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Cyprus and New Zealand ranked top in covid response

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Re: Cyprus and New Zealand ranked top in covid response

Postby Kikapu » Mon Feb 01, 2021 4:37 pm

Paphitis wrote:
Kikapu wrote:You know, there was a time Paphitis was against any lockdowns because of the Chay-na virus (did I get that right? :D) so not to ruin the economy, but now he champions it. :wink:

I am against lock downs. Don’t want to see them again.

We don’t have any lock downs at the moment.

As Australua embarked on a strategy of early detention and eradication, I am hoping they are able to keep the virus away from the community so that we can continue to live our lives as we are doing so right now. Our pubs, restaurants are full. The streets are full of people and I want to keep it that way.

We are doing fine here in Australia. With no lock downs.

Our borders are just closed to the great unwashed barbarians from overseas. The filthy and diseased ravaged foreigners.

On a sad note, we still need to tolerate the Kiwis. Cant win em all!

We had a major alarm today in Perth with 1 community positive.

We should have put him on a plane to Cyprus as we are a Covid free zone here. :lol:

Well, I meant your borders are locked down from the world. You also have about 40,000 Australian citizens abroad who are not able to return home. :shock:
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Re: Cyprus and New Zealand ranked top in covid response

Postby yialousa1971 » Mon Feb 01, 2021 6:14 pm

DT. wrote:
yialousa1971 wrote:
DT. wrote:

For those who don’t know the Lowy Institute is an Australian think tank

New Zealand first, Cyprus 5th

Other more obscure countries like Australia trailing

Please provide me with the following:-

How many cycles is Cyprus and New Zealand using for their PCR tests?

We’re not really at that point in our relationship Yialousa where I go do things for you. :shock:

I am however interested in how that is relevant to the convo so when you get your data together let’s chat.

The PCR test is flawed, the more cycles you run the more false positives you get. So Your not aware of the high court ruling last year in Portugal? See below:-
We reported on November 22, 2020 that a landmark court case in Portugal had ruled that the polymerase chain reaction test (PCR) used worldwide to diagnose COVID-19 was not fit for purpose.  Most importantly, the judges ruled that a single positive PCR test cannot be used as an effective diagnosis of infection.
As reported at the time:
“In their ruling, judges Margarida Ramos de Almeida and Ana Paramés referred to several scientific studies. Most notably this study by Jaafar et al., which found that – when running PCR tests with 35 cycles or more – the accuracy dropped to 3%, meaning up to 97% of positive results could be false positives.
The ruling goes on to conclude that, based on the science they read, any PCR test using over 25 cycles is totally unreliable. Governments and private labs have been very tight-lipped about the exact number of cycles they run when PCR testing, but it is known to sometimes be as high as 45. Even fearmonger-in-chief Anthony Fauci has publicly stated anything over 35 is totally unusable.”
You can read the complete ruling in the original Portuguese here, and translated into English here.
Among thousands of angry doctors arguing PCR tests should not be used is Dr. Pascal Sacré. He wrote that:
“This misuse of RT-PCR technique is used as a relentless and intentional strategy by some governments, supported by scientific safety councils and by the dominant media, to justify excessive measures such as the violation of a large number of constitutional rights, the destruction of the economy with the bankruptcy of entire active sectors of society, the degradation of living conditions for a large number of ordinary citizens, under the pretext of a pandemic based on a number of positive RT-PCR tests, and not on a real number of patients.” ... a-problem/

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Re: Cyprus and New Zealand ranked top in covid response

Postby Zenon33 » Mon Feb 01, 2021 7:57 pm

And the worst two?. Because Brazil is 98 th....
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Re: Cyprus and New Zealand ranked top in covid response

Postby Paphitis » Tue Feb 02, 2021 2:04 pm

DT. wrote:
Paphitis wrote:
DT. wrote:
Paphitis wrote:Yesterday, Australia had 6 Covid positives - 1 community positive, the first in a number of days.

The same day Cyprus had 106 community positives.

