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The dangers of YouTube’s basement channels

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The dangers of YouTube’s basement channels

Postby Get Real! » Tue Jan 19, 2021 11:56 pm

Countless lazy oafs are operating worldwide from their mom’s basements in a frantic race to generate revenue from Google’s ad-schemes that promise to financially reward videos via an elaborate scheme, once they surpass one million views.

This shortsighted; but very profitable for Google, scheme has led to two major negative developments…

1. A plethora of videos on conspiracy theories, misconstrued information, and sensationalized half-truths.

2. An increasingly paranoid audience of these videos, eager to act out on the misinformation; often breaking the law and/or placing themselves in danger.

Cypriot viewers of these bogus channels are not exempt from deceptions as evidenced by reports like these… ... 27chronos/

This foolish 27 year-old saw fit to place an exploding device at a CYTA shop entrance after spraying “No to 5G” and “There is resistance” on the door and wall.

Some months ago, another fool; or possibly the same perpetrator, had set three mobile phone antennas on fire at a great cost to CYTA customers. If you can imagine, these antennas are around $10,000 each to replace… the costs to which will be passed down to customers, make no mistake!

So, not only are YT viewers wasting their time with FAKE news, but some have also started to become a worrying nuisance to society by acting out on this misinformation.

Some of the most popular misinformation theories promoted by self-serving deceivers include...

“The dangers of 5G”

“Why masks don’t work”

“Covid-19 is a hoax”

“The great reset”

And a host of other bogus theories! Once again I remind that the incentive for the existence of such videos is PROFIT FROM USER CLICKS and none other!

These individuals who create such videos are usually neither informed, nor authorized, nor qualified... in any way or form relating to the subject!

I believe the time is long overdue for the EU to crack down on all these impostors. One of the ways to combat the problem is to force Google to prevent conspiracy theory videos from generating any income.

This would prevent myriads of profit-aiming LIES from circulating, leaving only genuine theories to be published by those who don’t seek an income.

So how can we tell apart a genuine well-meaning video channel, from an impostor?

Well, the professional news/documentary networks are always CONTACTABLE via a website, a physical address, and phone numbers.

They are also licensed and subject to the rules and regulations of their respective media watchdogs.

Here are some examples of excellent documentary makers: (by no means the only ones)

Deutsche Welle (DW), Germany’s international broadcaster… ... pLviKh297Q

Ruptly (RT) is a global news channel broadcasting from Moscow and elsewhere…

BBC, Britain’s major network…


The golden rule of thumb when it comes to news…

“If none of the major networks are saying it... chances are it didn’t happen!”
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Re: The dangers of YouTube’s basement channels

Postby Kikapu » Wed Jan 20, 2021 12:57 am

Spot on, GR.

There has been too many garbage videos created on the false stolen election narrative.

Too many people bought into it even when evidence of such claims could not be produced.

That did not seem to matter to the many who forgot to think for themselves.
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Re: The dangers of YouTube’s basement channels

Postby repulsewarrior » Wed Jan 20, 2021 1:27 am is a problem i agree. Using YouTube, what with its algorithm, i am offered a wide selection of 'news'. Indeed, posts from extremists are also included, what with the recent events, there are even more choices.

I do not choose them (the most radical) to view. I do not revel in the cruel Karen meme for example; although some need to be 'said'. That is my choice; but sometimes (what is obviously '"Fake") it amazes me how quickly their views grow. Needless to say, looking through the chaff that is our selection, the little grains are sometimes the most surprising. Government should not imagine that they can do more than govern media in ways where Free Expression is controlled.

...but no need to panic. If the State is based on values that include faithfulness, truthfulness, and equality, the Judiciary, with good laws can settle these matters Civilly; it is what makes America a country not just of Freedom, but Liberty: such Litigation. Such as it was for big Tobacco, Pesticides, Asbestos, etc. e.g., it will be, for the same kind of (harmful) Intolerance to change, such litigation, in this Age.

...indeed, a lot of youngsters, if you will, will look back at these days for them so heady (and regret being so brash). Will they have evolved, perhaps learning something about themselves, where they may have embraced changes, that make them now wiser? That is a question i may live long enough to see. Was there an "internet" even twenty years ago, big learning curve, compared to the 600 (read: 5000) years of the printed 'word', 50 (read: 20) years of 'media'.

