Get Real! wrote:Paphitis wrote:You all fit quite nicely in the new fascist norms leading the innocent to their executions but little do you know, our side always wins in the end and Max and I will be in our martyrdom as you lot are tried in Nuremberg and hung for your crimes.![]()
Can you imagine me in the dock of a Nuremberg court...I'm sure you wouldn't testify against me, right Paphitis?
I thought I would have been beheaded? Didn’t you say that?
No I won’t testify against you or anyone for that matter. I wouldn’t want you beheaded or facing a firing squad get real or a noose around your neck. Our family has already lost a son only a few decades ago to the hangman. I wouldn’t wish it upon you or yours. It’s an extremely sharp knife into the heart.
For genuine criminals though such as the NAZIs who committed war crimes and genocide, that would be a different story.
I can imagine the world headed towards the very same errors of the past. The Germans are not a dumb people. Quite the opposite. They are an extremely intelligent race of people but somehow Germany did get caught out in fascism. America and the west is spiralling out of control. The left now are tilting towards a form of totalitarianism and control. This is where Germany was in the 1930s.
It might be ok for some countries to have that but this is not the way it’s done in America. We are free people here. And it’s a very fragile freedom too.
In Melbourne we saw police terrorise old people. Act like bullies all for our own good apparently. Where and how will it end. When authorities take some of our freedoms it’s very hard to win them back.