

The only reason you and I evaded the Greek propaganda machine is because we had private schooling in the English language where Greece wasn’t even mentioned let alone have any influence on us.

We evolved into free thinkers who prefer to research from multiple sources as opposed to being fed and accepting of one-sided fairy-tales.

:( sigh

I know...

But we need these plebs to keep the factories running. Personally I don't care if they think they're related to Daffy Duck.

Did you stop and think yet that you are just the product of the British education system? :lol:

Probably am, British primary school, British secondary, British university, British business school...but then so did Lord Byron who was the biggest Philhellene in the world....go figure.
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Re: Did you hold on to your XRP Milti ?

Postby Maximus » Wed Apr 21, 2021 1:17 pm

erolz66 wrote:
Maximus wrote:Appreciate you Erolz,

But why are you mad at Paphitis for calling you a Turk,

Are you a different ethnicity or not?

What is this different ethnicity if not Turkish?

I am getting confused.

Firstly I am not mad at Paphitis, I just used his response, one that is very very common btw, to highlight a point I wished to try and make. I refute and challenge being called a Turk at the simplest level because I just am not Turkish. Nothing wrong with being Turkish, or Greek for that matter but neither is what I actually am. I was not born or ever lived in Turkey. Neither of my parents were born or lived in or were Turkish, nor my grand parents or my great grand parents or or. None of my family lives in or is Turkish. I am Cypriot. The particular kind of Cypriot I am is TC but that is not the same thing as being Turkish and I am a little confused as to why you can not see the difference to be honest ? If I were a Turkish person who lives in Cyprus I can be told to 'go back home'. As a TC I can not be told to 'go back home' because Cyprus, not Turkey is my home, in every sense of the word. Yet even after centauries of presence in Cyprus, my home, I am in fact regularly told by some Cypriots of a certain type to 'go back home'. This is a problem in so many ways and on so many levels. It is a problem that is intimately interlinked to the Cyprus problem, past and present imo.

I can only see what I can see,

You do realize that Cyprus was invaded by Ottomans who re-branded to Turkish right?

I dont know about you personally.

What I see is a illegal state in north Cyprus that is called the TURKISH republic in northern Cyprus. It is Majority Turkish, same politics, same language, same religion.

The elected leader of this state claims to be the son of a Turk. The presidential office of this illegal state keeps a picture of ataturk on the wall, who is the father of the Turks.

Most of the citizens in this illegal state, most of those that claim to be of the TC variety say that the Cyprus problem has been resolved because they have separate themselves and have defacto joined the Turkish state.

Can you see?
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Re: Did you hold on to your XRP Milti ?

Postby repulsewarrior » Wed Apr 21, 2021 3:15 pm

...talking about money, i just thought of throwing this in here,

...1 trillion/ yr; who doesn't pay?
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Re: Did you hold on to your XRP Milti ?

Postby Get Real! » Wed Apr 21, 2021 4:06 pm

repulsewarrior wrote:...talking about money, i just thought of throwing this in here,

Do you actually watch all these junk videos you post or do you just throw them around to interrupt debates and be a nuisance in the hope that you’ll get some attention?
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Re: Did you hold on to your XRP Milti ?

Postby Londonrake » Wed Apr 21, 2021 4:43 pm

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Re: Did you hold on to your XRP Milti ?

Postby Paphitis » Thu Apr 22, 2021 6:32 am

erolz66 wrote:
Paphitis wrote:
erolz66 wrote:
Paphitis wrote:You’re an ass! :lol:

There are many TC who are not an ass. There are many Turks who are not an ass. There are many Cypriots who are not an ass. There are some Cypriots who are an ass. You are an ass! :lol:

So am I a Cypriot ass or a Turkish ass ? You were pretty clear that I was a 'Turk' before , yet I am not a Turk. To you though it seems I am a Turk, I am not Cypriot, can not be Cypriot. I can have Cypriot parentage going back generations, I can have lived in Cyprus, I can have a RoC passport yet to you I will never be a Cypriot. That is the Cyprus problem, that mindset is integral to how and why Cyprus is in the mess it is today with little prospect of getting out of it any time soon.


If you must insist, you are a Cypriot ass. :lol:

So why did you call me a Turk ?

Yes I did. But I have no issue at all with you calling yourself a Cypriot and I am happy for you to continue to do so and I am happy to recognize you as you yourself identify yourself as a Cypriot.

You are barking up the wrong tree.

When I call you an ass or in the case of calling you a "turk", it was more a tit for tat type of belligerence.
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Re: Did you hold on to your XRP Milti ?

Postby Paphitis » Thu Apr 22, 2021 6:37 am

erolz66 wrote:
DT. wrote:
erolz66 wrote:
DT. wrote:
erolz66 wrote:I have stated as a Cypriot that I support reunification into a unitary state but it has to be one where it really does not matter what kind of Cypriot your are. Not just in 'theory' or 'on paper' but in actuality, in terms of actual outcomes. The reality is that within Cyprus , historically and today there is such a thing as 'Greek privilege'. That, all else being equal, you will have as a GC more advantage over a Cypriot that is not Greek. This is easy to not notice when you are GC, easy to deny but its real and if we are to create a Cyprus where it really does not matter what kind of Cypriot you are, it something that GC need to get a grip on imo.

last time we came to blows seems to me that Turkish privilege went a little unchecked..

