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The US Election Thread: Trump Lives Matter

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Re: The US Election Thread: Trump Lives Matter

Postby DT. » Wed Jan 27, 2021 6:12 pm

Paphitis wrote:
Get Real! wrote:
Paphitis wrote:Don’t fucking piss me off!

Equipment is equipment and doesn’t just mean some friggin a grad camos or rifle scope FOD hunting deer. Plus they had a barracks.

You imbeciles said they went on a barracks! For gods sake, a few rednecks collecting arms or calling themselves a militia are not going to have a barracks right under the USGs nose. :roll:

No big deal in having a little barrack with some bank-beds and a rifle rack!

In the US, militias are big business where they supposedly train paying pot-bellied fools in what they call "survivalist" camps with a Rambo twist, or so they think!

It is a big deal.

A Barracks is full on site to house personnel and their equipment, armoury and all sorts depending on the facility.

A few pot bellied imbeciles who have a building on Uncle Joes farm is hardly a barracks.

DT said he had a tour of a barracks. Now, you are saying he had a tour of someone’s farm sheds where they store a few rifles, helmets and hunting scopes and call themselves a militia.

What kind of a militia is that? Secondly, DT said they had equipment similar or equal to the CNG. Well in our neck of the woods, when you say equipment equal to the CNG, then we must assume all equipment not just helmets. I can get military helmets here in Australia as well.

Plus you can get some very high powered rifles and precision scopes worth thousands and good enough to snipe from 2000 m away with great accuracy in expert hands who know what they are doing.

A few pot bellied rednecks isn’t a militia. If they call themselves a militia, have organised themselves as a militia, have a makeshift “barracks” which DT got a four of (why would you hang with these types?) then it’s illegal in the USA. There have been private militia’s in the past and even a WACO siege in Texas of some religious cult but honestly, I want to know what DT was doing going to a so called extremist camp with some shacked out clowns toting guns. Who would do that? Would you go? I wouldn’t go. A tour of a US NG facility, then no problems.

I have guns myself but gun ownership is a friggin responsibility and guns are dangerous. I store them carefully, in a safe, and store ammunition separately too. I don’t even want my kids to have access to them.

I may go hunting once or twice a year with a couple of mates - we actually do it for the 4WD wheeling more than anything and getting out. We are more worried about getting blood and guts in the trays of our utes. We have these utes that we don’t like to get too dirty. :lol:

It’s a bit off key hanging with some irresponsible clowns who go on a power trip because of their guns and organise themselves in a militia because they want to start some shit.

When someone tells you they went on a tour of a barracks, with a military or paramilitary in this case with barracks as good as the CNG and with equipment as good as the CNG, then there are only a few services in the US that have that. The US Army, US Marines, US Navy, USAF, USNG, US Coastguard, and the various State NGs like the Texas National Fuard which is also seriously equipped.

I have friends in Missoula that I visit. This camp was visible from the highway and I asked what it was. They explained and arranged for me to see inside, nice chaps. Not too bright and well within the law to organize and equip themselves like that. Apparently they’re preparing for when the Federal govt becomes a tyranny and tries to go after their weapons. Anecdotally I was informed that their recruitment numbers shot up when Obama was elected.

Now stop talking about things you don’t know paphiti.
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Re: The US Election Thread: Trump Lives Matter

Postby Get Real! » Wed Jan 27, 2021 6:35 pm

As if it wasn’t bad enough when Trump threw the far-right under the bus, it’s now been revealed they also had a major mole from within... :lol: ... SKBN29W1PE
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Re: The US Election Thread: Trump Lives Matter

Postby repulsewarrior » Wed Jan 27, 2021 9:43 pm

Paphitis wrote:
Kikapu wrote:
Maximus wrote:first of all, impeachment is a political proceeding.

it is a mechanism to remove a president from office.

Given that he has already left office, it is not fit for purpose.

This isnt a criminal conviction and even if it was and for the case of the former too, there needs to be proof that he incited violence and the storming of the capitol.

No arguments for the most part.

