Get Real! wrote:Londonrake wrote:Look Paphitis.
They all obviously don't want you posting your views on their forum. Why don't you just accept that and bugger off?
We have no problems with Paphitis… it is the diarrhea of an emotional wreck (you) that we’re not interested in.

I would have thought - in a Trump thread, which is magically transformed into something about boarding school pedophilia

You have a habit of talking about "We" and "We're", which pretty much sums up the inflated opinion you have of yourself on this forum. Like you own it. Breaking news! It's not yours. You're just A N Other member. And - I'm not at all an "emotional wreck" or any of the other playground insults you post. I fondly hope one day you will get to tell me this stuff to my face. You might want to think about that.

Do you have meet-ups on this forum?
Sorry. It's unfair of me to take advantage. When you're posting pissed.............................. yet again.