You do the Math.

So bullshit Cyprus is ranked higher than Australia. If only you were.

You have Australia in the one hand where we are all out without masks, shaking hands, hugging, kissing and being carefree or Cyprus where you are all in lockdown because if you were not you are all playing Russian Roulette.

Now DT, you didn’t answer my question,

No doubt Australia is doing very well. Are you happy for us Australians knowing we are safe. I’m sure you are happy for us! Am I right?

I'd be first in line to donate equipment and expert assistance in order to help out Australia...obviously I'll be delighted if we can help your suffering population.

Thanks but we really don’t need any equipment or help.

We have arguably the best hospital in the world in Adelaide. The Royal Adelaide Hospital cost 18 billion to build - or about the entire Cyprus GDP. Yes, it is considered to be the flashiest and most expensive hospital in the world.

I was out at work today as well and didn’t see anyone suffering, we had a bit of a media stir over our 1 Covid case but that was about it, we were going to lock Perth down but they quickly located and rounded up the 66 close contacts who were tested and placed in quarantine. So life back to normal.

The media have to talk about something I guess.

Anyway, are you happy for us DT? I’m sure you are!

I'm more than happy for you if the data is true but you know how these developing nations fudge their numbers unfortunately..

So we are a developing country now that fudges our data.

Don’t think so!

Our data is true.

Our COVID response was fir a while the most severe and draconian with police sometimes going to some extremes and being a nuisance, especially in Melbourne.

Now we are at a point of some normality with almost no restrictions at all other than scanning yourself in when going to shops, restaurants or bars etc.
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Re: Cyprus and New Zealand ranked top in covid response

Postby Paphitis » Tue Feb 02, 2021 2:10 pm

Kikapu wrote:
Paphitis wrote:
Kikapu wrote:You know, there was a time Paphitis was against any lockdowns because of the Chay-na virus (did I get that right? :D) so not to ruin the economy, but now he champions it. :wink:

I am against lock downs. Don’t want to see them again.

We don’t have any lock downs at the moment.

As Australua embarked on a strategy of early detention and eradication, I am hoping they are able to keep the virus away from the community so that we can continue to live our lives as we are doing so right now. Our pubs, restaurants are full. The streets are full of people and I want to keep it that way.

We are doing fine here in Australia. With no lock downs.

Our borders are just closed to the great unwashed barbarians from overseas. The filthy and diseased ravaged foreigners.

On a sad note, we still need to tolerate the Kiwis. Cant win em all!

We had a major alarm today in Perth with 1 community positive.

We should have put him on a plane to Cyprus as we are a Covid free zone here. :lol:

Well, I meant your borders are locked down from the world. You also have about 40,000 Australian citizens abroad who are not able to return home. :shock:

Yes our borders are closed to most people. Can you blame us?

We had at one point well over a million.

We continue to bring them in daily. Soon we should have all Australians home, or at least those who want to come which are the vast majority. Some may elect to stay overseas. It’s up to them.

I could have been one Aussie stranded in the US. I was scheduled to fly out to LA on the 1st of May. Luckily, I was cancelled (stood down) 2 weeks earlier. Otherwise I would have been stranded in NYC for months staying with my wife’s god sister or renting an apartment. Would not have been easy to come back.

And at the time, NYC was headed fir a Covid train wreck. Would have been in the thick of it.

Just to point out how draconian our contact tracing is.

Yesterday there was 1 positive Covid case in Perth. A Security worker at one of the quarantine hotels that temporarily quarantine returned Aussies from overseas.

In WA, there were 162 close contacts as of a few hours ago. All rounded up and quarantined.

In SA, 4000 people were rounded up and quarantined because they just came from Perth. I don’t know about the other states. But all that over 1 Covid positive in the community.

Definition of quarantine in Australia - basically you are removed from society and can’t circulate as a normal person can. You are put in a medi quarantine hotel for a minimum of 14 days and up to 21 days. Cant leave your room. Security guards are outside on every floor.

