Kikapu wrote:Paphitis wrote:Kikapu wrote:Paphitis wrote:Kikapu wrote:Paphitis wrote:Here is another one for you.
In Pennsylvania, Trump was 600,000 votes behind Biden.
Just prior to the last debate, Trump closed the gap to be only 488,000 votes behind.
Pundits are predicting a democrat implosion because it’s an OIL state.
The gap should have further closed since the debate but these are the latest numbers I have.
In 2016, Clinton was ahead of Trump by 650,000 votes only to lose Pennsylvania to the GOP party. So what the pundits are saying is that if the Democrats don’t have a 600,000 vote lead going into the election, then they have lost Pennsylvania.
Traditionally, Democrats cast their ballots early by Mail. Republicans predominantly come out on the day.

Paphitis, there’s no point comparing Hillary with Biden.
In the eyes of most Americans in 2016, Clinton was a cunt, so they gave Trump a chance despite being a prick in the primaries. After 4 years of Trump, it turns our he is a bigger cunt than Hillary. The question now remains, how many cunts will vote for Trump as there ar a lot of racist cunts in America and will Trump be able to steal the election as he is trying his very best to do just that.
Biden is another corrupt c@nt as well.
Funny thing is, he will be impeached even if he does win and this impeachment will be worse than Nixon.
Luckily for you lot, he won’t win so that should save you a lot of embarrassment.
I don’t know on what charges Biden would be impeached on, but that aside, in order to bring charges against Biden should he become president, the GOP would also need to win the majority in the House of Representatives to bring charges against Biden and at the same time keep the majority in the Senate. A tall order for the GOP to achieve with a cunt like Trump really.

Fraud, corruption and taking money from foreign state agents without declaring them to US Security Agencies and the Anti Corruption Commission and Senate.
Oh and that’s not true. If Biden has broken laws of the US, he can be impeached without any voting from the Senate or House.
If the House of Representative does not bring impeachment charges against Biden should he become president, and for the Senate to impeach him with 60+ votes to remove a sitting president, then who else can do it?
I am ready for some US Constitutional schooling, Paphitis.

They don’t need to when the charges are bought by the US Federal Courts as a result of some Federal law violation such as what occurred with Nixon.
Such actions will only be bought upon the incumbent if and when they believe there is a case to answer. I believe the evidence that already exists with Hunters laptop is already enough grounds with Biden on very thin ice.
The authorities won’t just jump at it though in the middle of the election because it’s too dangerous for them to politicise themselves.
Btw, did you get your vote in? I hope you realize that voting in California won’t make one iota of a difference? That is already in the Democrat column no matter what!
Unless of course Biden shits his undies in the middle of a conference (it can’t be ruled out), Democrats should keep California well and truly. Even if Biden needs to start wearing nappies, California will still vote Democrat. Even if the Democrat candidate was Kermit the Frog, California should still be Democrat,

And the funny thing is, the richer they are, the more likely they will vote Democrat. Especially if you live in the Bay Area, silicone valley, Hollywood and Beverly Hills.
I generally find that the more out of touch one is, the more likely they would vote Democrat,