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Our ancient Cypriot bishop’s views on Hellenism

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Re: Our ancient Cypriot bishop’s views on Hellenism

Postby Get Real! » Wed Oct 21, 2020 2:46 pm

repulsewarrior wrote:Jesus spoke Aramaic, but there is little to debate that he would not have spoken Greek to crowds (for this reason); Hebrew and Latin would also have been known by him.

If you want to make a point of Jesus being multilingual in the languages you mention, then you should add credible links to back your claim but you shouldn’t post your assumptions.

The assertion that Jesus must’ve been multilingual because he was “well travelled” is utter nonsense because his travels were limited to well-within present day Israel, so we’re talking about a very small region about the size of Cyprus that couldn’t have had much diversity!

A quick search of “jesus travels” would’ve instantly revealed a map of how limited they were…

And neither does travelling teach you new languages other than a few basic words, something I know from personal experience; by age 40 I had traveled to almost 1/3 of the world but I didn’t learn any new languages... it doesn't work like that.

repulsewarrior wrote:...what does your disruptive behaviour (toward me) serve the readers GR, and the topic?

What does your very existence serve this forum, Repulsed?

Anyway, I honestly think that both you and Paphitis should do much more studying and far less posting.
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Re: Our ancient Cypriot bishop’s views on Hellenism

Postby Paphitis » Wed Oct 21, 2020 3:07 pm

Get Real! wrote:
Paphitis wrote:From my limited understanding, I believe the Bible was first written in Greek and Hebrew or Aramaic (Can't remember)...

There is no straightforward answer Paphitis, because the bible is comprised of many books written by many different authors spanning some 1,500 years of development, so a number of languages were used depending on the period/book/author.

I'm not talking about adaptations and developments mainly bought about the formation of offshoots and new sects of Christianity.

I am talking about the original texts of the New Testament as the book of early Christianity (Orthodoxy and Catholicism were one till the schism in 1054). The original was written in Hebrew and Koine Greek. 2 Chapters were written in Aramaic.

The first translation was in Greek.

Even the early Bible was Hellenic.
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Re: Our ancient Cypriot bishop’s views on Hellenism

Postby Paphitis » Wed Oct 21, 2020 3:08 pm

Get Real! wrote:
Paphitis wrote:What worries me more is the fact that this person was made a Saint.

Nothing saintly about a person who degrades other people's as heretics in my view. Even if you were to translate the words of Jesus Christ, it is difficult to reconcile such attitudes with his words.

he never portrayed any hatred to others, was also patient and respected them.

This saint, or the words you attribute to him, do not seem to reconcile well with the teachings of Jesus.

There is no way in the world Jesus would have supported the destruction of the Hellenic Culture, temples and books.

There is nothing devious about writing a book to warn Christians of the heresies that are out there.

Nowhere does he suggest for Christians to rise up and destroy anybody/anything.

That is if you give any value or have belief in it.

And not that many people give credence to it at all.

In other words, to most people, they are the heresy. The warnings are not valid, or serious because people will believe what they want.

You see, according to your source, believers of the 12 Gods are heretics. But it doesn't really stop there either. Catholics are heretics. Anglicans are heretics. protestants are Heretics.

They seem like normal people to me.

I'm not sure what Atheists are because they don't believe in anything so the heresy label can't apply.

Muslims are heretics, Buddhists are heretics. Hindus are heretics as well.

Basically 5 billion people on our planet are heretics.

So i really don't see your point. The guy wrote about Hellenes as they believed in the 12 Gods. Good on them. In the end, the Hellenes seemed to control or have influence over just about everything in that era, to the point where the New Testament was written in Greek.
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Re: Our ancient Cypriot bishop’s views on Hellenism

Postby Paphitis » Wed Oct 21, 2020 3:21 pm

Get Real! wrote:
repulsewarrior wrote:...but it is said that all the Apostles spoke Greek, Koine, middle Greek was the language of anyone who traveled, who was involved in some kind of Trade, (just like English is today, e.g.), at that time.

Jesus spoke Aramaic, but there is little to debate that he would not have spoken Greek to crowds (for this reason); Hebrew and Latin would also have been known by him.

Yes, Jesus and the 12 apostles spoke 6 different languages, which is why the Israeli ministry of tourism employed them at the front counter and right next to the telephone exchange.

Jesus and the Apostles knew at least 3 languages - Aramaic, Hebrew, and some Koine Greek.

Koine Greek was a lingua franqa of the Roman Empire. This means Greek was an official language of the Roman Empire and Roman establishment.

Whether they knew other languages isn't known.

