Oceanside50 wrote:Think about it!!! And discuss
Oceanside50 wrote:Roughly 2,500 years ago Alexander the Great set out to conquer the known world. His empire stretched from Greece to t India. When he conquered the Persian Empire, he gave a speech to the conquered Persians. His famous saying in the speech, “πας μη ελλην βάρβαρος». In English it basically translates to, if you are not Greek you are a barbarian. Alexander went on to clarify his famous saying. He described Greek not along the lines of a race but of a culture, that values technology, critical thinking, science and logic. Anyone that adheres to these values can consider himself to be a Greek regardless of their race. Those that hold the values of religions and superstitions are considered barbaric. Hence we have the beginning of the west, that is based above all on science and logic. For over 2 million years humans were evolving into basic hunter gatherers. Our dna has basically been static. Technology has brought us out of the societies of hunter gatherers and into these tech heavy modern societies. This fact places humans in highly stressful societies. These stresses come from the fact that our dna is evolved to be hunter gatherers. Humans try and adapt to this modern society through entertainment, drugs(alcohol, Valium, Xanax and adderAl just to name a few). We try and create better societies by making everyone more equal. Woman’s suffrage, civil rights, gay rights etc. but still things aren’t getting better for us.. So we try harder, trans rights, patriarchy, feminism. The left has filled our heads with the ideal that if we make everyone equal, the world will be better and happier. Transgenders account for roughly .1 of 1% of the population... but we are tearing up society in order to give them equal rights. Civil rights and feminism are dead as far as I’m concerned they’ve served their purpose. But the left keeps throwing BLM and patriarchy in our faces. All this goes back to humans having a hard time adjusting to a modern tech society. Our dna fights it. Instead of trying to change the society we live in we try to change the human. And that’s impossible. The riots here in America this past year show the polarity of the situation and it will get worse..The absurdity that our lives in the west will get better if men can wear dresses or that a patriarchal system needs to be destroyed or that a minor can transition into an adult or that humans have the right to transition into cats and dogs or that there are 67 genders instead of two, clearly shows how dangerous our western societies are becoming. We keep pushing for tech innovations thinking our lives will get better and stress free we keep digging ourselves deeper and deeper. A hunter gatherer dna, with tech that could destroy the world. Think about it!!! And discuss
Oceanside50 wrote:With this Covid 19 quarantine we had, if the food supply system we have completely broke down, how long do you think it would take for humans to get their spears out. By the way some have said ( since silenced) that this thing mutated in 8 years to this point, whereas it would need 800 years to mutate to the degree it is now
Oceanside50 wrote:Kikapu.. do you really believe that society and it’s ills will get better by allowing .01 of 1 % of the population get its way. It’s pure absurdity if you think that
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