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Countdown to British Independence Day

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Re: Countdown to British Independence Day

Postby Kikapu » Sun Dec 27, 2020 12:36 pm

Of course, Brits wanting to move to Switzerland from January 1st will face major obstacles, just as to the rest of the EU. :roll:

Ironically, some of our Brexiteers on here are living in an EU member state. Go figure! :wink: :D
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Re: Countdown to British Independence Day

Postby Londonrake » Sun Dec 27, 2020 1:30 pm

erolz66 wrote:The results of Brexit to date for me personally have all been entirely negative and I am yet to see any positive impact on me or my life or my wealth or my freedoms yet. Of course for some I am not allowed to speak this truth, my truth. If I do so I will be attacked as a 'moaner' and accused of being anti democratic. It is like not only did I lose the referendum vote but I lost all right to have any opinion on the issue ever again or any right to explain why I still think it was a mistake. It feels like some of the winners do not want my acceptance of the ref result, they actually want me to lie about the impacts of it on me to date for their benefit ?

Sorry. Are you talking to me? Only, I'd formed the impression that you weren't any more for some reason. Don't get me wrong, that's not a complaint.

If so, then.

I would have thought it abundantly clear nobody's ever attempted to prevent you from speaking your mind. Particularly on this forum. I would cite your charming comment to Paphitis recently where I believe you called him a "Lying piece of shit". On other forums I visit that would have gotten you at least a yellow card. It was certainly a clear case of somebody speaking their mind, unimpeded.

Anyway, moving on.

Yes, of course everybody has their right to an opinion and I submit there's been absolutely no shortage of those from Remainers. That continues and I doubt there will be an end to it for a long time. I think the term "bad losers" doesn't really hit the spot in that regard. The weeping 'n' wailing though comes from ever deeper in the wilderness.

From June 2016 until December 2019, in all 4 major electoral events of that period, UK voters consistently expressed a majority view that they wished to leave the EU. On the last occasion overwhelmingly enough to take a lot of pundits by surprise. The result was historic. Nevertheless, I can't recall a single moment during all of that time when there wasn't some nefarious attempt(s) to overturn that clearly expressed, democratic mandate. I suggest that a failure to acknowledge and accept that instruction by people who claim to be supporters of democracy was nothing more than rank hypocrisy. So - yes - I think "democrats" in a satirical sense is entirely appropriate.

It's been a while, but my recollection wrt yourself was of your persistently promoting the idea there should be a further referendum, covering "how" we leave. Which of course was just yet another, thinly veiled, scheme to try and nullify 2016, et al.

Given that Brexit proper hasn't really started yet I think it's a tad premature to start the wrist slashing over lost wealth and freedom. Moreover, I would suggest that had there been less people like Blair/Hesletine/Clarke/ and a whole host of back-stabbing "Democrats" giving the impression that the end of Brexit was there for the taking for over 4 years then the Forex teenage scribblers might have been less inclined to hedge sterling so much.

Not long ago you made a comment about the divisiveness of the Brexit issue. I thought that was a bit rich TBH. Surely, after the referendum it was "Democrats" like yourself who excelled in that respect?
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Re: Countdown to British Independence Day

Postby Londonrake » Sun Dec 27, 2020 1:47 pm

Kikapu wrote:Of course, Brits wanting to move to Switzerland from January 1st will face major obstacles, just as to the rest of the EU. :roll:

Ironically, some of our Brexiteers on here are living in an EU member state. Go figure! :wink: :D

That's a bitter disappointment. :( More importantly, where will I get my quality Gluhwein and chocolate from now? :D

Well, I've been "associated" with Cyprus in various ways for 45 years and have lived here for a total of about 12. I've currently no cunning plan to die but will probably end up doing so here. In the distant far future of course :lol: . Let's face it, if Milti gets away with his lifestyle, on mine I should live to be at least as old as him.

Anyway, none of all that had anything to do with the EU. Furthermore, as a fairly distant admirer of the Brexit crusade I don't believe my living here is in any way hypocritical. From a financial and administrative POV it would of course had been far better for me if the UK had stayed in the EU. So, you could say my views are "pure" in their not being driven by personal enrichment factors? Altruism? Dunno 8)
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Re: Countdown to British Independence Day

Postby Kikapu » Sun Dec 27, 2020 2:52 pm

Londonrake wrote:
Kikapu wrote:Of course, Brits wanting to move to Switzerland from January 1st will face major obstacles, just as to the rest of the EU. :roll:

Ironically, some of our Brexiteers on here are living in an EU member state. Go figure! :wink: :D

That's a bitter disappointment. :( More importantly, where will I get my quality Gluhwein and chocolate from now? :D

Well, I've been "associated" with Cyprus in various ways for 45 years and have lived here for a total of about 12. I've currently no cunning plan to die but will probably end up doing so here. In the distant far future of course :lol: . Let's face it, if Milti gets away with his lifestyle, on mine I should live to be at least as old as him.

