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The US Election Thread: Trump Lives Matter

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Re: The US Election Thread: Trump Lives Matter

Postby Paphitis » Fri Oct 30, 2020 12:51 am

Kikapu wrote:
Paphitis wrote:Wherever Trump goes, there are literally thousands of supporters flocking to him. He is popular there is no doubt about it.

Yes, they all go to watch a freak show! :lol:

Yeh sure! That's why they are cheering and supporting him and basically ambush him everywhere he goes.

Have you seen any Biden rallies lately. Lucky to have 100 people there. :D
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Re: The US Election Thread: Trump Lives Matter

Postby Paphitis » Fri Oct 30, 2020 12:54 am

MR-from-NG wrote:
Kikapu wrote:
MR-from-NG wrote:
Paphitis wrote:
miltiades wrote:General, are getting ready for those Humble pies soon.??
Remember what my old mate , Albert said ?
Let me remind you.
" Two things are infinite.
1. The Universe ( Debatable )
He must have had you and the rest of Trump supporters in mind :lol:

You still haven't learned yet Miltiades.

You were saying the same thing with Brexit and the BORIS Election.

You are very experienced at humble pie.

Trump is doing a great job right now. Biden, looks like he might not even be alive on election day.

Paphitis, I only knew Trump from the Apprentice and his Trump Towers before he became POTUS. I read about him cancelling the order from Boeing for a new 747 to replace the existing Airforce 1. Trump said his present plane was good enough and he wasn't prepared to spend over five hundred million dollars. Boeing then offered a discount if I remember correctly, something like 50%. Trump still said NO. For a moment I thought this man may be much better than what I thought of him.

It wasn't long before I made my mind up that he was a premium cunt. He is illiterate, he is arrogant, he is a crook and a compulsive liar. Now, if I, with my limited education and limited intelligence can see this I'm puzzled that a professional, well educated and well travelled cunt like you cant see this :shock: :shock:

MR-NG, most people who vote for Trump are based on style rather than substance. They glorify Trump because of his wealth, forgetting he is not a self made man from a working class family, but someone who has been privileged all his life from the time being born with a silver spoon up his ass. They like his theatrics, the showman as he has very little policy which helps the average American, but your average American voter is too stupid to recognize that Trump is harming the country where most of the tax cut he has implemented supports the very rich like himself, big companies at the expense of the environment, and at the expense of the most needy.

Trump the cunt is pushing to do away with Obamacare where it will leave 20 million people without any affordable medical coverage, as well as do away with insurance companies not being able to refuse coverage to anyone with a pre existing condition as was the case before. Imagine not being able to get medical coverage because someone had a major medical problem sometime in their lives, or if they were to be insured, it will cost them an arm and a leg. The Republicans call it “Socialism” to anything that will help the average American with some state help. They would rather see American die without affordable medical insurance. Medical cost is very expensive in the USA, as it is here in Switzerland, but here, basic medical insurance is available to everyone, pre existing condition or not, as it is available to all in Europe.

Then we come to these fake Americans supporting Trump who love to sing The Star Spangles Banner with their hands on their heart and rap themselves with the American flag and at the same time accept Trump stepping on the US constitution and Democracy where he wants to make it hard for millions of Americans to vote freely in the coming elections. Trump gassing and beating up peaceful protesters at Lafayette square few months ago to have his photo op with a bible at a church, which he held the Bible upside down as he doesn’t gives a shit about the Bible or religion , but doing all this while violating the basic freedoms and rights given to the American people under the US constitution. It is mind boggling why any American could vote for this cunt, other than there are more stupid Americans than one can imagine who are more interested in superficial bullshitter in a candidate than substance, which would benefit the average American people. American people in general are the most gullible people in the world who get suckered by smooth talker such as Trump, a man who is a sexiest, racist and brainless, but a good bullshitting showman.

Very well put my friend. Not only is he NOT a self made man he is a conman. He has conned banks and developers to get to where he is now. He is nothing but a FAKE.

All the established politicians like Biden are con men. Haven't you heard about the 3.5 million in payments to Hunter for time with the "big man" Biden? That's corruption to its core. Similar to the corruption recently discovered in Cyprus with prominent Cypriot politicians involved and lining their politics.

Trump is the least likely person to be corrupt and engage in such activity. The guy is worth 3 billion. How can you buy a guy like that? You can't. Especially a guy like Trump who donated his entire salary to the State.

Everything that is said about him has turned out FALSE.
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Re: The US Election Thread: Trump Lives Matter

Postby Paphitis » Fri Oct 30, 2020 12:56 am

Another reality check is in order! :D

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Re: The US Election Thread: Trump Lives Matter

Postby Paphitis » Fri Oct 30, 2020 12:59 am

i'm so looking forward to the 3rd of November.

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Re: The US Election Thread: Trump Lives Matter

Postby repulsewarrior » Fri Oct 30, 2020 1:34 am

I dreaded the day Trump was elected with my usual hopeful observations.