If you are ordered to quarantine and resist doing so, you are placed under arrest and go to jail.

So what they are doing is quarantining people who have had close contact and remove them from the community to prevent COVID spreading in the community. A ploy of total Covid eradication.

Do you can see why our borders are closed. You can’t be doing the above and let people in from overseas at the same time.

If I ended up stepping foot in the US, I would have eventually be bought back home but because there are literally hundreds of thousands of Aussies in the US alone, it would have taken quite some time. When back in Australia probably after several months, I would be housed in a medi quarantine hotel before being released and even seeing my family. It’s tough...

When these planes come to Australia, you are herded like criminals by people in full protective suits and PPE to clear customs, go through medical examinations, Covid tests, then put on buses to be taken for mandatory quarantine.

A close friend of ours just came back from Washington only a month ago and went through the process. Husband, wife and 2 kids who were also on the lawns of the WH when our PM was visiting and on the rotunda.
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Re: Cyprus and New Zealand ranked top in covid response

Postby Paphitis » Sat Feb 06, 2021 1:57 am

Ok we are having a massive emergency down under with authorities on red alert raising the def on number.

Apparently we have had 1 community case in Perth. Hotel security staff.

Also 1 community case in Melbourne. Hotel staff again.

And in Adelaide where we have had no Covid at all for a month now has 1 case - someone who returned from overseas.

Can we survive? Well apparently the situation is so dire now, you would think the zombie apocalypse is about to start.

Entire Perth and Melbourne suburbs are in lock down.

Another massive catastrophe that needs to be contained.

You are right DT. Things have escalated here and we are not handling it properly. Seems to be an over reaction but I guess they don’t want a third wave and it all starts from just 1 person and snowballs from there.

Anyway, I guess we haven’t got that much to complain about.
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Re: Cyprus and New Zealand ranked top in covid response

Postby Get Real! » Sat Feb 06, 2021 2:45 am

Paphitis wrote:
DT. wrote:I'm more than happy for you if the data is true but you know how these developing nations fudge their numbers unfortunately..

So we are a developing country now that fudges our data.

Don’t think so!

Our data is true.

DT, has a point there! Take a look at your pathetic Covid income support... ... g-covid-19
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Re: Cyprus and New Zealand ranked top in covid response

Postby Paphitis » Sat Feb 06, 2021 8:49 am

Get Real! wrote:
Paphitis wrote:
DT. wrote:I'm more than happy for you if the data is true but you know how these developing nations fudge their numbers unfortunately..

So we are a developing country now that fudges our data.

Don’t think so!

Our data is true.

DT, has a point there! Take a look at your pathetic Covid income support... ... g-covid-19

I wouldn’t call it pathetic actually. The Government is subsidising my wage to the tune of $750. I don’t get it. My employer does.

Plus everyone is entitled to $30,000 in subsidies if their renovations are over $150,000. So building is booming,

Plus business owners and tradies are allowed $30,000 worth of tax offsets to keep them going.

Plus there is legislation that forbids banks from going in heavy taking people’s homes or businesses especially if you are in tourism or hospitality and have had a Covid impact.

Plus those who lost their job are given a benefit of $750 per week for 6 months, reducing to $550 per week. A lot of pilots get this who were made redundant. That’s if they are unemployed still. I don’t know of any who were made redundant and were unable to find a job. Most found jobs.

A lot of businesses bending over backwards to employ pilots.

In short our Government has been terrific. Yes they were quite unforgiving with Covid and still are. But they are also supporting families, workers and business.

Gee you can’t help bad luck though. The Cyprus Government might be one of those paying more than $750 per week for doing nothing. I feel very happy for you if that’s the case.

$750 per week is 500 Euro per week. Or about 2250 Euro a month. If all of you earn more than that for doing nothing then good for you.

The reason why the Government do it is because it’s part of an economic stimulus package to stimulate the economy. Hence why people are still engaging in consumerism, renovations, construction and so forth.

