Paphitis wrote:Kikapu wrote:Paphitis wrote:Kikapu wrote:Paphitis wrote:Kikapu wrote:MR-from-NG wrote:miltiades wrote:After a recount Georgia remains with Biden !!
Were we expecting something else? Every recount will remain with Biden, even that cunt Trump knows this![]()
Exactly. The cunt knew he was going to lose even before the election, hence the pre-planning how to try to steal the election with all the frivolous lawsuits because they do not have any evidence of fraud, but the cunt’s cult brain-dead followers swallow anything the cunt puts in their mouth.
You are just hoping that's true.
But you could be wrong. Trump might in fact be onto something. Regardless, it needs to be looked at because hundreds of people have signed affidavits, and they would be committing fraud themselves if its proven they have lied, since they have made serious allegations which need to be investigated.
People like you say that Trump is defying democracy. But actually denying him his legal right to question the result and its fairness is as much against democracy, if not more against democracy as denying him his rights in doing so is an attack on democracy because one of the tenets of democracy is allowing people like Trump and his supporters to ask the particular questions they are asking and because these questions have been asked, they deserve to be answered respectfully and in full compliance with US Law by the judiciary after a thorough evaluation of the existing evidence, or lack of.
I, unlike you, can not in all consciousness be 100% certain that illegal acts did not take place in this election. It isn't by any means beyond the realms of any possibility. I can not rule it out. as such, we need to be sure that these results are fair and just, in the interest of democracy. Anything less is an actual attack on democracy and very undermining to democracy as well and it will not lead to good things.
No, I am not wrong and neither are the millions of Americans. The wrongs are Trump and the Republican Party who are trying to destroy democracy just because the cunt did not win, as if he was meant to remain as president no matter how much of a cunt he has been the last 4 years. How can you make excuses for this cunt who is trying everything to circumvent the Democratic election system by trying to interfere with the election certification system to throw the election his way after losing it.![]()
The cunt has had his days in the courts for the last two weeks and has come up with nothing, therefore his claims of fraud has been shot down by the courts after having his day in the courts, but you still support him and refuse to see the obvious.![]()
Trump told you he wasn’t going away peacefully before the elections if he lost. He told you he was going to declare he is the winner as soon as he was ahead on election night even though he was not ahead. Why didn’t he wait until all the results were in to claim victory? Quite clearly, he knew he was going to lose before the election took place and sure enough, he did lose and now he is acting the cunt he really is to try to steal the election along with the the cuntish Republican Party. You need to wake up and smell the coffee my friend and not become like the typical gullible brain dead Tramp (Trump) supporter.
You may not be wrong and I never said you are wrong. I don't know.
You could be VERY wrong though. That's the thing. Serious allegations have been made and the veracity of these claims need to be determined by a Judiciary according to US Law.
2 possible outcomes are:
1) either Trump is wrong, or
2) the allegations he has made are proven to be correct in which case a correction is in order under US law and charges should be laid to those who committed the fraud and corruption.
It's as simple as that!
It takes some balls writing Affidavits because if you lie on them, it's an automatic 2 year prison sentence. Also too on the Lawyers part as the damage to their reputations could be destructive, if they make a fool of themselves. Especially for those bulldog lawyers earning more than 20K a day each.
Forget affidavits as it is a voluntary oath. The real thing is when these people go into court under oath of perjury to give evidence under cross examination, which non of these lawyers or individuals are willing to do who have already signed such affidavits. You need to stop watching those junk videos my friend.
You need to open your mind and understand what is potentially at stake here. At the worst case scenario, it could be utter fraud and election fixing. This will shake democracy not just in America but in other countries as well.
The lawyers have filed, which means those who signed affidavits will be called upon as witnesses.
That is at least far more than the naysayers ever did when the wrongly accused Trump of Russia collusion.
You need to understand that what is damaging democratic election process is what Trump and the Republican Party is doing, which is to steal the election which they lost through methods exercised in dictatorship countries. What is worse, supporters of Trump are now enablers of such criminal attempts and that they would do anything to achieve it. There are no election fix going on. What is going on is that the losers are doing anything they can to overturn the will of the people by lying in the most despicable ways, even if it destroys the countries trust in our democratic system. Trump has had his many days in court and it is time for him to accept defeat and for all his supporters, but it won’t happen as neither Trump, the Republican Party or their supporters are defenders of democracy or the constitution. They have become “pirates”, to steal what is not theirs by any means justifying the end. A true enemies of the American Democratic institutions which will only further increase the will of the Democrats to restore the American Democratic values back into the country. As for Trump, he should be made an example and prosecuted for crimes against our democratic system in the court of law after he becomes a civilian on January 20th.
Trump’s Russian connection in the 2016 election was an internal matter handled by the House of Representatives and the Senate and was not handled in the Court of Law. People always lie at Senate hearings regardless of an affidavit or not and nothing is done to them. Only when they lie in the court of law and to Federal agents they are prosecuted, which is why many respected lawyers on Trump’s team have resigned because they did not want to perjure themselves for a lying president in the court of law. Even scumbag Guiliani won’t lie in the courtroom, but does it outside the courtroom. That is how Trump eventually be prosecuted when he will be lying in courts when he will be sued after January 20th by many institutions and individuals. Trump has no chance to re-run in 2024. He will most likely be sharing a jail cell with a guy called “Bubba”!