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Cyprus and New Zealand ranked top in covid response

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Cyprus and New Zealand ranked top in covid response

Postby DT. » Thu Jan 28, 2021 10:20 am ... /#rankings

For those who don’t know the Lowy Institute is an Australian think tank

New Zealand first, Cyprus 5th

Other more obscure countries like Australia trailing
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Re: Cyprus and New Zealand ranked top in covid response

Postby Paphitis » Fri Jan 29, 2021 3:38 pm

Crap! Cyprus has had more COVID cases than Australia.

On par with the top 5 COVID countries like UK.

Almost to US levels.

We don’t have community transmission cases in Australia. The only COVID cases we get are from Australian expats who are flown back to Australia and go into quarantine.

So, there is at present, zero chance of me or my family getting COVID. Provided the authorities remain in control as they are and don’t stuff it up with another escape into the community.

The response by our Government here has been decisive, and strict.

So lost has ZERO credibility.

I’m afraid Australia is streets ahead of Cyprus and definitely has the best statistics on the planets along with New Zealand. The contact tracing and the tracking of the entire population.


This table provides a ranked comparison of the average performance over time of countries in managing the COVID-19 pandemic in the 36 weeks following their hundredth confirmed case of the virus. In total, 98 countries were evaluated, based on the availability of data across the six indicators used to construct this Index.

Just as well because if they took the data from the last 3 months, Cyprus would be in the bottom with the lines of UK and US whilst Australia would be in the very top.

Now having said that, this isn’t some kind of competition. Cyprus should have been at the top but it isn’t and that isn’t a good thing at all.

But I’m sure you would be happy that Australia has got its act together and for now, eradicated COVID from the community. Not many who can boast that.

Are you happy for us DT? Or would you prefer we had the same COVID issue as Cyprus?
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Re: Cyprus and New Zealand ranked top in covid response

Postby miltiades » Fri Jan 29, 2021 3:53 pm

More crap from General Pafidiot :lol:
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Re: Cyprus and New Zealand ranked top in covid response

Postby Paphitis » Fri Jan 29, 2021 3:54 pm

miltiades wrote:More crap from General Pafidiot :lol:

Which part of it was crap for you?

We are very fortunate in Australia. Our lives are continuing normally.

There is virtually no restrictions now or social distancing as we are in our comfort zone because our Government has very tight control. And our economy isn’t in bad shape either as we are out of recession. That’s with COVID and a trade war with Chy-na. We are just like that Australian Designed Ford Raptor - indestructible! :D Better than Mercedes, better than BMW. Just indestructible. All we need is for the Taliban and ISIS to start using them. :lol:

The only restriction we have is with international travel. But it keeps undesirables out as well, like you.
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Re: Cyprus and New Zealand ranked top in covid response

Postby miltiades » Fri Jan 29, 2021 5:28 pm

Cyprus is managing the pandemic better than most countries. Obviously the economy is taking.a hit but the Cypriot spirit will prevail as it did in 1974 following the Turkish invasion.
We have a much smaller economy and easier to rejuvenate.
As for Australia, well I dont denigrate the nation but where as we are on planet earth Australia is on :lol: ..
.another planet.
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Re: Cyprus and New Zealand ranked top in covid response

Postby Londonrake » Fri Jan 29, 2021 7:02 pm

It's not reassuring to most I'm sure but if you look at the total number of global infections and fatalities on the Worldometer you can see that your chances of dying if you catch it are 2.16%.

That increases exponentially though if your old, wealthy, beardless and a BORED man it seems. :shock: :lol: :wink:
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Re: Cyprus and New Zealand ranked top in covid response

Postby Paphitis » Fri Jan 29, 2021 11:29 pm

miltiades wrote:Cyprus is managing the pandemic better than most countries. Obviously the economy is taking.a hit but the Cypriot spirit will prevail as it did in 1974 following the Turkish invasion.
We have a much smaller economy and easier to rejuvenate.
As for Australia, well I dont denigrate the nation but where as we are on planet earth Australia is on :lol: ..
.another planet.

Bull dust it managed the pandemic better than most. You have had 30,000 infections out of a population of 800,000. That’s almost 5% of the population.

Very close to the US which is at 6% of the population. So it’s right up there.
Why? Probably because Cypriots are xerokefali.

No options for being a xerokefalo in Australia. The authorities will throw the book at anyone who doesn’t comply with COVID directives. Fines of $5000 for being caught out and about fir instance when there is a lock down and you have seen the videos. Our police are not to be messed with. They make the US police look like play school. The videos of police enforcement and even brutality are prolific on the internet.

Obviously they were empowered by Government to be that way because one stuff up means our economy goes down in flames compared to the situation we have right now where we are in a state of COVID normal with our economy functioning at almost normal levels and out of recession which means most people are working and contributing.

It appears that we are the model country.

