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Technology is to blame!!!

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Re: Technology is to blame!!!

Postby Kikapu » Fri Feb 19, 2021 7:56 pm

Oceanside50 wrote:It’s happened before many times... icy conditions in Texas is not an anomaly.. what is strange is that, any event that hasn’t been seen or remember from the past is all of a sudden due to global warming or climate change.. the scientific models do not show either global warming or climate change.. science shows that the climate has cycles and that we are beginning a cycle that’s different from the one before

Yes, when in the last 30 plus years things are looking differently than 100 years before, it is safe to say global warming and climate change are real. Only the ignorant and the Republicans differ otherwise. Yes, the Earth goes through changes with ice age once every 10,000 years or so as being normal, but we are talking much much shorter time periods which changes are happening in people’s lifetime.

There was a time 20 years ago you could go by boat all the way to Rainbow Bridge at Lake Powell, but now, the boat only goes about a mile from it, so it is hiking time the rest of the way because water levels are dropping most places as climate change becomes more and more active. Hydro Electric Dams at Glen Canyon Dam and Hoover Dam both on the Colorado River will be non operational at some point as the water levels keeps on dropping rapidly.



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Re: Technology is to blame!!!

Postby repulsewarrior » Fri Feb 19, 2021 11:33 pm

...don't forget this incident, (this Ice Storm,) if you vote Republican, in America. Here it is again, the "Big Lie", because it is an institutional problem and it must stop. There is no denying that this is not the Democrat's problem, only.

I only hope lessons are learned, that these politicians are swept out, so too all the good ol' boys behind them. Reason, and not fear is the prime characteristic associated to this specie's success. Fear of the unknown, or the future, is fruitless; in my mind it is Ignorance revealed. Indeed, we, humanity as it is, put a great deal of stress on this planet; what makes you think when our bridges are crumbling around us, and our cities are filled with poverty and stink that there is no need for worry, that this is natural? ('s "the left".) What makes you think that with equal and opposite reactions, nature, as a living being too, may not be compelled to meet its plunder with the forces it can gather against us? Seems natural to me. The planet is finite. Treating it as though its bounty is infinite, must end, this too cannot go on forever. Such misery has nothing to do with machines, (or windmills,) but intentions; intentions must change.
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Re: Technology is to blame!!!

Postby Kikapu » Sat Feb 20, 2021 10:12 am

Kikapu wrote:
Oceanside50 wrote:The windmills are a product of the left... almost every gas producing state has them. It’s a way for the left to show that sustainable energy can compete with hydrocarbons, unfortunately the ones in Texas are frozen solid... leaving millions without electricity and heat... again absurdities !!!!

There has been a Republican Governor in Texas since 1995 and as soon as there is a statewide freeze, the left gets the blame. :lol:

Ocean, you really have too much time on your hands to be chasing ghosts to blame the left for every fuckups the Republicans do. :roll:

Dipshit! :lol:

The Independent
Donald Trump Jr hits out ‘Democrat governor’ of Texas... who is actually Republican

Oliver O'Connell
Fri, February 19, 2021, 8:35 PM

In an attempt to defend Ted Cruz for going on vacation as Texas struggled with the aftermath of Winter storm Uri, Donald Trump Jr appeared to get one important detail wrong in accusing the lawmaker’s critics of hypocrisy.

The senator for Texas is being eviscerated by the public and media after it emerged he had taken his family to Cancun, Mexico, as his constituents endured record cold temperatures with no heat, power, or water,

The eldest son of former president Donald Trump took to Twitter and hit out at “the hypocrisy of those trying to cancel Ted Cruz,” adding that their silence “on their Democrat Governor’s incompetence is telling.”

Unfortunately for Mr Trump, and as many Texans were quick to point out, Texas Governor Greg Abbott is a Republican and was chair of the Republican Governor’s Association from 2019 to 2020.

The Libertarian Party of Texas tweeted: “Yeah, we have been really quiet about our Democrat Governor’s incompetence! We’ll get right on that…”

“The Governor Texas is a Republican, you insufferable dips***,” read one tweet. :arrow: :arrow: :arrow: :arrow: ... 57095.html
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Re: Technology is to blame!!!

Postby Kikapu » Sat Feb 20, 2021 12:59 pm

Oceanside50 wrote:Yet even More absurdities from the left...

