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The US Election Thread: Trump Lives Matter

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Re: The US Election Thread: Trump Lives Matter

Postby miltiades » Sun Jan 24, 2021 3:41 pm

Give it up General. The battle and the war has been lost. Brain dead Trump is now history. His idiot supporters, including you
are now desparately engaged in ...repositioning, their brains that is, from their arses to their heads.
By the way, heard of Assad lately? Still there is he ? :lol:
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Re: The US Election Thread: Trump Lives Matter

Postby Paphitis » Sun Jan 24, 2021 3:51 pm

miltiades wrote:Give it up General. The battle and the war has been lost. Brain dead Trump is now history. His idiot supporters, including you
are now desparately engaged in ...repositioning, their brains that is, from their arses to their heads.
By the way, heard of Assad lately? Still there is he ? :lol:

No he’s not! He had the money to be a nightmare for you lot forever. Trump TV or a political come back.

There is only one way you can finish him off. He will only be finished off if Biden is a great POTUS and provides employment for Americans, rejuvenates the economy, lifts living standards and reduces cost of living, and is a fair Government. Also he needs to be strong with law and order as well as fair and strong on border security.

Secondly, Trumps unwillingness to start wars and his policies of US detanglemebt and the withdrawal of US Forces in many trouble spots was a winner with the US people who don’t really want to be sending their kids to Afghanistan and Syria. If Biden remains true to form and starts wars left right and centre, then he won’t be popular. Americans only want to go to war if they see an urgent need. Such as a Sept 11 attack on their soil might motivate Americans to condone a war more but that would be pretty much it.

If Biden falls short, then I’m afraid 2016 was only the beginning.
Last edited by Paphitis on Sun Jan 24, 2021 3:56 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: The US Election Thread: Trump Lives Matter

Postby Get Real! » Sun Jan 24, 2021 3:55 pm

Paphitis wrote:DT was clearly talking about the Montana Army National Guard.

You don’t go for National Guard barrack tours, you SHIT-FOR-BRAINS!

You wouldn’t even get past the first guard you incompetent, ignorant, and utterly brainless fuck!

They just don’t come any dumber than you!
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Re: The US Election Thread: Trump Lives Matter

Postby Kikapu » Sun Jan 24, 2021 3:57 pm

Paphitis wrote:
Kikapu wrote:
Paphitis wrote:
Kikapu wrote:
Paphitis wrote:Now wouldn’t that be something? Ivanka as the first female POTUS.

Great, she can sell her handbags on QVC when she is not tweeting as POTUS. :lol:

What is she qualified for to become POTUS? :roll:

Oh I forgot, neither was her father. He was just a reality TV showman. :D

Explains why he only served one term. :wink:

She has a degree in Presidential Science from Harvard! :lol:

Friggin hell, I would like to see Biden’s qualifications and a thorough evaluation of his current cognitive abilities.

Ivanka is more qualified than a lot of people. She is a busy businesswoman. Married with children. Seems to be a wholesome and functioning set up as opposed to Camela.

And that McEnany is one very clever lady as well. She was awesome to watch and kept everyone on their toes. And she seems to be a very good conservative and well behaved woman. She would make a great VP. Another woman everyone can look up to and be an inspiration to other girls everywhere.

Oh for God sake, I know Trump had lowered the bar to become a President of the United States, but surely not that much to a point to be run by couple of clueless Bimbos. :roll:

So you admire women who lied for a living by repeating Trump’s lies. :D

Trump tried to run the USA like a business to what he has been used to which required to be dishonest and act illegally as long as he could get away with it, and if caught, pay people off. People now understand that knowing how to govern and to understand our legal system, constitution and democracy is a must. Your blond bimbos are both tainted and are damaged goods thanks to Trump.

Joke: What do you call a Brunette sitting between two Blonds?

Answer: An interpreter. :lol:

Bimbos? You voted for Camela! You couldn’t make it up.

These 2 ladies are no bimbos. They both have families and are very proper and on the straight and narrow. As for McEnany, she did a great job as press secretary. Watching her was like poetry in motion. A grand symphony. Because she was smart, actually too too smart and strategic. She had the press in a spin most of the time because she outsmarted them time and time again.

As for Trump. He reformed the US economy and got 17 million people into jobs. That’s his legacy. And yeh, I happen to think business people are perfect for running a country rather than have career politicians from university who can’t do anything else.

Kamala actually put her education to public works and became the first women VP to follow by the first woman POTUS.

As for McEnany, she was to answer questions put to her by the press honestly and not be playing “chess” with the press to see how she can outsmart them with Trump’s lies and fuck-ups. :roll:

Trump received a good economy from Obama and most of the jobs created in Trump’s time were low paying jobs and mostly part time with very little benefits. American companies offer very little benefit if one works less than 30 hours a week as it is considered being “part-time” work, so most people need to get another part time work without much benefits to survive. These are all the structures created by the Republicans going back years, hence Regan’s “trickledown economy” legacy.

Federal minimum wage has been about $7:50 per/hr for the last 12 years and now Biden wants to double it to $15 per/hr, the GOP is already being opposed to it.
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Re: The US Election Thread: Trump Lives Matter

Postby Paphitis » Sun Jan 24, 2021 3:58 pm

Get Real! wrote:
Paphitis wrote:DT was clearly talking about the Montana Army National Guard.

