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Technology is to blame!!!

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Re: Technology is to blame!!!

Postby Oceanside50 » Sun Feb 21, 2021 8:43 pm

Kikapu... the black man asked the liberal white man, if he could name any sort of racism against blacks in today’s society. The liberal white man couldnt come up with anything.

You said..

“...history, phobias, social standing, justice, education, culture, religion, profession, and so on. When you simplify racism to just one single issue of colour of ones skin, then you are not seeing the tree...”

I think you inadvertently proved my point in starting this thread, “Technology is to blame”. What you re pointing out in the statement above is, instinct. Instinct develops with time. Yes I am biased against young blacks in the ghetto or it could be white dudes on a late night coming out of bars.. my instincts have been honed to be on edge.. otherwise I can’t survive in those environments.... From your perspective, you want to eliminate that instinctual bias also, otherwise we should consider ourselves racist.. it seems that technology and your past have kept you out of these types of situations..just like the domesticated wolf, it’s instinct of survival has been diminished... .
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Re: Technology is to blame!!!

Postby Kikapu » Sun Feb 21, 2021 9:32 pm

Oceanside50 wrote:Kikapu... the black man asked the liberal white man, if he could name any sort of racism against blacks in today’s society. The liberal white man couldnt come up with anything.

You said..

“...history, phobias, social standing, justice, education, culture, religion, profession, and so on. When you simplify racism to just one single issue of colour of ones skin, then you are not seeing the tree...”

I think you inadvertently proved my point in starting this thread, “Technology is to blame”. What you re pointing out in the statement above is, instinct. Instinct develops with time. Yes I am biased against young blacks in the ghetto or it could be white dudes on a late night coming out of bars.. my instincts have been honed to be on edge.. otherwise I can’t survive in those environments.... From your perspective, you want to eliminate that instinctual bias also, otherwise we should consider ourselves racist.. it seems that technology and your past have kept you out of these types of situations..just like the domesticated wolf, it’s instinct of survival has been diminished... .

The white man should have answered the black man in the way I stated. The whole discussion seemed to have been staged!
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Re: Technology is to blame!!!

Postby Kikapu » Sun Feb 21, 2021 10:04 pm

In a report today of an event which happened few months ago in California where two white police officers try to arrest a homeless black man accused of jaywalking, even though the cops were not sure he was even jaywalking, but these two white cunt cops escalated a totally victimless “crime” of possible jaywalking into an altercation where the black man was shot dead during a scuffle. Now, if the jaywalker was a white man in a business suite or a pretty white woman, do you think these two white cops would have escalated to a point of shooting the jaywalker? I don’t think so. Was it all about racism or just a cultural thing between the whites and blacks with all the different meanings of what racism is, in which I have stated above.

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Re: Technology is to blame!!!

Postby Oceanside50 » Mon Feb 22, 2021 2:07 pm

Plain and simple answer.. the black man should have complied with orders... anyone not complying can be shot...
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Re: Technology is to blame!!!

Postby Kikapu » Mon Feb 22, 2021 4:49 pm

Oceanside50 wrote:Plain and simple answer.. the black man should have complied with orders... anyone not complying can be shot...

It is funny that you did not endorse the same for ALL those white insurrectionist at the Capitol building. They even killed a cop and injured dozens more, but they got a pass from you because they were right wingers and white. :roll:

Say no more Ocean, because you will just embarrass yourself even more with this thread. :roll:

I am done with you Ocean. :evil:
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Re: Technology is to blame!!!

Postby repulsewarrior » Mon Feb 22, 2021 11:27 pm


...some already are paying thousands, because they have electricity; having to pay the "going rate".