It is irrelevant that Trump already left office. He was impeached while he was in office. If Trump and his defense team believe there are no merits for the senate to conduct a trial, then they are free not to show up, but the trial will continue with or without them since if Trump is found guilty, there are other political punishments awaits him. :wink:

It’s not even going to pass the senate. They need 20 Republicans to cross the floor. Anyone who does will have committed political suicide at the next Trump administration in 2024.

...maybe half of the Senators who oppose a trial are actually afraid of the truth; also something to think about recognising: American Law (read: Justice) and the American way (read: values) are themselves on trial.

This is the perfect venue for Trump to demonstrate his integrity; having evidence that the vote was rigged, and that he won overwhelmingly. He, like Giuliani, should welcome this opportunity to clear his name.

...a President, or the President, does not matter; the Crime is sedition.

Are you suggesting that a Criminal Court should be taking this case, Max?
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Re: The US Election Thread: Trump Lives Matter

Postby Kikapu » Wed Jan 27, 2021 10:07 pm

Maximus wrote:Looks like the Trump impeachment motion is a sham of a trial,

It is being said that the motion is dead on arrival because the democrats cant muster the two thirds majority in the senate to go ahead.

Because, the constitution doesnt provide jurisdiction to impeach a president that has already left office.

"Democrats are wasting the nation's time on a partisan vendetta against a man no longer in office,"

This is what I was saying.

This impeachment is like trying to fire someone who has already left the job. :? ... ent-votes/

No Max, Trump is being tried in the senate for reasons warranted Trump to be impeached in the first place whilst he was in office. The Constitution makes no reference whether a President out of office can or cannot be tried for the crimes he was charged with. All we have a precedence this happening in the 1800’s, therefore that is good enough to try Trump. If the Banana Republican Party senators won’t convict him for inciting insurrection on January 6th on the Capitol and they want to protect criminal Trump because they are bunch off pussies thinking Trump will come after them by allowing a criminal get away, then they will pay the price in 2022 midterm elections from the people. This is why it is a win-win for the Democrats, because the Banana Republican Party will get fucked by convicting Trump or by not convicting Trump. :wink:
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Re: The US Election Thread: Trump Lives Matter

Postby Maximus » Wed Jan 27, 2021 11:46 pm

Innocent until proven guilty my friend......

But impeachment is not a criminal proceeding. it is a political motion to remove a president from office.

That is why its a sham and this is to be expected from the democratic party.

17 republics are needed to vote in favor to convict him but only 5 look like they are willing to do it.

It looks like Trump will be acquitted.
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Re: The US Election Thread: Trump Lives Matter

Postby Maximus » Thu Jan 28, 2021 12:01 am

repulsewarrior wrote:
Are you suggesting that a Criminal Court should be taking this case, Max?

For those that committed a criminal offence.

I didnt see where trump incited people to commit a criminal offense.

For him, it was just that this was the wrong place and the wrong time to hold a rally and things took an ugly turn for the worse.
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Re: The US Election Thread: Trump Lives Matter

Postby repulsewarrior » Thu Jan 28, 2021 12:08 am

...maybe some deepthroat will lead him to the evidence he needs, before the trial, if he doesn't have (real) evidence of massive vote tampering already.

...impeachment is anything but political; it is for "high crimes and misdemeanors".

The only way Trump can successfully defend himself, in his position, is to demonstrate that what he said, was true.

It's all about his claim, which started with his election loss, until the fateful day, when things as you might say went a little too far.
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Re: The US Election Thread: Trump Lives Matter

Postby Maximus » Thu Jan 28, 2021 12:11 am

He is innocent until proven guilty,

I need to see the proof that he incited the protesters to violence and to commit a crime.
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Re: The US Election Thread: Trump Lives Matter

Postby repulsewarrior » Thu Jan 28, 2021 12:14 am

For those that committed a criminal offence.

...and what do you think "they" will say when it's time for them to defend themselves before a Judge?

..."Trump told me to do it", is, their best defense; in Truth, what else can they say.
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Re: The US Election Thread: Trump Lives Matter

Postby Maximus » Thu Jan 28, 2021 12:44 am

That won't acquit them of any crime

But then, Where is the proof that trump told them to what ever they did?
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