You don’t go for National Guard barrack tours, you SHIT-FOR-BRAINS!

You wouldn’t even get past the first guard you incompetent, ignorant, and utterly brainless fuck!

Billshit. You can go in but you have to be signed in with a pass and accompanied by a minder.

You can go in.

You can even get on a US Military base if your signed in.

People go in for all kinds of things. Contractors, tradies, deliveries you name it.

Here, if you have a security clearance and a yellow pass you can be unaccompanied as well.

Plus there are hundreds of civilians who work on base as well. Even post office, caterers, other workers, bank staff, defence super, medical people, nurses, defence company contractors, maintainers and engineers and technicians.

Some of our bases are like mini towns in their own right. They are massive with up to 5000 people there.
Last edited by Paphitis on Sun Jan 24, 2021 4:05 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: The US Election Thread: Trump Lives Matter

Postby Get Real! » Sun Jan 24, 2021 4:05 pm

Paphitis wrote:
Get Real! wrote:
Paphitis wrote:DT was clearly talking about the Montana Army National Guard.

You don’t go for National Guard barrack tours, you SHIT-FOR-BRAINS!

You wouldn’t even get past the first guard you incompetent, ignorant, and utterly brainless fuck!

Billshit. You can go in but you have to be signed in with a pass and accompanied by a minder.

You can go in.

You can even get on a US Military base if your signed in.

People go in for all kinds of things. Contractors, tradies, deliveries you name it.

Here, if you have a security clearance and a yellow pass you can be unaccompanied as well.

Plus there are hundreds of civilians who work on base as well. Even post office, caterers, other workers, bank staff, defence super, medical people, nurses, defence company contractors, maintainers and engineers and technicians.

Military camps don’t issue authorization to idiots looking for a "tour of the barracks", so get a fucking brain!

Even if you had a genuine job there like the delivery of food supplies, you still wouldn’t be allowed anywhere near a barracks. IDIOT!

The barracks are the personal quarters of soldiers where they have their beds, their personal belongings, their rifle racks, etc!
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Re: The US Election Thread: Trump Lives Matter

Postby Paphitis » Sun Jan 24, 2021 4:10 pm

Get Real! wrote:
Paphitis wrote:
Get Real! wrote:
Paphitis wrote:DT was clearly talking about the Montana Army National Guard.

You don’t go for National Guard barrack tours, you SHIT-FOR-BRAINS!

You wouldn’t even get past the first guard you incompetent, ignorant, and utterly brainless fuck!

Billshit. You can go in but you have to be signed in with a pass and accompanied by a minder.

You can go in.

You can even get on a US Military base if your signed in.

People go in for all kinds of things. Contractors, tradies, deliveries you name it.

Here, if you have a security clearance and a yellow pass you can be unaccompanied as well.

Plus there are hundreds of civilians who work on base as well. Even post office, caterers, other workers, bank staff, defence super, medical people, nurses, defence company contractors, maintainers and engineers and technicians.

Military camps don’t issue authorization to idiots looking for a "tour of the barracks", so get a fucking brain!

No they don’t usually do that. You need a reason to go in. And you will be accompanied. Cant take photos etc. If you are caught you can be charged.

But you can ask for a tour. Americans are very friendly people. They aren’t all hun ho and trigger happy. Just very polite. They could grant your request.

Only a few months ago I had a tour of a USN P-8A that was at RAAF Edinburgh on exercise with the RAAF hunting an Australian Submarine out there somewhere. And I had a few drinks with the crew in the mess afterwards.

And their pilots are well trained. I love their radio manner too. By the book and to the point as opposed to us Aussies.
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Re: The US Election Thread: Trump Lives Matter

Postby Get Real! » Sun Jan 24, 2021 4:14 pm

Not even a soldier from barrack A would be tolerated in barrack B, in case he steals anything!

So keep making a total fucking dick of yourself, you brainless cunt!
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Re: The US Election Thread: Trump Lives Matter

Postby Paphitis » Sun Jan 24, 2021 4:25 pm

Get Real! wrote:Not even a soldier from barrack A would be tolerated in barrack B, in case he steals anything!

So keep making a total fucking dick of yourself, you brainless cunt!

Why is that?

When we started officer training there were 4 divisions. I was in Philip’s Division. Each one haf a mascot which we had to guard 24/7. This was in the boot camp at Creswell. If you lost your mascot or it got taken by another division we were toast.

But we would visit each other’s quarters as friendships were formed

You can go anywhere you like the only exceptions were the JORN site and that was it. The JORN building is at Edinburgh. No one can go there other than Defence Signals.

The only other restrictions are you can’t go airside unless you have a C4 clearance. That was more for the safety aspect. You need to be trained to interact with planes. Otherwise my friend, you could get ingested and come out as soup.
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Re: The US Election Thread: Trump Lives Matter

Postby Get Real! » Sun Jan 24, 2021 4:27 pm

DT. wrote:Was in Hamilton, Montana a few years shown barracks of a militia group.

Paphitis wrote:DT was clearly talking about the Montana Army National Guard.

So tell us again SHIT-FOR-BRAINS, which barrack tour did DT go?

Is it the one he can NEVER go to, that you fantasize?

Or the one he SAYS he went to?
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