Kikapu wrote:Paphitis wrote:Kikapu wrote:You know, there was a time Paphitis was against any lockdowns because of the Chay-na virus (did I get that right?

) so not to ruin the economy, but now he champions it.

I am against lock downs. Don’t want to see them again.
We don’t have any lock downs at the moment.
As Australua embarked on a strategy of early detention and eradication, I am hoping they are able to keep the virus away from the community so that we can continue to live our lives as we are doing so right now. Our pubs, restaurants are full. The streets are full of people and I want to keep it that way.
We are doing fine here in Australia. With no lock downs.
Our borders are just closed to the great unwashed barbarians from overseas. The filthy and diseased ravaged foreigners.
On a sad note, we still need to tolerate the Kiwis. Cant win em all!
We had a major alarm today in Perth with 1 community positive.
We should have put him on a plane to Cyprus as we are a Covid free zone here.

Well, I meant your borders are locked down from the world. You also have about 40,000 Australian citizens abroad who are not able to return home.

Yes our borders are closed to most people. Can you blame us?
We had at one point well over a million.
We continue to bring them in daily. Soon we should have all Australians home, or at least those who want to come which are the vast majority. Some may elect to stay overseas. It’s up to them.
I could have been one Aussie stranded in the US. I was scheduled to fly out to LA on the 1st of May. Luckily, I was cancelled (stood down) 2 weeks earlier. Otherwise I would have been stranded in NYC for months staying with my wife’s god sister or renting an apartment. Would not have been easy to come back.
And at the time, NYC was headed fir a Covid train wreck. Would have been in the thick of it.
Just to point out how draconian our contact tracing is.
Yesterday there was 1 positive Covid case in Perth. A Security worker at one of the quarantine hotels that temporarily quarantine returned Aussies from overseas.
In WA, there were 162 close contacts as of a few hours ago. All rounded up and quarantined.
In SA, 4000 people were rounded up and quarantined because they just came from Perth. I don’t know about the other states. But all that over 1 Covid positive in the community.
Definition of quarantine in Australia - basically you are removed from society and can’t circulate as a normal person can. You are put in a medi quarantine hotel for a minimum of 14 days and up to 21 days. Cant leave your room. Security guards are outside on every floor.
If you are ordered to quarantine and resist doing so, you are placed under arrest and go to jail.
So what they are doing is quarantining people who have had close contact and remove them from the community to prevent COVID spreading in the community. A ploy of total Covid eradication.
Do you can see why our borders are closed. You can’t be doing the above and let people in from overseas at the same time.
If I ended up stepping foot in the US, I would have eventually be bought back home but because there are literally hundreds of thousands of Aussies in the US alone, it would have taken quite some time. When back in Australia probably after several months, I would be housed in a medi quarantine hotel before being released and even seeing my family. It’s tough...
When these planes come to Australia, you are herded like criminals by people in full protective suits and PPE to clear customs, go through medical examinations, Covid tests, then put on buses to be taken for mandatory quarantine.
A close friend of ours just came back from Washington only a month ago and went through the process. Husband, wife and 2 kids who were also on the lawns of the WH when our PM was visiting and on the rotunda.