...he could have been a lot of things, maybe he was the better choice against Hilary, she was punished by the American People, along with the "deplorable few" perhaps, she represented.

And here we are those of us not American, (once again) all of us on tender hooks because we cannot vote for a position which surely affects/effects all our lives.

Americans themselves are torn apart, that such a thing as an "American", in their country thrives. It is a question of values; a Nation, or, a set of Principals on which exists a State.
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Re: The US Election Thread: Trump Lives Matter

Postby Paphitis » Fri Oct 30, 2020 2:14 am

repulsewarrior wrote:I dreaded the day Trump was elected with my usual hopeful observations.

...he could have been a lot of things, maybe he was the better choice against Hilary, she was punished by the American People, along with the "deplorable few" perhaps, she represented.

And here we are those of us not American, (once again) all of us on tender hooks because we cannot vote for a position which surely affects/effects all our lives.

Americans themselves are torn apart, that such a thing as an "American", in their country thrives. It is a question of values; a Nation, or, a set of Principals on which exists a State.

Americans are not as torn as you seem to think. The media is responsible for creating a lot of trouble to destabilize and manipulate the results. Trump was never given a chance from day 1 and demonized as the monster he obviously isn't.

The bad news started to roll in from even before the vote. Claims that he is unstable to hold the Nuclear ICBM launch codes. Then it was sexual harassment and abuse and Russian Collusion. Even to this day, it's BLM and Antifas causing trouble.

What Americans want is law and order, jobs, and an economy. people need to live. Then look after the environment in a sustainable transition to renewables as that industry matures and is able to replace fossil fuels.

Trump not only has the media in the spin but has proven to be a very astute foreign policy influencer that is automatically geared to peace. Not that war mongerer the media said he would be.
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Re: The US Election Thread: Trump Lives Matter

Postby Paphitis » Fri Oct 30, 2020 2:18 am

In the end, the Americans will cast their ballot and it is really up to them. Trump is getting a lot of support. Rallies have the appearance of a Football crowd, compared to biden's tea party events with 100 people.

But the media will even try to spin this as Trump not caring for the health of his supporters and that Biden does because they are claiming Biden is restricting his numbers. That isn't true. No one is interested when Biden speaks. But everyone is hanging on Trump's every word.

I only wish Cyprus had someone like Trump. I said that to a couple of Cypriots the other day when Cypriot politicians were caught with their pants down. Stone silence because they know it's true...

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Re: The US Election Thread: Trump Lives Matter

Postby Paphitis » Fri Oct 30, 2020 2:30 am

repulsewarrior wrote:I dreaded the day Trump was elected with my usual hopeful observations.

...he could have been a lot of things, maybe he was the better choice against Hilary, she was punished by the American People, along with the "deplorable few" perhaps, she represented.

And here we are those of us not American, (once again) all of us on tender hooks because we cannot vote for a position which surely affects/effects all our lives.

Americans themselves are torn apart, that such a thing as an "American", in their country thrives. It is a question of values; a Nation, or, a set of Principals on which exists a State.

America is still deeply Christian and they want family values and sanity. Another big ticket item for Trump other than law and order are laws against late term abortions and the blatant disregard with embryos in women's wombs.

The Democrats however are losing touch with reality and getting quite extreme as well, causing all kinds of issues and that was never going to pay off for them.

Every wacko looney idea from them such as defunding the police and encouraging ANTIFA to burn businesses, houses, cars and shop fronts.
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Re: The US Election Thread: Trump Lives Matter

Postby miltiades » Fri Oct 30, 2020 4:42 am

Where the fuck do you get your news from. You urgently need medical attention, or rather wait till Trump gets his next week :D :D
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Re: The US Election Thread: Trump Lives Matter

Postby Paphitis » Fri Oct 30, 2020 5:35 am

miltiades wrote:Where the fuck do you get your news from. You urgently need medical attention, or rather wait till Trump gets his next week :D :D

From a variety of spruces. Some mainstream such as FOX, Epoch, and Sky News. Other information such as a pollster who takes a very analytical approach rather than just give us numbers, he goes into electoral rolls, registrations, analyses voter intention and a variety of other sources. Also from the Australian Amvassador to the US, DFAT, Department of Defence and also various people who live and breath the US such as some pilot friends of mine in Saint Louis, Jersey, Denver and LA, some bloggers and bloggers.

From the Grassroots!

Also from relatives and friends who live in NYC, Jersey and LA. People such as my wife’s God Sister, her family, brother, and people she knows who work at the UN and CNBC.

In this day and age it is important to curate your sources because there is definitely a bias and an information war going on with MSM and big tech algorithms and super computers that feed little muppets like you with misinformation in order to program your brains to think the way they want you to think.

I’m no muppet and won’t be fooled to follow you lot like a good sheep.

I’m the black sheep that goes the other way, against the MSM algorithmic grain and want to deeply analyse everything. I take nothing for granted. I’m not one to just take CNN, BBC or NYTs word for it. I’ll read them, but ask questions and verify everything as well as look into the affiliations of the reporter.
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