Turkey will never get into the EU without a solution.
So, who cares
I mean, for a start, Greece and Cyprus will veto any accession,
Good for you
And if you think the USA can stop them doing this
If we carry on good relations with U.s.A and Uk and they want us in Europe we'll get in, thats all you should no
You dont realise do you, this whole process is great for us, were having a reformed image in the media, reputation and image boost, lots of investment and the economic boost we need, we got Uk and U.s.A as allies, Europes just a word, we say a few words please some beaurocrats and get a crate load of cash.
In 15 years, Europe is going to want us in Europe and accept any demands we have, just like U.K does today, its better to take tips from the masters of POLITRIKS then stubbor "old Europe" heads
since Turkey came out with the most absurd restitution formula and no one said anything against Turkey
Yeah cos the whole world saw the real face of Greek Cyprus and was quite digusted, you know like the Church sayin "if you choose to live with Turks you'll go to Hell" etc etc
No one up until this point, spoke up on behalf of justice
Yeah they are, there recognising what Greek Junta did against innocent Turkish Cypriots, lifting ambargo's and sanctions and moving towards full recognation of TRNC sounds like justice to me, Oh I forgot its only Justic when Turks are being oppressed, thankfully I dont live 50 years ago when you could get away with lies and hatred against Turks
just shows me how this world is officially corrupt
Oh boo hoo, the world was against Turks for 100 years, killing over 5 million of our people causing over 5 million refugees, all the Super Powers of the World invaded us, hey but we kicked their ass
Now you try fighting against the powerfull all alone for a while and see how well you fare, then you can give your respects to what we have been through and how we never were defeated.
If we were muslim, it would be time to strap on bombs. But since we're not and we dont rely on terror
Desperate people take to use bombs, people with no hope left and with no protection like kids fighting tanks in Palestine.
You dont need to strap on bombs, for 15 years Greek Junta had armed army and Turks had un-armed villagers who were terrorised if anyone should have strapped a bomb it surely wasnt you.
Any way we didnt have to resort to Terror, our Turkish brothers Legally Interwined and we crushed the filth Junta oppressing us.