Anyway, none of all that had anything to do with the EU. Furthermore, as a fairly distant admirer of the Brexit crusade I don't believe my living here is in any way hypocritical. From a financial and administrative POV it would of course had been far better for me if the UK had stayed in the EU. So, you could say my views are "pure" in their not being driven by personal enrichment factors? Altruism? Dunno 8)

Last winter I was able to get “Glühwein” from a street vendor by London Eye, but under a different name, which I can’t remember what it was called now. :wink:

UK being out of the EU will have very little affect on me whilst still living in der Schweiz, other than not being able to use the self passport control machines at Zurich airports for coming and going with the British Passport, and there may be restrictions now on bringing Cyprus Style Pastirma (sausages) from London. Now I am mad! :D

It is not about me or my lifestyle changes that concerns me with Brexit. Mainly I feel sorry for the young people of the UK from now not having easy access to the Continent for work, schooling or residence. Perhaps once the Brexit details comes out, it may be different, but I do not think that being the case. :evil:
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Re: Countdown to British Independence Day

Postby miltiades » Sun Dec 27, 2020 3:00 pm

With some exemptions, my belief is that those that voted out did so out of IGNORANCE and small minded views as well as lies by the Clown and the Arsehole , Fuckrage.
I have yet to hear of just one benefit that the UK would derive outside the EU. Please do not give me the shit that the peasants were fed ie We have our independence, we make our own laws and other such idiotic comments.
Personally I have thus far lost in excess of 60 thousand euros because some fucking idiots don't like the Krouts or the Frogs. A tangible benefit is what I would to hear. Brexit or rather BREXSHIT will lead the country into a pile of shit.
Time will show, and it is fast approaching.
By the way, our resident village IDIOT in support of BREXSHIT does so out his immense dislike of the EU .
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Re: Countdown to British Independence Day

Postby Londonrake » Sun Dec 27, 2020 4:07 pm

miltiades wrote:With some exemptions, my belief is that those that voted out did so out of IGNORANCE and small minded views as well as lies by the Clown and the Arsehole , Fuckrage.
I have yet to hear of just one benefit that the UK would derive outside the EU. Please do not give me the shit that the peasants were fed ie We have our independence, we make our own laws and other such idiotic comments.
Personally I have thus far lost in excess of 60 thousand euros because some fucking idiots don't like the Krouts or the Frogs. A tangible benefit is what I would to hear. Brexit or rather BREXSHIT will lead the country into a pile of shit.
Time will show, and it is fast approaching.
By the way, our resident village IDIOT in support of BREXSHIT does so out his immense dislike of the EU .

Nobody’s going to respond to that Milti.

We’re all too frightened. :shock: :lol:
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Re: Countdown to British Independence Day

Postby Londonrake » Sun Dec 27, 2020 8:17 pm

Kikapu wrote:It is not about me or my lifestyle changes that concerns me with Brexit. Mainly I feel sorry for the young people of the UK from now not having easy access to the Continent for work, schooling or residence. Perhaps once the Brexit details comes out, it may be different, but I do not think that being the case.

Ahh - you're being altruistic, too then. :D :wink:

I wouldn't worry about the UK young. I suspect they will still manage access to the Continent somehow for the things you mention. Also of course, they should now be more free to study in the likes of Harvard, MIT, NUS, etc, etc, etc. Nowadays students tend to = € $ £.

I'm sure, when the Brexit details emerge a lot of people, on both sides, will be disappointed to some extent. I would find that reassuring. An example perhaps is we are already reading about how British fisherman have been betrayed, whilst on the next page it's Irish and French fishers that are beating an indignant path to their governments.

Also, I wouldn't read too much into each side's time to examine the small print. The UK has a legal deadline to work with. The European Parliament has made a big fuss about their approval process. However, those familiar with the establishment will I think concur that they're basically just a posturing, noses in the trough, rubber stamp. You have only to look at their much vaunted power to vote in the President of the Commission and what happened in the case of Von der Leyen's "election" to understand what I mean. Ultimately, they always do what the big boys (and girl of course) tell them to. They're an irrelevance.
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Re: Countdown to British Independence Day

