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Technology is to blame!!!

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Re: Technology is to blame!!!

Postby Maximus » Fri Feb 05, 2021 11:22 pm

Kikapu wrote:
Maximus wrote:You havent mentioned anything about sports yet,

Apparently, according to some leftist loonies,

A trans man (Fallen Fox) is courageous to get in the ring and beat a female MMA fighter to a pulp. (s)He broke a womens skull and left her concussed and bleeding and (s)he was celebrated as the bravest athlete ever.

Generally speaking, the trans men are dominating female sports and they are basically stealing their trophies away.

Since Biden came in to office and so far, 26 trans specific bills have been introduced in 16 states. one of which allows men who identify as women to use their changing and restrooms.

Now, I am against Transman competing in women's sports, regardless if they have got rid of their dicks or not. It is no longer a fair competition since the body physiology of the men with or without a dick remains the same, which will always be different than a woman's, regardless whether she is a lesbian or straight.

As far a they all using same changing rooms or toilets, no big deal.

But arent you denying them of their right to be a "women" here?

As a male, I have not got a problem with someone transitioning to look like a women using male toilets or changing rooms or competing in mens sports. It would be odd and cause confusion at face value depending on how convincing his outwardly appearance was.

But, this is the problem,

Women have a problem with trans women competing against them in sports and using their toilets and changing rooms but they are being forced to accept it and to believe that trans women are real women.
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Re: Technology is to blame!!!

Postby Paphitis » Sat Feb 06, 2021 1:02 am

repulsewarrior wrote:
Oceanside50 wrote:These leftist don’t care !!! It’s their ego they want to pamper. .. . that’s the point

"Leftists" and "Rightists" are no different, pampering their egos; rich people in general can afford to complain, wanting things just the way "they" are.

...and who is making the decisions in America? Certainly not the poor.

The poor generally don’t make the decisions in any country. It’s the same the world over. Cyprus is the same.

Certainly the poor never make the decisions in America. But for the first time ever, at least under Trump, the poor were thrown a bone. They were given jobs.

Hence why record number of Blacks and Hispanics actually voted for GOP no matter how much the Democrats tried to play the “racist” card.
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Re: Technology is to blame!!!

Postby Paphitis » Sat Feb 06, 2021 1:09 am

Kikapu wrote:Ocean, this is the way Turkey deals with it’s minority groups. :shock:

What do you think, should we apply the same in the US? :wink:

Associated Press
Turkey's Erdogan describes student protesters as terrorists

Tensions flared this week after a group of students were arrested over a poster, which was displayed at Bogazici University, that depicted Islam’s most sacred site with LGBT rights flags. The students were arrested over the weekend on charges of inciting hatred and insulting religious values.

More than 250 demonstrators were detained following clashes with police in Istanbul on Monday and Tuesday. Close to 70 were also detained in the capital, Ankara, on Tuesday during a demonstration organized in support of the Bogazici students.

Erdogan said LGBT values had “no place” in Turkey’s future. :arrow: :arrow: :arrow: ... 41542.html

It’s getting to the point in Western countries that some protesters are deemed terrorists. That applies to the US especially.

Fir instance, ANTIFA, ransacked and caused carnage in US cities with BLM, these were not peaceful protests. Streets, cars and houses were set on fire. Store win downs were smashed and looted. People were assaulted and bashed.

One guy who was wearing a MAGA cap was shot dead at point blank.

So yeh, these “protests” that deteriorate and take this nasty road should be outlawed. It’s definitely criminal behaviour.

Protesting in itself isn’t criminal but a political right in a democracy, if protesters March, sing, chant and wave their banners, it shouldn’t be a problem as they are just exceeding their political rights to protest.
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Re: Technology is to blame!!!

Postby Kikapu » Sat Feb 06, 2021 1:28 pm

Maximus wrote:
Kikapu wrote:
Maximus wrote:You havent mentioned anything about sports yet,

Apparently, according to some leftist loonies,

A trans man (Fallen Fox) is courageous to get in the ring and beat a female MMA fighter to a pulp. (s)He broke a womens skull and left her concussed and bleeding and (s)he was celebrated as the bravest athlete ever.

