Paphitis wrote:miltiades wrote:Where the fuck do you get your news from. You urgently need medical attention, or rather wait till Trump gets his next week![]()
From a variety of spruces. Some mainstream such as FOX, Epoch, and Sky News. Other information such as a pollster who takes a very analytical approach rather than just give us numbers, he goes into electoral rolls, registrations, analyses voter intention and a variety of other sources. Also from the Australian Amvassador to the US, DFAT, Department of Defence and also various people who live and breath the US such as some pilot friends of mine in Saint Louis, Jersey, Denver and LA, some bloggers and bloggers.
From the Grassroots!
Also from relatives and friends who live in NYC, Jersey and LA. People such as my wife’s God Sister, her family, brother, and people she knows who work at the UN and CNBC.
In this day and age it is important to curate your sources because there is definitely a bias and an information war going on with MSM and big tech algorithms and super computers that feed little muppets like you with misinformation in order to program your brains to think the way they want you to think.
I’m no muppet and won’t be fooled to follow you lot like a good sheep.
I’m the black sheep that goes the other way, against the MSM algorithmic grain and want to deeply analyse everything. I take nothing for granted. I’m not one to just take CNN, BBC or NYTs word for it. I’ll read them, but ask questions and verify everything as well as look into the affiliations of the reporter.
You have way too much time on your hands in getting junk news since you are not flying on regular basis at the moment.

Best to wait for the Election Day. I am not making any predictions as to who is going to win.
All I know is, as to who should win and who should lose after 4 years of Trump.
I am sick of all of Trump lies on everything, especially on Covid-19 and how he has been firing his staff left and right as if he is still on the Apprentice show. The guy is nutty and fake about everything and being buddy buddy with all the dictators in the world and fucking the Kurds in Syria and helping Erdogan just because he has investments in Turkey. Trump is rotten to the core and he was accusing Hillary of the same and now Biden and Obama.