Pyro is a no brain boot head!
And he has a very strong sense of entitlement thinking that just because he paid or pays tax, that he is entitled to free health. Doesn’t work that way. Because that’s a one way street to bankruptcy for the State,
Now back to reality. All health systems are stretched. Doesn’t matter if you are in Cyprus, the UK, or Australia. Nurses work hard and are indeed short staffed. Yes there are horror stories wherever you look.
Try paying $6000 in insurance for health care for a start in a country that has Medicare. That’s fir a family of 4. Been paying insurance since 18. So I grew up believing and learning that it is a necessity.
So health care isn’t free, and that’s including countries with universal health safety nets which are designed to assist people on lower incomes not the middle class.
So you can whinge all you like but I consider those who pay insurance, myself included rather fortunate.
I had a surgery 2 months ago. Getting shot done before the US, where once again, I’m paying rather expensive health insurance under a US Corporate policy for workers. Over $8000 US mind you. Per year!
But my choice of state of the art private hospitals, my hand picked surgeon, who doesn’t work for the hospitals but is a private specialist practitioner. And no wait lists.
The state can’t wipe your bums!
The reality is this. Doctors in hospitals are generally the most inexperienced interns. First job out of university etc. The specialists work privately. And the good ones command a kings fee. Like literally 5k for a 15 minute surgery. That’s how it is.
Now if the RoC had to pay for that, then say hello to Zimbabwe!