Intentions count for a lot. Education is key. Within the basement walls there are millions, soon billions, of original thoughts; this is a good thing (too).
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Re: The dangers of YouTube’s basement channels

Postby yialousa1971 » Wed Jan 20, 2021 3:06 am

The dangers of reading GR’s posts would be a better tittle. :D
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Re: The dangers of YouTube’s basement channels

Postby Get Real! » Wed Jan 20, 2021 4:05 am

yialousa1971 wrote:The dangers of reading GR’s posts would be a better tittle. :D

There’s definitely no danger in reading your posts Yialoser… for they have the impact of a constipated penguin trapped on an isolated rock and with one flipper missing! :lol:
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Re: The dangers of YouTube’s basement channels

Postby Kikapu » Wed Jan 20, 2021 8:58 am

The justifications with some for following such rubbish videos was that Main Stream Media was reporting “Fake News” (except for Fox News....of course), so they would watch fake news instead as “Alternative News” because they were following Trump’s rubbish narratives, as we have many rubbish videos posted here on CF in the last 3-4 months on elections polls, election results, claims on election frauds and election legal challenges in the courts. They have ALL been 100% wrong with these rubbish videos.
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Re: The dangers of YouTube’s basement channels

Postby Kikapu » Wed Jan 20, 2021 9:59 am

The Independent
How and when Americans stopped believing in ‘facts’

Andrew Buncombe
Tue, January 19, 2021, 5:46 PM)

It is nothing short of remarkable.

Amid all strange, disturbing and frequently violent scenes that emerged from the storming of the US Capitol, one appeared to stand out for something else.

It was an interview conducted with an alleged rioter inside the building, dressed partly in fur, who appeared to have picked up a police shield and put on a bullet-proof vest bearing the words POLICE.

What are you doing here, the man was asked in the interview, published by the New York Post.

“We were cheated. I don’t think 75 million people voted for Trump - I think it was close to 85 million,” says the man, his tone calm, his delivery measured. :arrow: :arrow: :arrow: ... 43818.html
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Re: The dangers of YouTube’s basement channels

Postby Maximus » Wed Jan 20, 2021 12:27 pm

Many Americans stopped believing in facts years ago.

Half the population have strong views but they dont know what they are talking about. They want to put feelings above facts and logical, rational discourse.

I told you, the colleges have been infiltrated with leftist and the other points of view on the right has been suppressed or purged. This is one reason, they are churning out a bunch of imbeciles with skills that have little or no value in the market. On top of that, you have collusion between big tech and media conglomerates to de-platform ans silence people they politically disagree with, which creates echo chambers and allows nonsense to go unchecked more easily.

This is not limited to education but it extends to the mainstream media as well. These entities have morphed in to corrupt mouthpieces, stuffed with pundits to shill for their parties and ideologies. No longer neutral and reporting facts, or working in the best interest of the citizens. The media are one of the main forces of dividing people.

They are after clicks for advertising revenue too. Unless you are the BBC, you can spew propaganda all you like because their funding is guaranteed by the tax payer..

You think its limited to youtube creators? take a broader point of view. How many companies with a reporting license talk absolute shit? :roll:
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Re: The dangers of YouTube’s basement channels

Postby yialousa1971 » Sun Feb 21, 2021 5:05 am

Get Real! wrote:
yialousa1971 wrote:The dangers of reading GR’s posts would be a better tittle. :D

There’s definitely no danger in reading your posts Yialoser… for they have the impact of a constipated penguin trapped on an isolated rock and with one flipper missing! :lol:

OK I will BUMP your crap thread! :twisted:

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Re: The dangers of YouTube’s basement channels

Postby repulsewarrior » Sun Feb 21, 2021 6:16 am

...i can always count on you to scare the hell out of me yialousa.

Indeed this stuff is out there. It's enough for me to read the stuff that everyone is reading; yet uglier still at the frontiers, that too is worth reading, like in all things there is a lot of grist to go through looking for the grains of Truth. seem to be forgetting what is most important though, those you call "Jews" represents only a few thousand, perhaps even less, likely not (all) Jewish, Scottish, Chinese, and Arab, surely a Greek is involved in this along with the French, and the Germans, given the History of Capital. Already we the rest of us know that their numbers are (less) than one percent; are we ready for the (bloodless) revolution (evolution), where "they'' are told to take a vacation: decisions are made differently.

...all this "news", it too is for money: beware; same motive kind of makes you think doesn't it?
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