No way in hell the US, Saudi Arabia are more supportive than Australia though. Canada maybe as they are very similar to us. But not as good as Cyprus obviously or Australia. US though? Probably not a chance. I was going to move to the US. I know a lot about it. Biggest risk in America is the lack of universal health care. If you are not insured and end up in a US hospital, you can be bankrupted in no time. And health insurance costs about 7 to 10k per it’s not something everyone can afford. So the key in America is this. Don’t go to hospital.

Cyprus though must be the best because they must be paying everyone more than the 2250 Euro per month and offering bigger tax breaks to Business. So happy for you.
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Re: Cyprus and New Zealand ranked top in covid response

Postby Kikapu » Sat Feb 06, 2021 12:30 pm

Paphitis wrote:No way in hell the US, Saudi Arabia are more supportive than Australia though. Canada maybe as they are very similar to us. But not as good as Cyprus obviously or Australia. US though? Probably not a chance. I was going to move to the US. I know a lot about it. Biggest risk in America is the lack of universal health care. If you are not insured and end up in a US hospital, you can be bankrupted in no time. And health insurance costs about 7 to 10k per it’s not something everyone can afford. So the key in America is this. Don’t go to hospital.

Actually, the US was giving it’s citizens good financial assistance last year with the first stimulus package under Trump. Many people were making more money being at home than whilst working for several months.

Those on furlough were receiving their unemployment benefits plus the $500+ per week from the government assistance, and if you were already receiving Social Security payments for being retired but were still working and now unemployed too, many people had 3 direct source of income from the government. A friend who was in the above situation was pulling in close to $6,000 per month. Americans having a “Right to Work” policy which allows retired people to work if they wish to, and many does, most so out of necessity, can still claim unemployment if they are furloughed even when they are officially retired.

Let’s face it, no Universal Healthcare is free in any country. Countries like Australia and many European countries have higher income tax rate to help pay for healthcare for all. Switzerland we have zero Universal Healthcare as every individual must have health coverage on their own and it is a compulsory policy with checks and balances to ensure this policy, so we shop around for the best coverage/ least expensive policy. Many insurance companies compete . My personal Health Insurance per year out of pocket max if used extensively is 6,500 Swiss Francs. If I do not use the Health Service at all, it will cost me about 5,500 Swiss Francs a year.

This is just for illness and not for accidents like falling down and breaking a leg for instance or cutting your finger badly in your kitchen. No, that is a separate insurances coverages paid as a company benefit when working, or self paid when retired or unemployed, but it is fraction the cost of illness insurance. Dental insurance is way too expensive, so I just pay out of pocket when needed since I still have all my teeth. In return, we have relatively much lower income tax than neighboring countries. I get great health care here and have used it extensively when needed and the 6,500 Swiss Francs spent each year has been well worth it. So it all comes out the same in the wash.

In the US, most companies pay most of the medical insurance coverage for their full-time employees and their family as a company benefit, but their income is generally less than those in Europe or Australia, which many people cannot afford to buy health insurance if they are part-time workers, even if the hold 2-3 part time work or when they are unemployed. You are basically on your own, which is one of the reasons why the US has been hit badly with the pandemic because many people have many health issues. Obamacare tried to address this problem by making it more affordable which safeguarded about 20 million more people into the healthcare system, which Trump and the GOP are trying to stop this coverage as they think it is socialism to assist those who would go otherwise without any coverage. Unhealthy citizens is bad for any country’s economy.

