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The US Election Thread: Trump Lives Matter

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Re: The US Election Thread: Trump Lives Matter

Postby Lordo » Thu Jun 17, 2021 4:46 pm

Allahouuuuuu akbar.
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Re: The US Election Thread: Trump Lives Matter

Postby Paphitis » Thu Jun 17, 2021 4:49 pm

And furthermore, we could actually be on the cusp of massive global cooling. The science predicts interglacial periods.

The next one is due within 1500 years.

I’m not sure what the lead up time is, but I presume that it will be an incremental reduction of temperatures till we enter the ice age period. This could have already have started or will start very soon.

Next ice age isn’t far away.
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Re: The US Election Thread: Trump Lives Matter

Postby Lordo » Thu Jun 17, 2021 5:20 pm

Paphitis wrote:And furthermore, we could actually be on the cusp of massive global cooling. The science predicts interglacial periods.

The next one is due within 1500 years.

I’m not sure what the lead up time is, but I presume that it will be an incremental reduction of temperatures till we enter the ice age period. This could have already have started or will start very soon.

Next ice age isn’t far away.

You have to look at the patern of the weather you idiot. The only measure is the ice caps, if they are melting quicker and freezeing later, that is what determines whether there is global warming or not, not how cold it gets in one particular winter.

Its best you leave this subject to those who know what they talking about, you just play with your little joystick you here?
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Re: The US Election Thread: Trump Lives Matter

Postby Paphitis » Fri Jun 18, 2021 2:24 pm

Lordo wrote:
Paphitis wrote:And furthermore, we could actually be on the cusp of massive global cooling. The science predicts interglacial periods.

The next one is due within 1500 years.

I’m not sure what the lead up time is, but I presume that it will be an incremental reduction of temperatures till we enter the ice age period. This could have already have started or will start very soon.

Next ice age isn’t far away.

You have to look at the patern of the weather you idiot. The only measure is the ice caps, if they are melting quicker and freezeing later, that is what determines whether there is global warming or not, not how cold it gets in one particular winter.

Its best you leave this subject to those who know what they talking about, you just play with your little joystick you here?

I've been looking at weather patterns all my life, and I'm so sorry, but it's impossible to calculate a viable trend that actually proves global warming. All you can get is a snapshot.

Then, you have to factor El Ninio and La Nina, as well as sunspot activity. these are the factors that will cause the earth to warm and cool.

Not to say that Carbon Emmissions don't have an effect. What's impossible to guage is how much it has an effect. But what we can do, is measure the carbon levels and they are pretty much constant. Why? Who knows. I personally don't think science is advance enough just yet to figure it out, but a good hypothesis could be the absorption of exess carbon by our forrests. This will no longer occur if we keep destroying our old growth forrests and rain forests like the Amazon.

All we have is a bunch of hypothesis. No real evidence that categorically proves 100% that our carbon emmissions are warming the planet. It could do, or it might do eventually. Global Warming is also a reasonable hypothesis based on science. So I'm not saying it's not happening.

But what we do not know, are the average temperatures 2000 years ago, because man was not able to record temperatures until recently. It could be, that the planet was warmer then. That we have cooled, on our way to our next ice age. It could be that the planet was colder then, and that we are still warming.

It could be that we have already reached the tipping point where the panet was warming and is now cooling. If not, it will be happening soon. because what is a total fact, is that the earth will once again eventually cool and enter a new inter-glacial period. Predicted to occur in 1500 years.

So at some point will be the tipping point. We could have reached it already, or not. But as we get closer, the temperature reductions will grow exponentially.
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Re: The US Election Thread: Trump Lives Matter

Postby Paphitis » Fri Jun 18, 2021 2:26 pm

I've always been fascinated with weather patterns and meteriology. Got a very advance knowledge in the field - ATPL level Met.

You really learn to appreciate weather when it nearly killed you at least once, and had me shit scared several times in the last 29 years.

I've been trying to find the definitive proof for global warming for a long time - unsuccessfully. If anyone can assist with this, please feel free.

Not to say that I believe it isn't true. It could be VERY true and valid.

There is plenty of science out there for climate skeptics to latch on to, and there are many esteemed scientists and experts who are skeptics, based on valid science.

