Kikapu wrote:Paphitis wrote:Kikapu wrote:Paphitis wrote:Kikapu wrote:Paphitis wrote:Kikapu wrote:Each state has their own rules as to how to conduct the elections. Pennsylvania got the courts permission to have a 3 days delivery of the ballots as long as they were postmarked November 3rd. Although these ballots are counted, the ballots are put aside in case the court wanted to revisit their ruling. In any case, there are only about 3,000 ballots that fall into this category and would not make a difference in the end if Biden continues to increase his count.
Every ballot count places are under strict scrutiny with close circuit monitors, which will become evidence in any court proceedings.
I’m not dure how many votes. The GOP is saying over 100,000 votes were time stamped incorrectly.
But the counting has stopped in OA because the Democrats have also filed. They are appealing the Federal Court decision to allow GOO scrutinisers. The GOP has also filed again saying their scrutinisers are still not allowed to see the ballots.
That is extremely fishy.
Counting has resumed in PA.
Why did the Democrats file to forbid the GOP from scrutineering? I’ve scrutineered before and I can’t recall a similar situation in Australia. This is unheard of.
It sounds more BS from Trump as no GOP has been forbid to watch ballots being counted.
GOP has 50,000 such ballot count watchers all over the country.
That is not what the GOP are saying. The scrutineers in PA have complained that they were not allowed to observe.
Over on FOX News, they are outraged. They seem to be the only network giving this issue serious airtime.
That is why you should stop listening to the lies at Fox News.
BTW, the 100,000 ballots in PA the GOP is falsely claiming to be ballots arriving after 3 days from the Election Day are actually 100,000 provisional ballots, which is something totally different and totally legal.
Sorry kikapu, but when serious allegations are being made by FOX News, I take a lot of notice.
They are the only network that made an effort to dissect everything without getting caught up in any fake news hysteria. That is what we got for the last 5 years.
I give credence to them. The put the capital D in Democracy and they were always quite fair. More fair than MSNBC, CNN, and their like.
If what you say is correct, then there is no issue at all to not have an investigation other than give people some peace of mind and faith in the electoral system. Things like this make people withdraw from the process completely as they start believing there is no point in participating in a flawed system. Even if the system may not be flawed, there are millions of people who perceive it to be so in the interests of Democracy and fairness, there must be an investigation.
I for one, can't be so resolute that their can never be any corruption or cheating in US elections or in other elections in countries like Australia and others. I have experience in scrutineering at 2 elections. I will never do it again, but I do have insight and from my experience I have confidence in Australia's election process. they are fair and straight down the line from what i have seen. but I still can never be 100% sure. Where there is money and power, there could be corruption and cheating. We saw that in Cyprus with politicians selling passports in Cyprus.
An investigation can't harm anything or anyone. Only good can come from it no matter what the result of the investigation as long as the process is transparent and fair.