“.... Wind farms across the state generate up to a combined 25,100 megawatts of energy. But unusually moist winter conditions in West Texas brought on by the weekend’s freezing rain and historically low temperatures have iced many of those wind turbines to a halt,” the Austin American-Statesman reported....” ... k%22%7D%7D

Brain dead Republicans never learn..... :roll:

Rolling Stone
Millions of Texans Are Freezing and Without Power and Republicans Are Blaming … Windmills

Ryan Bort
Thu, February 18, 2021, 5:41 PM

The pandemic has driven home a lesson that’s been true for a long time about Republican politicians: They don’t actually care about the welfare of their constituents so long as they’re able to trick enough people into people into believing the other side is responsible for everything that’s wrong. Nearly 500,000 people have died and millions more have had their lives upturned largely because of the GOP’s negligence, but they’ll have you believe the real enemies are the liberals impinging on your freedom by asking you to wear a mask

A similar routine is playing out in response to the brutal ice storm that swept through Texas earlier this week, leaving millions without power due to an energy grid that was totally unprepared to shoulder the stress of a winterized natural disaster. On Tuesday, Governor Greg Abbott went on Fox News to point the finger at renewable energy. “This shows how the Green New Deal would be a deadly deal for the United States of America,” he said before claiming the “shutdown” of solar and wind energy “thrust Texas into a situation where it was lacking power. ... 17266.html
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Re: Technology is to blame!!!

Postby Kikapu » Sat Feb 20, 2021 5:50 pm

Too many ignorant people do not know the difference between Global Warming and Climate Change. :roll:

They show their ignorance as soon as they make the statements they do in the report. :roll:

Jesus Christ, there’re a lot of dumb fuckers in the world. :roll:

Business Insider
Amid Texas storm, UN chief says it's 'complete ignorance' to say cold weather nullifies the reality of climate change

John Haltiwanger
Thu, February 18, 2021, 9:49 PM

The UN chief excoriated leaders who suggest cold weather means global warming isn't happening.

"This is total lack of scientific knowledge, this is complete ignorance," Antonio Guterres said.

A fatal winter storm in Texas has sparked renewed discussions on climate change in the US.

Visit the Business section of Insider for more stories.

UN Secretary-General Antonio Guterres on Thursday ripped into climate change deniers, stating that it's "complete ignorance" to suggest severe winters prove the planet isn't warming.

"This is total lack of scientific knowledge, this is complete ignorance," Guterres said in comments to reporters, per Reuters.

"If you look at hurricanes, if you look at storms, but also if you look at heat waves and cold waves, they are becoming more extreme because of climate change," Guterres said. "Climate change amplifies." :arrow: :arrow: :arrow: ... PC=WSBMSNH

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Re: Technology is to blame!!!

Postby Londonrake » Sat Feb 20, 2021 6:11 pm

I always though it was about people that didn’t know the difference between climate change and weather? :?

Does that make me a Republican? :(
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Re: Technology is to blame!!!

Postby Oceanside50 » Sat Feb 20, 2021 10:03 pm

Here’s more!!! I don’t believe anything from the left... this stuff is spreading, even in Cyprus... I haven’t read up on the demonstrations but the young Cypriots who got a good “topuzi”, fall in line with this thread...

But sensible people are fighting back
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Re: Technology is to blame!!!

Postby Kikapu » Sun Feb 21, 2021 2:18 am

Londonrake wrote:I always though it was about people that didn’t know the difference between climate change and weather? :?

Does that make me a Republican? :(

That is a good question to ask Ocean actually. :wink:

You are quoting me wrong, because I made the statement that those who do nothing believe in Global Warming and Climate Change are either ignorant or a Republican, since they are the least environmentally friendly groups. Not only they are the most unfriendly to the environment, but they also criticize the left and others in trying to prevent environmental damage for the good of all mankind, especially when they blame the problems with the deep freeze in Texas to Wind Turbines, as being useless utopian project by the left. :roll:

Re: Technology is to blame!!!
Postby Oceanside50 » Sat Feb 20, 2021 9:03 pm

Here’s more!!! I don’t believe anything from the left.
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Re: Technology is to blame!!!

Postby Oceanside50 » Sun Feb 21, 2021 6:20 am

A black conservative knocks down systemic racism and black lives matter... ... 3wsalyp9jx
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Re: Technology is to blame!!!

Postby Kikapu » Sun Feb 21, 2021 11:35 am

Oceanside50 wrote:A black conservative knocks down systemic racism and black lives matter... ... 3wsalyp9jx

Racism comes in many different forms and not only based on the colour of a persons skin, including hate, discrimination, history, phobias, social standing, justice, education, culture, religion, profession, and so on. When you simplify racism to just one single issue of colour of ones skin, then you are not seeing the trees through the woods. Black Conservatives can be very blind because they see racism through the white man’s eyes since they live in white man’s world with their social standings. :roll:
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