Now I wish Cyprus was too because having a massive COVID problem isn’t good. People will get sick and people will die, that hurts families. So COVID is not good and we have family and friends and we all know someone who has had it now. It can be devastating.

Cyprus is only starting to get on top of it but still has more infections than Australia does each day. And that’s community infections. No community infection in Australia for 2 weeks or more which means no Covid in the community. Our infections are walking off the plane or being imported as we are bringing hundreds of thousands of citizens back gone from the US, UK, Europe and other places as well.

In Melbourne we had a Kibrea that was being a bitch at a police checkpoint. She was waved through only for the Melbourne swat team to follow her car and a mask her window to drag her out and arrest her like a criminal. She posted the video of her little victory on YouTube but the Aussie police don’t just wave you through. They only do it to avoid a public spectacle and then hit you down the road with a Swat team.
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Re: Cyprus and New Zealand ranked top in covid response

Postby Maximus » Fri Jan 29, 2021 11:56 pm

The "dry heads" are in all the western countries.

They like protesting in the streets,
Walking around with their masks just covering their mouths
And standing close enough to breath down your neck when they are in a queue.

Consequently, they have been hit the most with this covid shit.

Except for Latin America, they are equally xerokefali as well.

Cyprus has done better but they are not trailing that far behind in the number of cases per million of population. Australia does have less cases per million of population.

Guess who got hit the least? The country of origin, probably because they would get beats if they acted like westerners!

WHO, total cases per million population
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Re: Cyprus and New Zealand ranked top in covid response

Postby Paphitis » Sat Jan 30, 2021 4:35 am

Maximus wrote:The "dry heads" are in all the western countries.

They like protesting in the streets,
Walking around with their masks just covering their mouths
And standing close enough to breath down your neck when they are in a queue.

Consequently, they have been hit the most with this covid shit.

Except for Latin America, they are equally xerokefali as well.

Cyprus has done better but they are not trailing that far behind in the number of cases per million of population. Australia does have less cases per million of population.

Guess who got hit the least? The country of origin, probably because they would get beats if they acted like westerners!

WHO, total cases per million population

Mostly true Max but the statistics coming out of Chy-na are not to be relied upon. Other countries can’t be relied upon either - like Russia, Turkey and Vietnam just to name a few. They are by no means the only countries either.

They suppress information in these countries. There is no transparency at all.

Very likely that the Covid problems in those countries are far more extensive than they have divulged. Russia recently just admitted that they have have 50000 more deaths than they have divulged. I don’t know why they would say this but they did.

The statistics coming out of places like Cyprus, Australia and NZ and many more like the US are probably 95% accurate. 5% as a margin of error.

Cyprus has had 30K cases. Nearly 5% or 4% headed towards 5%. That’s astronomical. 4% of the US population is equivalent to 14 million cases. Not far from the US.

So it’s quite diabolical. But the good news is you guys are starting to get on top of it in a way as opposed to US which is nowhere near controlling it at the moment. So US will continue to get 250K new cases per day whereas Cyprus might now be sub 100 new cases. That’s not bad considering a month ago Cyprus was getting 700 cases a day. So seems like the recovery is on for Cyprus which is great. I hope that continues indefinitely.

Covid is definitely a risk even for countries that are doing extremely well right now - like Australia and NZ. All it takes is 1 error and before you no it you got a 1K new cases snowballing exponentially. That’s the nature of Covid.

South Korea that was doing so well for instance is now spiralling so yeh, things are fluid.

Australia and NZ so far are doing extremely well. We are so blessed in Australia right now and we have an extremely resilient economy. It has been eye opening to see this actually. It seems we can do ok all on our own if we need to. So reassuring for us over here. But we are a primary producer of exported goods, materials and resources which are always in demand unless there is a zombie apocalypse.

There are other factors too. We are blessed with our geography and the fact we are islands. But overall, I’ve been very impressed with our Government’s actions and decisiveness. Their ability to shut down a part of the country and keeping the rest open. Checkpoints and travel controls. The rapid response of our Health System, and Emergency services. And also the ability to track people and luck down areas. It’s been a case of shock abd awe but in the end it got the results and now we are reaping the rewards.

Our police have done a good job. They got flung in the deep end but when people decided to call them on a bluff, they acted to the point there are dozens of videos citing police brutality. One Kibrea in Melbourne was pulled out of her vehicle by a Swat team. She claimed assault. So the moral of the story is don’t be a prick. The police are willing and capable of ruining your day if you are an arsehole abd the communities safety is at risk.
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Re: Cyprus and New Zealand ranked top in covid response

Postby Cap » Sat Jan 30, 2021 8:01 pm

Amazing how an Australian 'think tank' would have so much vitriol from an 'Australian' .....Paphitis.
So much hatred towards Cyprus....
If his shi*hole Greece was even in the ranking, everybody knows he would singing a different tune.
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