Postby Paphitis » Mon Dec 28, 2020 1:48 pm

Kikapu wrote:
Paphitis wrote:
Kikapu wrote:
So the UK knew all along that it could not have a hard Brexit and funny enough, so did the EU, so Boris accepted the deal based on EU’s terms, which means that, the UK government will not be able to make laws which would tilt the level playing field to it’s advantage, as far as tariffs free goods going to the EU goes. Like it or not, the UK is very much still tied to the EU, but at a lesser advantages than while U.K. was a member of the EU. If the UK believed they had a very strong hand, they would have walked away from the EU with a hard Brexit a year ago and gone with the WTO tariffs based economy with the EU, to which the UK could have passed any kinds of laws they wanted. That would have been the true exit from the EU and a truly taking back their sovereignty. Sorry Paphitis, but the UK did not gain their independence from the EU, hence the fact there won’t be any Independence parade happening anytime soon. :wink:

The way I see it is Britain got pretty much everything it was asking for.

It has a free trade deal, and at the same time isn’t encumbered by EU Law, or courts.

It just needs to abide by certain fair play rules with regard to their free trade. But the EU has no avenues to force the UK to do anything. If it violates the level playing field, it’s free trade might be in jeopardy. It’s just a standard free trade agreement.

And the UK will be out of the EU at end of January.

The fact that Boris is only giving the parliament just a day or two to ratify Brexit, tells me it was intentional by Boris to delay the agreement with the EU just so to keep the British people in the dark before the deadline on December 31st. :wink:

In the meantime, confident EU which they feel they got most of what they wanted in the deal, have given the EU members until February to vote (rubber stamp) on the deal. :D

The EU doesn’t look very confident to me. Looks like BORIS is the one with the spring in his step and is all smiles.
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Re: Countdown to British Independence Day

Postby Paphitis » Mon Dec 28, 2020 1:56 pm

miltiades wrote:With some exemptions, my belief is that those that voted out did so out of IGNORANCE and small minded views as well as lies by the Clown and the Arsehole , Fuckrage.
I have yet to hear of just one benefit that the UK would derive outside the EU. Please do not give me the shit that the peasants were fed ie We have our independence, we make our own laws and other such idiotic comments.
Personally I have thus far lost in excess of 60 thousand euros because some fucking idiots don't like the Krouts or the Frogs. A tangible benefit is what I would to hear. Brexit or rather BREXSHIT will lead the country into a pile of shit.
Time will show, and it is fast approaching.
By the way, our resident village IDIOT in support of BREXSHIT does so out his immense dislike of the EU .

One benefit you say? CANZUK!

It’s where the future lies. It’s an economic powerhouse with all the resources anyone could want and there is a fingerprint abs presence over the 5 seas plus the military reach.

Unions like this are far better than big blocks like the EU because our heritage is similar, the 4 countries generally see eye to eye 99% of the time, abd also because it has a presence in the North American and Asian Markets.

If the US join as well, then I’m afraid it’s game over red river by a factor of 100.
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Re: Countdown to British Independence Day

Postby Kikapu » Mon Dec 28, 2020 2:18 pm

Paphitis wrote:
Kikapu wrote:
Paphitis wrote:
Kikapu wrote:
So the UK knew all along that it could not have a hard Brexit and funny enough, so did the EU, so Boris accepted the deal based on EU’s terms, which means that, the UK government will not be able to make laws which would tilt the level playing field to it’s advantage, as far as tariffs free goods going to the EU goes. Like it or not, the UK is very much still tied to the EU, but at a lesser advantages than while U.K. was a member of the EU. If the UK believed they had a very strong hand, they would have walked away from the EU with a hard Brexit a year ago and gone with the WTO tariffs based economy with the EU, to which the UK could have passed any kinds of laws they wanted. That would have been the true exit from the EU and a truly taking back their sovereignty. Sorry Paphitis, but the UK did not gain their independence from the EU, hence the fact there won’t be any Independence parade happening anytime soon. :wink:

The way I see it is Britain got pretty much everything it was asking for.

It has a free trade deal, and at the same time isn’t encumbered by EU Law, or courts.

It just needs to abide by certain fair play rules with regard to their free trade. But the EU has no avenues to force the UK to do anything. If it violates the level playing field, it’s free trade might be in jeopardy. It’s just a standard free trade agreement.

And the UK will be out of the EU at end of January.

The fact that Boris is only giving the parliament just a day or two to ratify Brexit, tells me it was intentional by Boris to delay the agreement with the EU just so to keep the British people in the dark before the deadline on December 31st. :wink:

In the meantime, confident EU which they feel they got most of what they wanted in the deal, have given the EU members until February to vote (rubber stamp) on the deal. :D

The EU doesn’t look very confident to me. Looks like BORIS is the one with the spring in his step and is all smiles.

You have a habit backing the wrong horse based on showmanship, Paphitis. :wink: :lol:
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