That is one of Americans major shortfalls in not helping the hungry, the homeless and the sick. Quite disgraceful in fact. Federal minimum wage has been around $7.50 an hour for the last 12 years. Biden wants to raise it to $15.00 per hour over the next 4 years, but getting opposition from the GOP. It is crazy to think anyone can live on $7.50 per hour even in states where it is cheaper to live than some other expensive states. Most people in the US are just one paycheck away from losing their homes, health care and the life they have been accustomed to, which makes them slaves to their jobs.
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Re: Cyprus and New Zealand ranked top in covid response

Postby Paphitis » Sat Feb 06, 2021 3:07 pm

Kikapu wrote:
Paphitis wrote:No way in hell the US, Saudi Arabia are more supportive than Australia though. Canada maybe as they are very similar to us. But not as good as Cyprus obviously or Australia. US though? Probably not a chance. I was going to move to the US. I know a lot about it. Biggest risk in America is the lack of universal health care. If you are not insured and end up in a US hospital, you can be bankrupted in no time. And health insurance costs about 7 to 10k per it’s not something everyone can afford. So the key in America is this. Don’t go to hospital.

Actually, the US was giving it’s citizens good financial assistance last year with the first stimulus package under Trump. Many people were making more money being at home than whilst working for several months.

Those on furlough were receiving their unemployment benefits plus the $500+ per week from the government assistance, and if you were already receiving Social Security payments for being retired but were still working and now unemployed too, many people had 3 direct source of income from the government. A friend who was in the above situation was pulling in close to $6,000 per month. Americans having a “Right to Work” policy which allows retired people to work if they wish to, and many does, most so out of necessity, can still claim unemployment if they are furloughed even when they are officially retired.

Let’s face it, no Universal Healthcare is free in any country. Countries like Australia and many European countries have higher income tax rate to help pay for healthcare for all. Switzerland we have zero Universal Healthcare as every individual must have health coverage on their own and it is a compulsory policy with checks and balances to ensure this policy, so we shop around for the best coverage/ least expensive policy. Many insurance companies compete . My personal Health Insurance per year out of pocket max if used extensively is 6,500 Swiss Francs. If I do not use the Health Service at all, it will cost me about 5,500 Swiss Francs a year.

This is just for illness and not for accidents like falling down and breaking a leg for instance or cutting your finger badly in your kitchen. No, that is a separate insurances coverages paid as a company benefit when working, or self paid when retired or unemployed, but it is fraction the cost of illness insurance. Dental insurance is way too expensive, so I just pay out of pocket when needed since I still have all my teeth. In return, we have relatively much lower income tax than neighboring countries. I get great health care here and have used it extensively when needed and the 6,500 Swiss Francs spent each year has been well worth it. So it all comes out the same in the wash.

In the US, most companies pay most of the medical insurance coverage for their full-time employees and their family as a company benefit, but their income is generally less than those in Europe or Australia, which many people cannot afford to buy health insurance if they are part-time workers, even if the hold 2-3 part time work or when they are unemployed. You are basically on your own, which is one of the reasons why the US has been hit badly with the pandemic because many people have many health issues. Obamacare tried to address this problem by making it more affordable which safeguarded about 20 million more people into the healthcare system, which Trump and the GOP are trying to stop this coverage as they think it is socialism to assist those who would go otherwise without any coverage. Unhealthy citizens is bad for any country’s economy.

That is one of Americans major shortfalls in not helping the hungry, the homeless and the sick. Quite disgraceful in fact. Federal minimum wage has been around $7.50 an hour for the last 12 years. Biden wants to raise it to $15.00 per hour over the next 4 years, but getting opposition from the GOP. It is crazy to think anyone can live on $7.50 per hour even in states where it is cheaper to live than some other expensive states. Most people in the US are just one paycheck away from losing their homes, health care and the life they have been accustomed to, which makes them slaves to their jobs.

That’s good to hear Kikapu. I’m very happy the US Government came through for people there as well providing support to those in need, especially during these terrible times of Covid.

The poor Americans have suffered a lot with Covid. It’s not pleasant.

I’m very happy the Americans are able to access significant social benefits and support. We’ve been blessed to have a lot of support in Australia as well. It’s made a very big difference to our community and economy and it just goes to show we are so lucky in this country.

I hope people are getting the support in all countries. But they probably aren’t!

I know US Airlines were given 16 billion as a bail out.

Businesses are getting a bail out here as well as many employees wages are being subsidized.
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