Kikapu wrote:No one wants to see the UK go down just because the remainders lost the battle, but perhaps not necessarily the war. Whichever way things go from now on, it is not the remainders fault one way or the other. It won’t even be the fault of majority of the leavers, because the government were never up front with the people, therefore, anything that goes wrong after Brexit, you bet your bottom dollar that those responsible for U.K’s downfall (should it happen) must be held accountable. Anyone buying into Boris’s Jubilation that the UK is now ready to be all it can be and can stretch her legs after 40+ years of being kept on ball and chain by the EU, must be sleep walking and they will too need to hear about it.
Patriotism is not about doing everything our government tells us to do without question. As a matter of fact, it is the complete opposite. If things goes wrong, I will be the first to point fingers at every twist and turn because for the last 40+ years U.K. being in the EU has served the UKs interests well economically and politically, and when some right wing nutcases risk the livelihood of many, then yes, I will crap all over them as it happens and not going to wait 5 years to see how things come out. There was nothing broken by the UK being in the EU, but if it breaks now, look out Boris, Farage and gang.
I disagree. I've been reading quite a few threads here and there and whilst I'm not talking about all Remainers, or pointing a finger, there are certainly some who clearly want their view to be vindicated by disaster. I hope they're not holding their breath.
Is it the Remainers fault? I believe to a considerable extent that the way things unfolded was down to their efforts. Had the result of the referendum been accepted (as I believe it would if it had been the reverse - certainly anyway by me) and the country moved on in a unified and coherent way then things I suspect would have worked out much better. What happened though? For over 4 years we had a lot of people in Parliament who treated the EU referendum with undisguised contempt and worked together to try and collectively overturn it. All sorts of schemes were attempted. The Labour party lied in their 2017 election manifesto, promising to honour the result and then betraying its voters. As a result they're in the wilderness, although still it seems arrogantly refusing to acknowledge the cause. People like Bercow, Clarke, Benn, Soubary, Grieve and many more in the House worked collectively to undermine the referendum, as did the unelected House of Lords. We witnessed the likes of Blair and Hesletine routinely jetting back and forth between London and Brussels in order to "advise" the EU Commission on how it could effectively do the same thing. Combined, giving ongoing grist to the EU mill. Why bother to negotiate seriously when all that's working in your favour. So, yes, IMHO Remainers have a lot to answer for.
The comforting idea that Boris Johnson (or Farage) alone was responsible for Brexit's absurd. There were 4 major electoral events between June 2016 and last December. The people of the UK voted in all of them to leave the EU. They didn't do that because of a single politician or "some right wing nutters". There was a 6 month campaign - heavily loaded on the Remain side - before the referendum. Afterwards, 4 years of digesting daily news about the various struggles. Perhaps next to Covid the people of the UK have never been so well informed on a subject. Still though, even nowadays, I'm reading crap saying the vote was all the result of a few words on the side of a bus.
The fact is we've left the EU - fully. Any ideas of us going back cap-in-hand are the fantasy of those who don't have a clue concerning the people they're talking about. So, apart from some sort of self gratification thing, I wonder, what's the point of continually carping? What is there to be achieved?
No disrespect meant. I hope you'll believe that. However, I think you and I have entirely different perspectives when it comes to patriotic sentiment about the UK.