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Cyprus and New Zealand ranked top in covid response

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Re: Cyprus and New Zealand ranked top in covid response

Postby Cap » Sat Jan 30, 2021 8:12 pm

Hey Paphitis.
here's some stats complementary of Australia.
NZ on top
CYP 5th

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Re: Cyprus and New Zealand ranked top in covid response

Postby Paphitis » Sun Jan 31, 2021 2:23 am

Cap wrote:Amazing how an Australian 'think tank' would have so much vitriol from an 'Australian' .....Paphitis.
So much hatred towards Cyprus....
If his shi*hole Greece was even in the ranking, everybody knows he would singing a different tune.

Oh here we go.

First Greece isn’t a shithole. Great people, great and beautiful country which will hopefully see better days. You are being vitriolic.

It is true I have a connection to Greece and I don’t regret it one bit. It’s Paradise.

Secondly, I do t hate Cyprus or wish the island was gripped by COVID, that would be disgusting if me if I did. I’m just stating facts. Cyprus has a far greater Covid issue than Greece ever had. Greece is doing better at controlling Covid than Cyprus. Go figure hey, a shithole is doing better than Cyprus. Cyprus has till this day 31,000 Covid cases.

That’s not a good thing but the facts are facts before we start pointing fingers at Greece, Australia or even the UK, France or US. I mean it’s not as if Cyprus is in a position to be pointing any fingers. It went out of control and it’s still out of control but improving.

Thirdly, we recently had one family member in Cyprus diagnosed with Covid. He recovered thankfully. He, due to his good health and young age recovered with only mild flu like Symptoms but it wasn’t fun for him and it’s scary. This virus can be mild or severe. You just don’t know what it could do to your body.

It’s not something to make fun if or keep score.

Consequently, Cyprus appears to be reducing the outbreak which is awesome. As a human being I want this trend to continue.
Last edited by Paphitis on Sun Jan 31, 2021 3:51 am, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Cyprus and New Zealand ranked top in covid response

Postby Paphitis » Sun Jan 31, 2021 2:31 am

Cap wrote:Hey Paphitis.
here's some stats complementary of Australia.
NZ on top
CYP 5th


Australia isn’t 5th. Already been through this before.

It depends when you took the snapshot don’t you think? A few months ago Melbourne was ravaged with 10,000 cases in a month or less. People were during left right and centre as Covid penetrated the old age centres and was being spread by staff killing hundreds of very old and frail people. It was a disaster.

But we don’t have community Covid now. Only 2 countries are in that league right now. Australia and NZ. So both these 2 countries are fir now the best countries in the world.

Our Government has been very proactive and at times quite severe in its response.

You for instance can’t come to Australia or NZ. Our borders are 100% closed to all foreigners. That has saved us. We have a natural defence which we are taking full advantage of. If necessary, we will be closed fir the next 5 years. We are able to do that thank God. We don’t need your money and we won’t kill our old people for money either. It’s not as if we are hard up for cash. Life is proceeding in Australia normally with low unemployment and certain industries booming carrying the weight and keeping us going forward.

So yeh, Cyprus isn’t ranked higher than Australia. It’s ranked a long way down the list and is statistically shoulder to shoulder with Russia, France, Spain, Italy, and Brazil. One of the worst countries with regard to Covid in the world. Cyprus has more Covid cases than Australia. Now consider the population.

So Cap, it looks like Greece isn’t the shithole after all with regard to Covid. Looks like Cyprus is.

Back to Australia, and NZ, both countries went to eradicate Covid. Lots of people said it was impossible. Well we both proved it was possible. It’s eradicated from our communities. So now we have a little bubble between Australia and NZ and don’t want ANYTHING to do with you lot because you are all fucked!

So you stay were you are and we will stay in Australia and NZ thank you very much. The minute we let people in will be a disaster and put our economy to its knees. We are as isolated as North Korea right now. We don’t need anyone.

We had our second wave and it was brutal for Melbourne. We don’t want a third wave. I never for a second believed the authorities could stop it at one point. I for one thought we were headed for a disaster but our authorities clamped diwn and isolated Melbourne for 4 months. No one it and no one out. They did a remarkable job over there and now life is back to normal for them but the poor buggers did it real tough.

The other thing you might want to know is that Australia and NZ are very much coordinating their Covid responses. The 2 countries are United in terms of Covid, emergency response levels and our emergency committees meet monthly to discuss what they are going to do. We have the exact same policies as there is no difference between their response and ours because we are in a bubble and want to keep that bubble open. In effect, NZ is considered a State of Australia almost.

So STFU! :roll:
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Re: Cyprus and New Zealand ranked top in covid response

Postby Paphitis » Sun Jan 31, 2021 2:58 am

Cap wrote:Hey Paphitis.
here's some stats complementary of Australia.
NZ on top
CYP 5th


Cyprus was doing well before the tourist season. You kept your borders open.

Now look at the results.

You can’t get more stupid than that.

Greece did the same but they fared much better than Cyprus so I wonder what they did.
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Re: Cyprus and New Zealand ranked top in covid response

Postby DT. » Sun Jan 31, 2021 8:32 am

:lol: Check out the methodology paphitioui

Countries are evaluated by your Australian think tank over 36 weeks after the first 100 cases. That’s 252 days after last April. Pretty up to date I’d say!

Bravo Cyprus and NZ!
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Re: Cyprus and New Zealand ranked top in covid response

Postby Kikapu » Sun Jan 31, 2021 10:18 am

You know, there was a time Paphitis was against any lockdowns because of the Chay-na virus (did I get that right? :D) so not to ruin the economy, but now he champions it. :wink:
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Re: Cyprus and New Zealand ranked top in covid response

Postby Get Real! » Sun Jan 31, 2021 10:26 am

Kikapu wrote:You know, there was a time Paphitis was against any lockdowns because of the Chay-na virus (did I get that right? :D) so not to ruin the economy, but now he champions it. :wink:

A pseudo-contrarian, or chameleon full of shit.
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Re: Cyprus and New Zealand ranked top in covid response

Postby miltiades » Sun Jan 31, 2021 11:29 am

I sussed him out, or rather smelled him, ages ago.
He lives in his own world, imagines himself as a ...pilot, a General, a tycoon as well as a political pundit, from Brexit to USA, Greece, Cyprus and of course C-h-in-a .
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Re: Cyprus and New Zealand ranked top in covid response

Postby yialousa1971 » Sun Jan 31, 2021 10:08 pm

DT. wrote:

For those who don’t know the Lowy Institute is an Australian think tank

New Zealand first, Cyprus 5th

Other more obscure countries like Australia trailing

Please provide me with the following:-

How many cycles is Cyprus and New Zealand using for their PCR tests?
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Re: Cyprus and New Zealand ranked top in covid response

Postby DT. » Mon Feb 01, 2021 9:33 am

yialousa1971 wrote:
DT. wrote:

For those who don’t know the Lowy Institute is an Australian think tank

New Zealand first, Cyprus 5th

Other more obscure countries like Australia trailing

Please provide me with the following:-

How many cycles is Cyprus and New Zealand using for their PCR tests?

We’re not really at that point in our relationship Yialousa where I go do things for you.

I am however interested in how that is relevant to the convo so when you get your data together let’s chat.
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