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Biden does that n fact have Greek roots

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Biden does that n fact have Greek roots

Postby Oceanside50 » Thu Apr 01, 2021 3:22 pm ... 3_TwKx7OJA


“...When expressing his love for the Greek community, Biden is known to call himself “Joe Bidenopoulos.” While many Greek-Americans embraced the President’s “Bidenopoulos” joke, it turns out that there is some truth to the name.

Grecian Delight supports Greece
According to recently released historical data, a Greek man by the name of Markos Bidenopoulos, a Biden ancestor, actually existed — and even fought in the Greek War of Independence in 1821....”
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Re: Biden does that n fact have Greek roots

Postby Paphitis » Fri Apr 02, 2021 5:48 pm

Sounds like this is an April Fool’s Day joke.
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Re: Biden does that n fact have Greek roots

Postby Paphitis » Sat Apr 03, 2021 2:32 am

I remember that as soon as Trump won in 2016 there were reports saying Trump had Cypriot heritage and his Cypriot Ancestor had the surname of Troumpfos. :lol:

That’s however more believable as Trump does have a Cypriot brain and mannerisms. Plus that stubbornness.

Trump can easily just slide into a Cypriot Kafeneio and fit in easily as a Pafiti even. :lol: yep I can see him fitting in well at a Kafene playing Bilota.

He has even got the Mail order bride to boot. 8)

Biden however is way too bland, with no personality to be considered a Greek. More like an Anglo, or Kraut. Even his Irishness is debatable.
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Re: Biden does that n fact have Greek roots

Postby Get Real! » Sat Apr 03, 2021 2:44 am

If true, I can understand the cover-up! :?
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Re: Biden does that n fact have Greek roots

Postby Paphitis » Sat Apr 03, 2021 4:04 am

Get Real! wrote:If true, I can understand the cover-up! :?

Why reh?

What you got to understand about the Americans is that general disposition of one of respect for both Greece and Cyprus. Their whole society is built on foundations the Ancients laid. The general democratic principles and thought processes as a whole.

With a slight tilt towards some racism to Islam and maybe even towards Chy-na.

Plus they are all for rampant and uncontrolled capitalism and market competition. Swim or sink.

Generally speaking they are a very kind, somewhat naive, but helpful people.

They don’t act on passionate grounds and when they do it’s nothing personal.

In Australia, the bonds between Australia and Greece are massive. Especially the last 5 to 10 years. It’s really taken on new dimensions the relationship between Australia and Greece. To the point now that the Greek Government sends Evzones every year to participate in ANZAC Day which is really a sight to behold. They are so impressive the way they match. I really enjoy it. Australia too I would presume would have participated in the Narch 25 Independence Day Narch in Greece I would presume. Cyprus not so much.

My Daughter was a very big hit with the Evzones. We were eating right next to them and got chatty with the boys. Wonderful human beings. Absolute leventes. It was nice to see them on a personal level out of their uniforms where you can engage with them and learn their personal stories, their villages in Greece etc etc

I’m so happy that has become a bit of a tradition now as they are a massive hit with the Australian public too.

10 out of 10 to the Greeks for doing this. I’m sure it isn’t cheap either for them but the PR gained is priceless. And the value gained by our young folk is again priceless.

Sadly, I don’t think it will happen this year.

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It’s amazing what these guys do when they come.
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Re: Biden does that n fact have Greek roots

Postby yialousa1971 » Sun Apr 04, 2021 1:16 am

Biden is a Jew, Ted told me. :wink: So is Trump, ask Milly. :wink:
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