Can you really see no connection between us coming to blows and the reality of 'greek privilege' and the systematic labelling of Cypriots as 'not Cypriot / Turk', things that still are widespread and prevalent today as they ever were. And I am not saying that the TC community has done nothing wrong, far from it but these realities exits as far as I am concerned and if we truly , genuinely want a Cyprus where it does not matter what kind of Cypriot you are then these things need to be discussed. It is easy to think and feel that many GC who say they want a unitary Cyprus do so because 'greek privilege' exits and they want it to continue to exist rather than tackle the issue , which actually is required if we want a Cyprus where it does not matter what kind of Cypriot you are.

I'm totally with you, just also conscious of the fact that you speak of GC privilege when there's some twilight zone Turkish entitlement attitudes that I imagine you should also be focusing on.

Oh I am more than aware of that and believe me I do challenge those attitudes as well. In this instance this all started with Paphitis calling me a 'Turk' , hence the focus on the GC side of things here and now in this thread.

What I call you on a forum and what I believe are 2 different cases. If you are saying your Cypriot, I can't argue with that and tell you that your not. As to my heartfelt belief, if we were getting along as pals, I wouldn't have called you an ass or a Turk.

And even as we don't get along, at all, you are still what you say you are. I have no place calling you something else that you say you are not.

It's a case of how you identify.

I'n the NBA, there is a Nigerian Greek player called "The Greek Freak". He was born in Greece. Speaks Greek. say's he's Greek. Loves Greece. But ethnically, he is African. Still a Greek in my book. And what a player. Plays for Greece. The Pele of basketball. NBA Player of the Year.
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Re: Did you hold on to your XRP Milti ?

Postby Paphitis » Thu Apr 22, 2021 6:39 am

DT. wrote:
Get Real! wrote:
erolz66 wrote:I have stated as a Cypriot that I support reunification into a unitary state but it has to be one where it really does not matter what kind of Cypriot your are. Not just in 'theory' or 'on paper' but in actuality, in terms of actual outcomes. The reality is that within Cyprus , historically and today there is such a thing as 'Greek privilege'. That, all else being equal, you will have as a GC more advantage over a Cypriot that is not Greek. This is easy to not notice when you are GC, easy to deny but its real and if we are to create a Cyprus where it really does not matter what kind of Cypriot you are, it something that GC need to get a grip on imo.

Good post but...

For as long as the CY ministry of education remains hijacked by Greece, Cypriot nationalism cannot survive.

Greece holds our country by the balls by pushing its propaganda on our youngsters throughout primary and secondary schooling.

They ensure that all pupils evolve into “faithful little Greeks” who see Cyprus as nothing but a small extension of Greece.

The treason in Cyprus is complete with CY politicians happily betraying their country in this way… they too being the products of past Greek-propaganda schooling.

There is no cure from this disease other than the dissolution of the sickly RoC and for a new system to be established; one that is free of any Greek or Turkish interferences, via international law.

Now look what you've've awoken the homo erectus garos. Still, at least the Australopithecus should provide good entertainment in response. :roll:

Not really. I just can't see what Get Real is on about. But not gonna argue with him over it.
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Re: Did you hold on to your XRP Milti ?

Postby Paphitis » Thu Apr 22, 2021 6:45 am

Maximus wrote:
DT. wrote:
Get Real! wrote:
DT. wrote:
Get Real! wrote:Good post but...

For as long as the CY ministry of education remains hijacked by Greece, Cypriot nationalism cannot survive.

Greece holds our country by the balls by pushing its propaganda on our youngsters throughout primary and secondary schooling.

They ensure that all pupils evolve into “faithful little Greeks” who see Cyprus as nothing but a small extension of Greece.

The treason in Cyprus is complete with CY politicians happily betraying their country in this way… they too being the products of past Greek-propaganda schooling.

There is no cure from this disease other than the dissolution of the sickly RoC and for a new system to be established; one that is free of any Greek or Turkish interferences, via international law.

Now look what you've've awoken the homo erectus garos. Still, at least the Australopithecus should provide good entertainment in response. :roll:

Well you know me... I tell it like it is! :)

The only reason you and I evaded the Greek propaganda machine is because we had private schooling in the English language where Greece wasn’t even mentioned let alone have any influence on us.

We evolved into free thinkers who prefer to research from multiple sources as opposed to being fed and accepting of one-sided fairy-tales.

:( sigh

I know...

But we need these plebs to keep the factories running. Personally I don't care if they think they're related to Daffy Duck.

Did you stop and think yet that you are just the product of the British education system? :lol:

yeh it's not as if the British System is anything different.

The education process should be teaching about our language and culture. It's got nothing to do with Greece or The Greek Education System. We have been speaking Greek and have been Orthodox for thousands of years. And we have a Hellenized History of some 3500 years. It's not something that can be locked away in a closet and wiped clean.

Not even in Australia do we wipe our history clean. We still fly the Union Jack on our Flag. We still have a Monarch or Crown. geez, our entire system of Government is based on the English system. So we recognize the fact that Australia is what it is today as a result of European Colonisation. You can't write your own history.
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