Balance is good Ocean, an alpha and an omega, a yin and a yang, in all its facets, there is "good" and "bad" (by the same definer) in everything. It is not an "Us" against "Them" situation, on so many levels. A little Democratic know how, as it can be said, regulation, "spending money", prevention, would have been a good thing; more prepared has its merits in times like these. Republican Individualism, Texas, Republican through and through, "free enterprise" and the "profit" motive seems to me in this case to be exposed, like the kind of driver found on the side of the road having wrecked so many cars in the process of having an accident without, any, insurance (never mind a well thought out Policy). Comparisons have already been made, between States, and it is quite clear that Texans are worse off having avoided such contingencies altogether: denial only works until it happens to you.

...when more pockets are picked, the system and authority will not sustain the support they have, i imagine, especially because the "others" did not fair as the worst.

@ Kiks, your video is not available to me.

... sorry but a Black man complying to orders, is still more likely to die from the same Police Authority: explain that.
... in your world Ocean, when a Police Person wrongfully kills (read:murders) someone shouldn't they too be shot, (or, choked to death,) death an equal penalty; would that make sense to you, why not?

Who do they think they're protecting when they act with such brutality; what are they protecting in the end, given your brutal conclusions?

...if America is a coin, one face is red, the other blue; i ask, who "owns" the coin, certainly not the faces on it but those they represent.
Its value is not the face you are looking at while the other side is hidden, but the People, their work in making such a coin.
Is it for sale, can it be taken by force, should someone wish to possess it and hold it in their hand?

Makes my skin crawl to think what America is becoming, as "America" with the good ol' boys (still) in charge. my mind it is boiling down to class-warfare in America, those who will protect the Rich to find protection for themselves, and those outside this circle necessarily being a much larger mass who resist their exclusion.
It does not have to be this way: but accountability counts; so does the vision which has evolved from great Constitutions like America's, a better condition including "All the People" based on Universal Principals has served all Mankind well.

...i guess you fit right in, (taking your orders directly from "your" President), it seems like half of America is on your side, scoffing at windmills while waiting for more of everything at a cheaper cost, but being Cypriot i am hoping you will come to understand as i have what dividing Cypriots into "Greeks" and "Turks" really costs, to Cypriots.

And not just to Cypriots, as we can see (in Turkey with Erdogan's "Turkishness", but) in America (soon 500,000 lives lost) divided as it is today.
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Re: Technology is to blame!!!

Postby repulsewarrior » Tue Feb 23, 2021 3:03 am

...can't get away from this topic, so much on the subject; another one worth watching,

...makes a lot of good points, facts too.
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Re: Technology is to blame!!!

Postby repulsewarrior » Thu Feb 25, 2021 3:23 am

...suits this topic well,

...cabbage pills for breakfast, robots and atomic bombs, the end of the world; (what else would children say if you think about it.)

and then (these young people grew a little older),
there was Free Love, questioning authority, a "baby boom":
where there were so many of them they supervised themselves.
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Re: Technology is to blame!!!

Postby Kikapu » Thu Feb 25, 2021 7:00 am

repulsewarrior wrote:...can't get away from this topic, so much on the subject; another one worth watching,

...makes a lot of good points, facts too.

Great video, Warrior.

I am sure Ocean has already dismissed this video as a left wing conspiracy against Texas, Republican politicians of Texas and Ted Cruz, who only wanted to have the comforts of home in Cancun at the Ritz Carlton at 30*C weather than freeze his ass off in Texas with the rest of Texans and pay a huge electricity bills at the same time. So he left his little dog at home in the freezing weather and went to the Ritz Carlton in Cancun were it was cheaper than staying at home with such huge electric bills. :roll:

But of course, the whole freeze in Texas and failure of it’s power grid must be blamed on the Green Energy Wind Turbines and the left by those brain dead idiots who believe such garbage . :lol:

The Republican controlled Texas State’s unregulated electricity company in Texas is called “Griddy”. More like Greedy. :wink:
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Re: Technology is to blame!!!

Postby repulsewarrior » Thu Feb 25, 2021 6:30 pm

...also on topic, and interesting,

...talking about gene deaths.
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