Many of the sermons Jesus delivered to the masses were delivered in Greek, and Aramaic.
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Re: Our ancient Cypriot bishop’s views on Hellenism

Postby Get Real! » Wed Oct 21, 2020 3:34 pm

I’m not gonna waste any more time with the new heap of trash you’ve introduced today Paphitis… so forget it.

When it comes to religious matters you are at level 0/10.

You should do more reading and far less posting… in EVERY subject!
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Re: Our ancient Cypriot bishop’s views on Hellenism

Postby Paphitis » Wed Oct 21, 2020 4:01 pm

Get Real! wrote:I’m not gonna waste any more time with the new heap of trash you’ve introduced today Paphitis… so forget it.

When it comes to religious matters you are at level 0/10.

You should do more reading and far less posting… in EVERY subject!

oh yeh! I'm pretty basic when it comes to religion but I don't think you are are particularly sophisticated when it comes to religious matters either.

All I know and is relatively common knowledge, Koine Greek was widely spoken at the time especially among the Jews of particular regions such as Galilea. Greek was widespread. So Jesus had to use Greek in order to communicate with the Jews in certain parts.

It's also common knowledge that some of the 12 Apostles were fluent Greek speakers. The Epistles written by Paul were written by him in Koine Greek. he wasn't the only Greek Speaker either. At least some of the 12 knew Greek and maybe all did because it was an official language of the Roman Empire and the Jews themselves were Greek Speaking.

Definitely, all the Roman establishment and administrators were knowledgeable in Greek as well.

Isn't that something? :)
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Re: Our ancient Cypriot bishop’s views on Hellenism

Postby Get Real! » Wed Oct 21, 2020 4:06 pm

Paphitis wrote:All I know and is relatively common knowledge, Koine Greek was widely spoken at the time especially among the Jews of particular regions such as Galilea. Greek was widespread. So jesus had to use Greek in order to communicate with the Jews in certain parts.

Not necessarily… one could use an interpreter you know!

See the pitfalls of making assumptions? :lol:
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Re: Our ancient Cypriot bishop’s views on Hellenism

Postby Paphitis » Wed Oct 21, 2020 4:16 pm

Get Real! wrote:
Paphitis wrote:All I know and is relatively common knowledge, Koine Greek was widely spoken at the time especially among the Jews of particular regions such as Galilea. Greek was widespread. So jesus had to use Greek in order to communicate with the Jews in certain parts.

Not necessarily… one could use an interpreter you know!

See the pitfalls of making assumptions? :lol:

So he used Paul. We know he was well versed.

And seeing that the main reason for God coming down to earth was to communicate and save the Jews as their Messiah, then you would think he would make a big effort to know Hebrew, Aramaic and Greek so he can speak to them. :lol:
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Re: Our ancient Cypriot bishop’s views on Hellenism

Postby Get Real! » Wed Oct 21, 2020 4:31 pm

Paphitis wrote:
Get Real! wrote:
Paphitis wrote:All I know and is relatively common knowledge, Koine Greek was widely spoken at the time especially among the Jews of particular regions such as Galilea. Greek was widespread. So jesus had to use Greek in order to communicate with the Jews in certain parts.

Not necessarily… one could use an interpreter you know!

See the pitfalls of making assumptions? :lol:

So he used Paul. We know he was well versed.

And seeing that the main reason for God coming down to earth was to communicate and save the Jews as their Messiah, then you would think he would make a big effort to know Hebrew, Aramaic and Greek so he can speak to them. :lol:

Whatever shortsighted logic you may wish to utilize on the fly won’t be sufficient to carry you in debates, without any actual RESEARCH.

You can be lazy and keep getting things wrong relying solely on your “logic” or you can spend some time studying and start getting some things right… it’s your prerogative.
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Re: Our ancient Cypriot bishop’s views on Hellenism

Postby Paphitis » Wed Oct 21, 2020 4:41 pm

Get Real! wrote:
Paphitis wrote:
Get Real! wrote:
Paphitis wrote:All I know and is relatively common knowledge, Koine Greek was widely spoken at the time especially among the Jews of particular regions such as Galilea. Greek was widespread. So jesus had to use Greek in order to communicate with the Jews in certain parts.

Not necessarily… one could use an interpreter you know!

See the pitfalls of making assumptions? :lol:

So he used Paul. We know he was well versed.

And seeing that the main reason for God coming down to earth was to communicate and save the Jews as their Messiah, then you would think he would make a big effort to know Hebrew, Aramaic and Greek so he can speak to them. :lol:

Whatever shortsighted logic you may wish to utilize on the fly won’t be sufficient to carry you in debates, without any actual RESEARCH.

You can be lazy and keep getting things wrong relying solely on your “logic” or you can spend some time studying and start getting some things right… it’s your prerogative.

We all know 100% as FACT that Paul wrote the Epistles to the Corinthians in Greek.
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