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Postby Jery » Fri Oct 23, 2020 5:15 pm

Glad to hear you are OK, Ribena is red and healthy - just pretend!
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Postby repulsewarrior » Fri Oct 23, 2020 5:29 pm

miltiades wrote:
MR-from-NG wrote:
miltiades wrote:Indeed after being admitted on Sunday last I was happy to be discharged this morning and return home. I was well looked after, although yesterday afternoon when I was told that i was being moved to Intensive Care Unit i was a little concerned. They explained that as I was to undergo two procedures it was normal to be in ICU. I feel fine just a little tired, but I shall abide by doctor's orders to remain home untill Monday coming.

What about your bottle a day routine? Get well soon John.

Hi mate, i was told categorically to avoid all alcohol until November 16th. As Im on medication I though it best to comply with the good doctor's " orders" .I publicly thank my good mate Tim for his support and for caring along with my daughter for the welfare of my cats.
My own family both here , the UK and Australia has been absolutely wonderful. too, glad to hear such good news; cheers!
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Postby Kikapu » Fri Oct 23, 2020 5:39 pm

miltiades wrote:
MR-from-NG wrote:
miltiades wrote:Indeed after being admitted on Sunday last I was happy to be discharged this morning and return home. I was well looked after, although yesterday afternoon when I was told that i was being moved to Intensive Care Unit i was a little concerned. They explained that as I was to undergo two procedures it was normal to be in ICU. I feel fine just a little tired, but I shall abide by doctor's orders to remain home untill Monday coming.

What about your bottle a day routine? Get well soon John.

Hi mate, i was told categorically to avoid all alcohol until November 16th. As Im on medication I though it best to comply with the good doctor's " orders" .I publicly thank my good mate Tim for his support and for caring along with my daughter for the welfare of my cats.
My own family both here , the UK and Australia has been absolutely wonderful.

Welcome back to us, Milti. :D
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Postby miltiades » Mon Dec 28, 2020 7:23 am

After enduring discomfort and at times excruciating pain in my stomach I was taken to the hospital A&E. The pain was in the lower abdomen and even at my age I found my self , at times, in agony. Severe constipation, something I never suffered previously, was partly or wholy responsible.
I was seen within about 45 minutes, during which time I vomited. On seeing the doctor, I explained that once before in 1984 I experienced the same problem and related to her the treatment given way back then, 36 years ago.
Since my operation on October 12th, I had been put on a number of pills , as well as Iron tablets, something I never took previously, The lady doctor first gave me a check up and then two injections, one to relieve the pain and the other to relax the bowels. A male doctor also examined me and concluded that a severe blockage was responsible.
I was sent for X Rays and by the time i went back to the ward the doctor had my X ray on his screen.I must admit I was a little concerned that the Prostate cancer might have been spreading. I was relieved that the diagnosis was a blockage of the bowels, perhaps caused by the Iron tablets. He gave me a small bottle of "Gastrografin" and told me to mix the contents with 1.5 littres of water, drink half when I got home and the other half today. The care I received, once again, was first class, never imagined that a Cyprus hospital would be so good. On arriving home at around 5.45pm I mixed the medicine with water and drunk half bottle of the mixture.
The doctor said it could take up to 3 hours to work. Well in 90 minutes the house....shook, such explosive....outbursts. Boy was I relieved !! No pain this morning and feeling great.
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Postby Londonrake » Mon Dec 28, 2020 9:39 am

That explains why you were such a grouch yesterday Milti. :D

Glad you’re fighting fit again.

I can recommend a very nice, unblocking, Pinot Noir? :wink:

BTW. As it’s Medical Monday. That sounds like the stuff you get to take the day before a colonoscopy. Only, you have to drink 5 liters of the disgusting thing. During which, it’s a brave man/fool who wanders more than a few feet from the loo. :shock: 8)
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Postby repulsewarrior » Mon Dec 28, 2020 5:06 pm

cheers milti, thanks for the info, and keeping us informed; stay well.
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Postby miltiades » Sun Jun 20, 2021 4:53 am

It came as a complete shock when on Friday last my doctor rung me and ORDERED me to hospital after receiving my blood results. I had my blood taken early on Friday morning.
Apparently my Haemoglobin levels at 7 3 are extremely low . I asked if I could go on Monday but he was adamant that I must go immediately since I needed a blood transfusion.
I arrived at the hospital early Friday afternoon and was admitted. Yesterday I was given two doses of blood and was told that today I may need more. The strange thing is that I have never felt better, I put on weight since my operation last October and generally feel great. I'm hoping that today I might be discharged if the analysis that is is due today is good.
I did ofcourse reminded the doctors that my " irrevocable " contract runs until 2043. I shall then be 97 y.o :lol:
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Postby Kikapu » Sun Jun 20, 2021 5:06 am

miltiades wrote:It came as a complete shock when on Friday last my doctor rung me and ORDERED me to hospital after receiving my blood results. I had my blood taken early on Friday morning.
Apparently my Haemoglobin levels at 7 3 are extremely low . I asked if I could go on Monday but he was adamant that I must go immediately since I needed a blood transfusion.
I arrived at the hospital early Friday afternoon and was admitted. Yesterday I was given two doses of blood and was told that today I may need more. The strange thing is that I have never felt better, I put on weight since my operation last October and generally feel great. I'm hoping that today I might be discharged if the analysis that is is due today is good.
I did ofcourse reminded the doctors that my " irrevocable " contract runs until 2043. I shall then be 97 y.o :lol:

I am surprise your doctor did not give you a boost of Iron injections to bring up your hemoglobin level rather than a transfusion. You may be losing some blood through your stool, which is more than what your body is able to produce to replace. It might be good idea to do a stool test for blood or a colonoscopy soon, Milti.
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Postby miltiades » Mon Jun 21, 2021 11:04 am

I must say Im rather impressed by the professionalism displayed by the doctors and nursing staff .After two units of blood my Hb has risen to 9.5 still way down from the mininimum of 13. Tomorrow I shall undergo two tests, an Endoscopy and Colonoscopy in order to ascertain the cause of low Hemoglobin. It looks as if the earliest I shall be allowed to go home will be Wednesday.
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Postby Lordo » Mon Jun 21, 2021 3:58 pm

miltiades wrote:I must say Im rather impressed by the professionalism displayed by the doctors and nursing staff .After two units of blood my Hb has risen to 9.5 still way down from the mininimum of 13. Tomorrow I shall undergo two tests, an Endoscopy and Colonoscopy in order to ascertain the cause of low Hemoglobin. It looks as if the earliest I shall be allowed to go home will be Wednesday.

Sorry old man I was not around when this started.

Get better soon reh batchoyero.

If you had mentioned it to me I would have sent you two kosher pork kebabs laced with pomegranate jouice and that would have perked your parts that have not even been functional for decades. Probaply it would kille you but you would die happy and smiling.

Get well soon old man.
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