I don't consider myslef a skeptic. Definately, I'm no climate change denier. I believe the stakes are high for humanity. And therefore, believe humanity need to go down a more sustainable and green path - invest in renewables, reduce our carbon footprint, and prootect our forrests and habitats. All these things are occuring, with the EU, Australia and US leading the way. Some argue, not quickly enough. But we also ned to be realistic.

But the earth will warm and it will cool. there will be a point where the earth will cool so much, half our population will perish.
Last edited by Paphitis on Fri Jun 18, 2021 2:51 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: The US Election Thread: Trump Lives Matter

Postby repulsewarrior » Fri Jun 18, 2021 2:49 pm

...facts remain, that the climate is changing.

Preparedness, it seems, is not what Republican Policy advocates. Thus the most they do is blame windmills, rather than their choices for profit against reason.

If things only stayed the way they are; but they don't.
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Re: The US Election Thread: Trump Lives Matter

Postby Paphitis » Fri Jun 18, 2021 2:53 pm

repulsewarrior wrote:...facts remain, that the climate is changing.

Preparedness, it seems, is not what Republican Policy advocates. Thus the most they do is blame windmills, rather than their choices for profit against reason.

If things only stayed the way they are; but they don't.

the climate has been changing for millions of years, even before homo-sapiens existed.

What we do not know, is the impact we are having on climate change.

And whatever impact we do have, it will not change the natural cycle of warming, cooling, solar flare activity or La Nina/El Ninio.

The last ice age was 11700 years ago. Ergo, we have been in a state of global warming since then, till the next tipping point where we come down and descend towards the next ice age.

What is a fact however, is carbon emmissions can't be good. And what is definately bad is the destruction of forrests and habitats. If we continue doing this, we will be in trouble.

But even if we stop all this overnight, it will not stop global warming or cooling. Mother Nature is far more too powerful for us and a lot more robust than we can appreciate.

And another amazing fact is that we are nearly almost arriving to the next ice age. we haven't got a long way to go to get there - in terms of time. And that will be brutal for humans. Nature will deal us a very big fatal blow like we have never seen before. Provided we haven't nuked our planet in the mean time or some massive asteroid doesn't hit earth. Those things are possible as well.
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Re: The US Election Thread: Trump Lives Matter

Postby Paphitis » Fri Jun 18, 2021 3:22 pm

The biggest worry for me, which can threaten humanity is our bee populations. such fascinating little creatures, critical to our survival. yet they are in decline from our pesticides and chemicals.

That's one thing we need to look at and quickly.
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Re: The US Election Thread: Trump Lives Matter

Postby Paphitis » Fri Jun 18, 2021 4:43 pm

repulsewarrior wrote:...facts remain, that the climate is changing.

Preparedness, it seems, is not what Republican Policy advocates. Thus the most they do is blame windmills, rather than their choices for profit against reason.

If things only stayed the way they are; but they don't.

The only difference between the Republicans and Conservative Movements Globally and the radical left is that the Conservatives are economic rationalists.

They believe in climate change. They support renewables.

But they won't force poverty upon their people in doing so.

If we went all radical and did things over night, we will all be in depression. The hardest hit, will of course be the poor, lowly educated, and blue collar workforce.

I'll give you an example. South Australia has the most radical renewable energy policies on the planet. When the son is shining, and the wind is blowing, 90 to 100% of our energy is renewable. We have a Gas Fire Power Plant for base load.

2 years ago, when there was a storm, the entire state had a black out. You wouldn't imagine it in any third world country.

Because we hit renewables so hard, our electricity prices sky rocketed. we have the most expensive electricity in the world now. So much so, the vulnerable and the elderly do not turn on their lights and do not heat their homes in winter and do not cool their homes in summer.

So we have people dieing of the cold, and from the heat. Every year.

Republicans know these ddynamics. When you want economic rationalism, you find it with Conservatives.It's their job to be economic rationalists. That is what they are known for.

Which brings me to the next point. Radical movements are the most selfish people you can get. You often here the young say they don't care if some old people die. They got one foot in the grave. As long as they can pay for their electricity, it doesn't matter.

So yeh, you can go over the top.
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Re: The US Election Thread: Trump Lives Matter

Postby Lordo » Fri Jun 18, 2021 4:49 pm

You are full of shit boy.

How many posts do you need to see Trump say Global Warming is fake or cretaed by China to harm US econmy.

Just bugger off.
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