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Information needed

Postby Lordo » Fri Apr 02, 2021 2:32 am

My friend is writing a book and I am looking for some information to help with the book.

The questions are not too complicated.

Q1. What date was the Akritas plan hatched? - Day month and year please.
Q2, Who was present at that meeting? Full names please. If you are going to say Papadopoullos, the question is which one or even ones?
Q3. How many outlawed paramilitary groups were set up for achieving Enosis at this point
Q4. How many of these groups were actively killing GCs and TCs?
Q5. How many people were killed by these outlawed military groups after 1960.
Q6. How many bombs did they explode and where?
Q7. Who authorised the attempts to murder Makarios
Q8. What was the name of the Greek pilot who managed to land the helicopter and saved Makarios's life.
Q9. Who murdered Yorgadjis?

Any resources that can be checked out would be appreciated.

Any resourced information will be compensated.
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Re: Information needed

Postby Lordo » Fri Apr 02, 2021 11:32 am

Come now folks do not be so shy. Some of you are descendants of the very people that caused the Cyprus problem. In this book being written, TMT does get a pasting too. The truth must come out finally. Hiding behind the wall of silence is over. The traitors must be outed for what they were, TRAITORS.

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Re: Information needed

Postby repulsewarrior » Sat Apr 03, 2021 2:39 am

...why not post what you suggest as facts, if you want members to edit the work. All of us in any case have spoken a little bit about ourselves, what happened to us in those days, it's a lot to ask them to repeat themselves i think.

...indeed, personally, as a young child, i was horrified to hear that three of my neighbours (one Greek Cypriot, two Turkish Cypriot) were murdered together, people i knew as friends, one a teacher, adults i trusted and respected. It was not pleasant to be afraid of the younger people who hung out in "their" cafe; of course no one said a word of the incident, (and of course no one aimlessly traveled to the Turkish quarter either at night, they had their own "clubs"; true for both).

Traitors, is that what the book is about? Sounds more like a History book.

...traitor, the traitor is "us" still sticking to the myth that we can pick a side with "them": "this" must stop.

It would be nice if it spoke of the Heroes, compiling their acts and biographies, those who were murdered, those who survived; they seem so few, Cypriots left silenced by the "Greeks" and the "Turks", yet they are many.
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Re: Information needed

Postby Lordo » Sat Apr 03, 2021 11:44 am

I did not ask for personal experiences RW, what I have asked for is knowledge about the date the Akritas Plan was concieved and who was present.

I know Clerides was not there and I also know Makarios was there, the question was who else was there. Surely people here must know which individual ordered the murder of the President or one of the ministers?

The book is not called Traitors, it looks at what TMT did in those years as well as EOKA to see the real picture of who was doing what to what end and how much did they co-oporate information wise and even arms sales.

I do not accept any responsibility for what TMT or EOKA did in those years despite the fact that I did have both TMT and EOKA members in my extended family. The evil they did stays with them. It is wro9ng to blame on the whole CYpriot people what 500 lunatics from each side decided to do.
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Re: Information needed

Postby repulsewarrior » Sat Apr 03, 2021 7:02 pm

...then let's talk about their victims. They should not get as much attention as the real heroes, Cypriots, who were not "them".
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Re: Information needed

Postby repulsewarrior » Sat Apr 03, 2021 8:51 pm

"Blood on the flag", how is that for a title?

Let's talk about the Heroes, because blood has been spilled as Cypriot blood, for this identity and flag.

Indeed, Lordo, little is said about Cypriots; who they were.
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Re: Information needed

Postby Lordo » Sat Apr 03, 2021 11:16 pm

The issue here RW is that these traitors to this day are being peraded in the media as heros. We need to know who they were to show the Cypriots the very people who gathered around a table to burry RoC. Their victims will wait for another day. We need toout them so we canmove forward with a peace plan. They are holding the peace plau up and have been since the beginning.
Now who were these swines.
Who were the six groups who were tasked to kill. Was one group working on direct orders of Makarios?
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Re: Information needed

Postby repulsewarrior » Sun Apr 04, 2021 12:07 am

...we know who "these" people are.

Exposing them is important. Join together with others who will stand under the Flag of Cyprus, as Cypriots. Do you think the "Greeks" and "Turks" will join you lovingly in solidarity for such a notion?

...another history book full of the bile, is just another book about "Them"; just that, more, of "Them".

(and as a Cypriot, you do yourself no favour.)
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Re: Information needed

Postby Lordo » Mon Apr 05, 2021 6:42 pm

repulsewarrior wrote:...we know who "these" people are.

Exposing them is important. Join together with others who will stand under the Flag of Cyprus, as Cypriots. Do you think the "Greeks" and "Turks" will join you lovingly in solidarity for such a notion?

...another history book full of the bile, is just another book about "Them"; just that, more, of "Them".

(and as a Cypriot, you do yourself no favour.)

So what date was this meeting?
Where was it and Who was present RW.
You knowing is no help to me at all.
Either send me a private message or post it here.
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Re: Information needed

Postby repulsewarrior » Mon Apr 05, 2021 8:48 pm

...i don't know "the date", if i ever did i don't remember it now; perhaps you know as much as me, from books mostly you can find it: good luck on that.

What is in the past will not change, even attempts at changing it are part of this History too.

But, Cyprus, as a political identity representing its people as Cypriots, is not over. Despite the decades of having been torn apart, still, while silenced, and overwhelmed by the "Greeks" and "Turks" with their Agenda, they still represent at least half of the voting public, Greek or Turkish.

What will change is the people, as the People; instead they will react, demanding change and representing themselves, publicly, together, as Cypriots: (if either "One" should push too far existentially speaking). should be at the vanguard Lordo, isn't that who "you"/you are, a Cypriot, heaven knows you try so hard to make a change; join me, "be" Cypriot, fuck "them".

...i ask who treats the Flag of Cyprus as a rag? Yes, there has been blood spilt for this Flag too.

...again, i suggest, if you want to talk about betrayal, talk about the Heroes, these men, their victims instead.
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