Get Real! wrote:Paphitis wrote:Citing some zealot text that identifies pagan worshipers as heretics as a backhander to the Hellenistic culture however...

This “zealot” (Epiphanius) is known as the great defender of Orthodoxy (that’s his main characteristic/legacy) and we are lucky to have an insight through his writings of what was going on in his days.
Through his writings we now know that the origin of
Hellenism was that of con-artists marketing fantasies to deceive the world and gain power.
Today, we also know that this sect was quite successful for they at least led to an entire nation of deluded con-artists we now call "Greece".
So there you have it...

I take your word for it. I however take issue with his lack of tolerance.
If this guy was alive today, no one in the world would pay any attention to him other than criticize his out of touch views about the practices of others not in the Orthodox religion.
And what was that again about throwing stones from glass houses? At the moment, the whole world is talking about the deluded con artists in Cyprus. You should see all the stuff on social media. I didn't know Brad Pittas, and Angela Tsioli were Cypriots with passports and all.

You are one funny dude! Fancy calling Greeks con artists when the whose who of Cypriot politics were selling Gold Passports to sell property in Cyprus from development companies they own.
So there you have it alright. Pot calling the kettle black.

You need Donald Trump to clean you all up.