Generally speaking, the trans men are dominating female sports and they are basically stealing their trophies away.

Since Biden came in to office and so far, 26 trans specific bills have been introduced in 16 states. one of which allows men who identify as women to use their changing and restrooms.

Now, I am against Transman competing in women's sports, regardless if they have got rid of their dicks or not. It is no longer a fair competition since the body physiology of the men with or without a dick remains the same, which will always be different than a woman's, regardless whether she is a lesbian or straight.

As far a they all using same changing rooms or toilets, no big deal.

But arent you denying them of their right to be a "women" here?.


I am encouraging them to be a “woman”, to look and act like a woman as they feel, which means that their “family jewels” must be removed of any manhood to qualify. Trans man without alteration can’t go into open shower with bunch of naked girls and “her” with them with a hard on! :wink:
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Re: Technology is to blame!!!

Postby Londonrake » Sat Feb 06, 2021 2:24 pm

Kikapu wrote:Trans man without alteration can’t go into open shower with bunch of naked girls and “her” with them with a hard on! :wink:

Bugger! :(
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Re: Technology is to blame!!!

Postby Kikapu » Sat Feb 06, 2021 5:14 pm

Londonrake wrote:
Kikapu wrote:Trans man without alteration can’t go into open shower with bunch of naked girls and “her” with them with a hard on! :wink:

Bugger! :(

Yes, we have to draw the line somewhere, or else every Tom, Dick, Harry, LR and kicks will claim to be a woman just to be in the shower with bunch of naked girls. :D
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Re: Technology is to blame!!!

Postby Kikapu » Sat Feb 06, 2021 5:47 pm

Maximus wrote:
Kikapu wrote:
The question I have is, when did anyone decide to become heterosexual? :wink:

No one decided that they would become heterosexual but if someone could decide to become homosexual, then no one could become homosexual. :wink:

That’s the point, that neither did the LGBT people decided to be what they are. They just come to realization as to who they are and came/come out when they felt/feel safe to do so because of societal and family pressures.
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Re: Technology is to blame!!!

Postby Maximus » Sat Feb 06, 2021 6:08 pm

Answer this, yes or no,

As a heterosexual male, would you date and have a romantic relationship with a trans women?

This is the test, whether a trans women is really a women.
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Re: Technology is to blame!!!

Postby Londonrake » Sat Feb 06, 2021 7:13 pm

Reminds me of a story from when I was in the Forces.

A gang of matelots go out on the piss in Singapore. They're in a bar where a group of - quite stunning - lady-boys join them.

Later, deciding to move on to another venue they leave, but one of them walks off with a lady-boy in the opposite direction. "Her" all over him.

As they fade into the distance his mates shout. "Hey! That's not a girl. It's a bloke!" To which the faint reply comes back.......................................................... I know. :lol: :lol: :lol:

Sorry, I'll get my coat. :oops:
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Re: Technology is to blame!!!

Postby Kikapu » Sat Feb 06, 2021 7:25 pm

Maximus wrote:Answer this, yes or no,

As a heterosexual male, would you date and have a romantic relationship with a trans women?

This is the test, whether a trans women is really a women.

Well, no, but there are those men who would and at the same time, there are many real women I would not date either if they do not appeal to me.

Been to Thailand numerous times and I have to tell you, that some of those ladyboys look better than some of the women I have dated in the past, but I would not be dating any ladyboys either.

But it is not about how a heterosexual men feel about a Trans women, but how a Trans women feel about themselves is the issue. They do not need a litmus test with a date from a heterosexual for the Trans woman to feel a real woman if it’s the way they feel about themselves. It’s not about the body of the Trans woman but their mind, which we cannot see.

Many things in life I do not understand, but I accept them and move on. The list is too long to write them all. :wink:
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