Prediction? FWIW.
Ultimately, none of all this stuff you're posting will matter.
Left alone and ignored, a genuine spirit of reconciliation engendered (unity?) Trump would have most likely wandered off into the wilderness, growing ever more pathetic. You guys are a small example of what's happening though. Instead, you're keeping the man alive and worse, actually elevating him to martyrdom . That, on the basis of the pursuit of some sort of fleeting and gloatingly gratuitous revenge.
Similarly, you're making the same mistake. (I again apologise for cross-pollinating posts). In the long-lasting Brexit war Remainers on Social Media were absolutely convinced they had it in the bag. The consensus was clearly overwhelmingly in favour of reversing the referendum result. Apparently, millions had been persuaded of their earlier folly. Then, on December 12th 2019, reality struck.
You're mistaking Social Media traffic and MSM articles, supporting your opinions, as being an accurate reflection of the (much) wider view. Hubris.
Trump will quite possibly come back to haunt you. That, for the same reason he was elected in 2016. I suspect it could happen with a vengeance. Meanwhile, enjoy what I suspect will be your moment in the sun.
Your's truly.......................... Cassandra. I believe, cursed by the Gods with the gift of knowing the future but having nobody ever believe her.